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Research suggests that power triggers assertive action. However, people from different cultures might expect different types of action from powerful individuals such as leaders. In comparing cultural differences in leadership imagery, we find that Americans represent leaders standing ahead of groups, whereas Asians also represent leaders behind groups. We propose that front versus back positions embody two faces of leader action: individual assertion versus group-focused action. Studies 1a and 1b respectively employed etic and emic methods to demonstrate that Singaporeans were more likely than Americans to represent leaders behind groups. In Study 2, Singaporeans evaluated back leaders more favorably than Americans did, and group focus mediated cultural differences. Simulating the conditions under which cultural differences arise, Study 3 demonstrates that a primarily Western managerial sample primed with threat (versus opportunity) preferred back leaders. By describing cultural variations in imagery, we reveal more nuanced implicit theories of leader action.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the conscious status of both the knowledge that an item is legal (judgment knowledge) and the knowledge of why it is legal (structural knowledge) in sequence learning. We compared ability to control use of knowledge (Process Dissociation Procedure) with stated awareness of the knowledge (subjective measures) as measures of the conscious status of knowledge. Experiment 1 showed that when people could control use of judgment knowledge they were indeed conscious of having that knowledge according to their own statements. Yet Experiment 2 showed that people could exert such control over the use of judgment knowledge when claiming they had no structural knowledge: i.e. conscious judgment knowledge could be based on unconscious structural knowledge. Further implicit learning research should be clear over whether judgment or structural knowledge is claimed to be unconscious as the two dissociate in sequence learning.  相似文献   
尚异是犹太人的特性。它蕴藏在犹太教的基本信仰和教义里,体现在犹太人的生活方式、思维方式以及历史和现实中。犹太人在各个领域的杰出成就与其尚异特性有密切联系,同时,其悲惨遭遇也在一定程度上与之有关。犹太人求异、尚异的目的在于使犹太教区别于异教,并借以使犹太人区别于异族。犹太人之所以尚异,并能特立独行于世,在理论上源于圣经里自由、平等的价值,最终源于与众不同的唯一神信仰。揭示犹太人的尚异特性对于普遍具有尚同意识的中国人有着特别重要的意义。  相似文献   
The present study examined Chinese children's moral evaluations of truths and lies about one's own pro-social acts. Children ages 7, 9, and 11 were read vignettes in which a protagonist performs a good deed and is asked about it by a teacher, either in front of the class or in private. In response, the protagonist either tells a modest lie, which is highly valued by the Chinese culture, or tells an immodest truth, which violates the Chinese cultural norms about modesty. Children were asked to identify whether the protagonist's statement was the truth or a lie, and to evaluate how 'good' or 'bad' the statement was. Chinese children rated modest lies more positively than immodest truths, with this effect becoming more pronounced with age. Rural Chinese children and those with at least one nonprofessional parent rated immodest truths less positively when they were told in public rather than in private. Furthermore, Chinese children of parents with high collectivism scores valued modest lies more than did children of parents with low collectivism scores. These findings suggest that both macro- and micro-cultural factors contribute significantly to children's moral understanding of truth and lie telling.  相似文献   
赵峰  王文  刘力生 《心理学报》1989,22(4):102-106
社会、心理压力与疾病的发生、发展及转归有着密切的联系。而社会、心理压力为什么会导致一些心身疾病的发生?为什么可使一些疾病加重?尚无满意答案。本文选用自发性高血压大鼠(SHR),在实验室应激的条件下,对比观察了动物的血压,并对其作用机制进行了初步探讨。发现:心理紧张状态可以导致有高血压遗传素质的SHR提前发病,而且可使病情不断加重;应激后SHR血浆神经递质(NE.E)和神经肽类物质(VIP)均明显增高。表明原发性高血压病的发生、发展与社会心理因素关系密切。  相似文献   
在文献分析和半结构化访谈的基础上编制大学生过度消费初始量表。以250名大学生为被试进行项目分析和探索性因素分析,以401名大学生为被试进行信效度检验,最终形成的正式量表包含透支、计划和享乐三个维度,共11个条目。结果发现,用于测量大学生过度消费的多维量表、各维单项目量表和单项目量表均具有较高的内部一致性信度以及良好的结构效度和效标效度,可以作为后续相关研究的测量工具。  相似文献   
关于当代大学生责任意识培养的一些思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当代大学生的责任意识主要包括对自己负责的意识、对家庭负责的意识、对国家和社会负责的意识以及对全人类负责的意识.从整体状况来看,绝大多数学生对我国社会所倡导的价值观念是认同的,关心国家、社会和自我的发展,也明确自身所承担的责任.但是在大学校园中也存在着责任意识缺失的现象.其原因有:西方社会思潮和价值观念的负面影响;高等教育对大学生责任意识的培养缺乏应有的重视和有效的方法;当代大学生成长环境的影响.为此,培养当代大学生的责任意识,在教育内容上应当层次分明,循序渐进,突出重点;在教育方法上应当理论与实践并重,课堂与社会结合.  相似文献   
内隐人格理论的实体论-渐变论维度研究述评   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
对内隐人格理论的实体论-渐变论维度的研究是近年来社会认知研究的一个新趋势。研究发现,人们对人的特性(如智力、品德和人格特征等)的内隐认知理论,制约调节着他们对人的行为的理解和反应。人们持有的不同内隐人格理论导致他们不同的社会认知模式和行为反应方式。实体论者由于认为人的特性是固定不变的,而倾向于用抽象概括化的和静态的内在特质来理解人的行为;而渐变论者由于认为人的特性是动态可塑的,而倾向于用影响心理动态过程的内外具体调节因素来理解人的行为。作者在综述有关研究的基础上,进而提出一些新的见解。  相似文献   
基于智慧的德才一体理论,编制包含良好品德和聪明才智二因子的整合智慧量表,以方便取样抽取中国大陆892名青年,检验其信效度。总量表的Cronbach's α和组合信度分别为0.89和0.94。四周后重测信度为0.85。验证性因素分析发现,量表的结构效度良好,CFI=0.91,IFI=0.91,TLI=0.90,RMSEA=0.07,SRMR=0.08,也具有良好的聚合效度和区分效度。与自我评估智慧量表、三维智慧量表、开放性和心理幸福感的相关分别为0.79、0.36、0.32和0.46,与生活满意度的相关不显著(p>0.05)。这说明整合智慧量表具有良好的信效度,是测量中国青年智慧的有效工具。  相似文献   
陈孚  辛涛  刘彦楼  刘拓  田伟 《心理科学进展》2016,24(12):1946-1960
认知诊断模型界定了测验题目和所考察属性之间的关系, 通过被试的作答反应获取被试对属性或知识技能的掌握情况。认知诊断模型资料拟合检验可以从项目拟合、模型绝对拟合、模型相对拟合和个人拟合方等方面进行。通过对认知诊断拟合检验方法和统计量的详细介绍和评价, 可为认知诊断实践提供借鉴和参考。未来研究可在更丰富的研究条件下对各统计量的性能进行评价和对比, 完善已有的拟合检验方法, 提出新的拟合统计量。  相似文献   
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