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Fish typically prefer to live in big shoals due to the associated ecological benefits. Shoaling is a behavior that depends on the ability to quantitatively discriminate. The fundamental mechanism involved in quantity discrimination determines whether fish can discriminate a shoal using numerical discrete cues (e.g., number of shoal members), non-numerical continuous traits (e.g., total body surface area) or both; however, the mechanism is currently a controversial topic. In the present study, we used a spontaneous choice experiment to test whether guppy (Poecilia reticulata), zebrafish (Danio rerio), Chinese crucian carp (Carassius auratus) and qingbo (Spinibarbus sinensis) rely on continuous (i.e., body surface area) or discrete (i.e., number of shoal members) information for shoal selection by altering the body surface area (cumulative body surface area ratio of 3:2 or 1:1) between two stimulus shoals with a different number of members (2 individuals vs 3 individuals). All four fish species preferred to shoal with the stimulus shoal with the larger cumulative surface area even if the shoal had fewer members; however, fish showed no shoal preference when the cumulative surface body areas of both stimulus shoals were equal. Furthermore, qingbo did not numerically discriminate between a shoal with 1 individual and a shoal with 3 individuals when the cumulative surface areas of both stimulus shoals were equal; however, qingbo showed a preference for the shoal with the larger cumulative surface area when the two stimulus shoals each had 3 individuals. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that all four fish species relied only on non-numerical continuous quantity information for shoal selection, at least under a difficult task (i.e., 2 vs 3).  相似文献   
Soft constraints hypothesis (SCH) is a rational analysis approach that holds that the mixture of perceptual-motor and cognitive resources allocated for interactive behavior is adjusted based on temporal cost-benefit tradeoffs. Alternative approaches maintain that cognitive resources are in some sense protected or conserved in that greater amounts of perceptual-motor effort will be expended to conserve lesser amounts of cognitive effort. One alternative, the minimum memory hypothesis (MMH), holds that people favor strategies that minimize the use of memory. SCH is compared with MMH across 3 experiments and with predictions of an Ideal Performer Model that uses ACT-R's memory system in a reinforcement learning approach that maximizes expected utility by minimizing time. Model and data support the SCH view of resource allocation; at the under 1000-ms level of analysis, mixtures of cognitive and perceptual-motor resources are adjusted based on their cost-benefit tradeoffs for interactive behavior.  相似文献   
自然概念语义特征提取的范畴效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘烨  傅小兰 《心理科学》2006,29(2):286-289
本研究采用概念特征自由列举实验范式,考察三类范畴(动物、自然食物、人造物)自然概念的语义特征提取反应时间的范畴效应。结果表明,⑴语义特征提取的反应时间存在范畴效应:提取动物特征的时间显著短于提取自然食物特征的时间,提取自然食物特征的时间显著短于提取人造物特征的时间;⑵三类范畴的特征提取时间模式表现出相同的规律:先是显著降低(第1到第2个特征),然后持续升高(第2到第10个特征)。语义特征提取的范畴效应反映了语义记忆组织的范畴特异性,有必要进一步分析特征提取时间与特征类型、关联特征、独有特征之间的关系,以深入揭示语义特征提取范畴效应的产生机制。  相似文献   
话语理论是以拉克劳、墨菲为代表的后马克思主义哲学思想的核心,是他们在现代哲学,特别是20世纪哲学的语言学转向之后试图重构其哲学基石的理论尝试和结果。具体而言,话语理论是在当代言语行为理论,特别是后期维特根斯坦语言哲学的基础上,结合后结构主义者德里达的解构思想,综合而成的一种哲学理论。它试图将“话语”(d iscourse)作为后马克思主义的基石,并服务其以“霸权”(hegemony)为核心的“政治本体论”。在拉克劳和墨菲的后马克思主义思想中,所有问题都可归结为“话语”。“话语”成了阐释后马克思主义理论的重要依据和理论参考。不仅…  相似文献   
自我控制是欺骗识别中一种重要的动机线索。但无论是在识别欺骗中, 自我控制扮演的动机线索角色, 还是在欺骗行为中, 自我控制扮演的监管机制的角色, 其认知机制和神经基础还不完全清楚。自我控制能力与自我控制资源对欺骗的影响也是不一样的, 而这些影响的神经基础也还没有完全破解。因此, 有必要结合行为、事件相关电位(ERP)及功能性磁共振(fMRI)等多种技术手段来考察识别欺骗和欺骗行为中自我控制能力和自我控制资源在欺骗中的作用及其心理机制。旨在探求在识别欺骗中是识别他人自我控制能力, 还是识别他人自我控制资源在起主要作用; 欺骗行为中是自我控制能力, 还是自我控制资源在起主要作用; 自我控制资源对欺骗行为的影响是符合能量耗竭观, 还是符合能量保存观。  相似文献   
从心理学视角对闽南民间游戏葫芦问进行探究。结果表明:(1)随着游戏次数的增加,儿童情绪调控、自我监控的能力有所提高;(2)游戏领导者与非领导者的助人行为存在明显差异;(3)在葫芦问游戏中,已有知识经验是增加游戏领导者影响力的一大重要因素;(4)游戏促使儿童学会对他人的理解,进而促进了同伴关系的发展。传统民间游戏葫芦问不仅有利于历史文化故事的传播,同时对儿童社会性发展具有促进作用。  相似文献   
Fu WT 《Cognitive Science》2011,35(5):874-904
A dynamic context model of interactive behavior was developed to explain results from two experiments that tested the effects of interaction costs on encoding strategies, cognitive representations, and response selection processes in a decision-making and a judgment task. The model assumes that the dynamic context defined by the mixes of internal and external representations and processes are sensitive to the interaction cost imposed by the task environment. The model predicts that changes in the dynamic context may lead to systematic biases in cognitive representations and processes that eventually influence decision-making and judgment outcomes. Consistent with the predictions by the model, results from the experiments showed that as interaction costs increased, encoding strategies and cognitive representations shifted from perception-based to memory-based. Memory-based comparisons of the stimuli enhanced the similarity and dominance effects, and led to stronger systematic biases in response outcomes in a choice task. However, in a judgment task, memory-based representations enhanced only the dominance effects. Results suggested that systematic response biases in the dominance context were caused by biases in the cognitive representations of the stimuli, but response biases in the similarity context were caused by biases in the comparison process induced by the choice task. Results suggest that changes in interaction costs not only change whether information was assessed from the external world or from memory but also introduce systematic biases in the cognitive representation of the information, which act as biased inputs to the subsequent decision-making and judgment processes. Results are consistent with the idea of interactive cognition, which proposes that representations and processes are contingent on the dynamic context defined by the information flow between the external task environment and internal cognition.  相似文献   
耿强  付文林  刘荃 《学海》2011,(2):115-120
金融危机爆发以来,对通胀机理的深入思考,对现有货币政策理论框架的深刻反思,愈发热烈。本文全面回顾了国际经济学界在这一领域的相关文献,并以中国作为研究对象,讨论全球化对中国菲利普斯曲线的影响。实证结果认为,开放程度的加深,使得中国菲利普斯曲线变得更加平坦,物价对国内产出缺口的敏感度在下降,而一旦高通胀确立,又需要加大政策收缩力度和由此带来更多的产出牺牲。政策制定者应该充分考虑到这一情况的变化,在宏观调控过程中进行合理的政策调整。  相似文献   
王苏  傅永聚 《管子学刊》2011,(3):49-52,90
先秦儒家十分强调“礼”对于个体修身养性的重要性。他们认为,道德修养的价值就在于成就德性自我,在礼义规范的认同、体验中确立个体的道德主体地位,从而将外在的礼义约束转化为内心的道德自觉,进而成就理想人格,达到道德境界。  相似文献   
道咸以来,考据学渐衰,《管子》研究也随之进入了平缓时期。生活于清末的学者孙诒让,在《管子》研究史上承前启后,乃清末考据学之杰出者。他的《札迻》引经据典,校勘辨疑,极有乾嘉之遗风。特别是其中的《管子》部分,充分体现其学术思想,无论内容还是特色,很有典型性。后世学者校读《管子》,多以不同版本对勘,再参以前人之成果,注重多重证据,就是受了孙诒让《管子》研究的影响。  相似文献   
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