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Diriger des groupes de travail d'une autre culture : effets de I'initiation préalable à cette culture. — Etude exploratoire portant sur l'utilité de programmes d'enseignement culturel pour accroître l'efficacité de ceux qui sont amenés à diriger des groupes de travail appartenant à une autre culture que la leur. La recherche a porté sur vingt-quatre sujets américains (cadets ROTC, engagés volontaires dans une compagnie des Forces Spéciales de l'armée américaine) et a également requis la participation de douze étudiants arabes, inscrits à I'Université de l'Illinois. Les vingt-quatre sujets américains ont été divisés en deux groupes égaux d'après la note qu'ils ont obtenue au LPC (Least Preferred Coworker : partenaire le moins aimé) qui permet d'apprécier les attitudes manifestées dans l'exercice du commandement. Ces groupes sont de nouveau dichotomisés selon deux types de formation : douze sujets reçoivent pendant trois heures un enseignement programmé sur la culture arabe, les douze autres reçoivent un enseignement de même durée et de même forme, sur un sujet sans rapport avec la culture arabe, à savoir la géographie du Moyen-Orient. Après la phase d'enseignement, on demande à chaque S. américain de diriger un groupe composé de deux arabes et de lui-même. Chaque équipe de deux arabes est utilisée une fois dans chacune des quatre conditions expérimentales (deux types de chefs, deux types de formation), l'ordre étant contrebalancé. Chaque groupe travaille sur trois tâches différentes (une tâche coopérative non structurée, une tâche coopérative structurée, une tâche de négotiation). On obtient généralement un plus haut niveau de performance, mesurée à la fois par la productivité et par la qualité des relations dirigeant-dirigé, avec les moniteurs qui ont reçu un enseignement sur la culture arabe. On trouve également des différences entre les moniteurs libéraux, soucieux de bonnes relations inter-personnelles et les moniteurs autoritaires et répressifs. l'interaction entre I'initiation à la culture et le style de commandement montre que les moniteurs qui ont des styles différents bénéficient de manière spécifique du programme d'initiation culturelle. On constate que I'initiation à la culture et I'interaction face à face avec des gens d'une autre culture entraînent des changements positifs dans les attitudes.  相似文献   
We examined the comorbidity of bulimia and personality pathology among college women. Subjects included women (n=23) meeting DSM-III-R criteria for bulimia nervosa (bulimics), women (n=23) who reported binge eating but did not fulfill the criteria for bulimia nervosa (binge eaters), and women (n=23) who did not binge eat (normals). The subjects completed an assessment battery consisting of the Personality Disorders Examination and the SCID as well as the Beck Depression Inventory, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Index, and measures of impulsivity and self-defeating tendencies. Fourteen of 23 bulimics (61%) met criterion for a personality disorder using DSM-III-R Axis II criteria. In comparison, 3 of 23 (13%) binge eaters and 1 of 23 (4%) normal subjects received an Axis II diagnosis. Borderline and self-defeating diagnoses were the predominant personality disorders in 96% of the bulimics exhibiting clinically significant personality pathology. Bulimics also exhibited significantly more depression, impulsivity, and self-defeating behavior and lower self-esteem than binge eaters and normals. The findings are discussed within a conceptual framework that posits an interaction between personality pathology and restrained eating.  相似文献   


Overt integrity tests versus personality-based measures of delinquency: An empirical comparis  相似文献   
Although many researchers wishing to use the World-Wide Web for academic purposes rely on centralized Web services, they should be aware that it is neither expensive nor difficult to operate their own server. Doing so provides research-related benefits such as complete control over their host name and documents provided, the guaranteed ability to execute common gateway interface and server-side include programs, immediate access to their collected data, and the ability to better control who participates in their experiments. This paper surveys Web-server software features likely to be of interest to psychologists and conceptually summarizes their operation and use. The basic steps required to set up a Web server on popular microcomputers are reviewed, and security issues concerning Web-server operation are discussed. An accompanying resource Web page can assist users in setting up their own servers.  相似文献   
We report the results of a prospective study of a random sample of 1353 elderly but healthy men and women who were followed up for a period of 10 yr, when mortality and cause of death were ascertained. Overall results have been reported elsewhere for mortality from cancer, coronary heart disease and other causes; here we are concerned with the personality factors predicting breast cancer, cervical cancer, cancer of the corpus uteri specifically, as well as other types of cancer in women. Ten specific hypotheses were tested, using specially constructed questionnaires for the purpose, and for most of these statistically significant support was obtained. The results justify belief that specific types of cancer may be related to specific stress/personality factors.  相似文献   
Although there are measurable differences in integrative complexity among solutions that individuals generate in dealing with problems, it is uncertain to what extent people comprehend, recognize, and have preferences among different levels of complexity. Integrative complexity is a function of differentiation (the perception of several attributes within, or perspectives about, a topic) and integration (combining the differentiated characteristics in an interactive or synthesizing solution). The current paper reports two experiments dealing with how university students perceive, interpret, and choose among solutions differing in complexity. Experiment 1 showed that subjects accurately rated the complexity of described solutions differing along the continuum, but that their assessment of their own responses differed from the results of expert scoring. Their self-estimated complexity was highly correlated with their preferences, and preferred complexity was reliably higher than either expert- or self-assessed complexity of subject-generated solutions. Subjects were able to hypothesize quite accurately about environmental and endogenous factors likely to affect complexity. Experiment 2 found that in response to problem scenarios, solutions selected as being potentially most effective were consistently more complex than solutions that participants considered themselves most likely to use. The idea of complexity seems to be intuitively recognizable and understandable by untrained subjects: They can and do distinguish among problem solutions (self-generated or presented) that vary on that dimension, and are able to assess accurately the effects of relevant variables. Such subjects also share the bias shown by experts in favour of the superiority of more complex approaches.  相似文献   
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