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Verbal transformations are illusory changes that arise from listening to a spoken word repeated over and over for a prolonged period of time. Past research has yielded some evidence of age differences in participants' reports of verbal transformations. The goal of the present study was to examine reports of illusory percepts in young and older adults to determine whether participant characteristics (i.e., age, cognitive integrity, hearing acuity, vocabulary knowledge, and mood) and differences in sensitivity to properties of the stimulus material could account for age-related declines in reports of illusory changes. We observed age-related declines in new forms (illusory percepts) but merely a trend in the same direction for transitions (changes from the veridical sensory experience to illusory percepts and reversals to either the veridical sensory experience or other percepts). There was no evidence that participant characteristics other than age accounted for reports of illusory changes. However, we found age differences in participants' sensitivity to properties of the stimulus material: Young adults but not older adults were sensitive to the frequency of the veridical percepts. In contrast, both age groups were sensitive to the size of the neighborhood of similar-sounding words. These findings are discussed regarding the transmission deficit hypothesis (MacKay & Burke, 1990).  相似文献   
Accurate assessment of ethnic minority clients is often hindered by clinician bias and lack of culturally sensitive instruments. Multicultural guidelines can enhance clinician awareness and sensitivity in conducting assessments with diverse populations. These guidelines are illustrated using an Asian Indian American character from Lahiri's (2008) novel Unaccustomed Earth. La evaluación precisa de clientes pertenecientes a minorías étnicas se ve con frecuencia dificultada por el sesgo de los especialistas clínicos y la falta de instrumentos culturalmente sensibles. Las directrices multiculturales pueden ampliar la conciencia de los especialistas y su sensibilidad al llevar a cabo evaluaciones con poblaciones diversas. Estas directrices se ilustran usando un personaje indoasiáticoamericano extraído de la novela Unaccustomed Earth de Lahiri (2008).  相似文献   
This study used latent transition analysis (LTA) to examine changes in early emotional and behavioral problems in children age 2 to 4 years resulting from participation in a family-centered intervention. A sample of 731 economically disadvantaged families was recruited from among participants in a national food supplement and nutrition program. Families with toddlers between age 2 and 3 were randomized either to the Family Check-Up (FCU) or to a nonintervention control group. The FCU’s linked interventions were tailored to each family’s needs. Assessments occurred at age 2, 3, and 4. The FCU followed age 2 and age 3 assessments. Latent class analyses were conducted on mother reports of behavior and emotional problems from age 2 to 4 to study transitions among the following four groups: (a) externalizing only, (b) internalizing only, (c) comorbid internalizing and externalizing, and (d) normative. LTA results revealed that participation in the FCU increased the likelihood of transitioning from either the comorbid or the internalizing class into the normative class by age 4. These results suggest family interventions in early childhood can potentially disrupt the early emergence of both emotional and behavioral problems.  相似文献   
The main objective of this study was to determine whether being taught the latest information concerning borderline personality disorder (BPD) leads to a decline in core BPD symptoms and an improvement in psychosocial functioning. Fifty-five late adolescent women participated in a rigorous diagnostic assessment and 50 met DIB-R and DSM-IV criteria for BPD. All 50 were informed that they met criteria for BPD. Then 30 were randomized to a psychoeducation workshop that took place within a week of diagnostic disclosure. The other 20 were assigned to a waitlist and participated in the workshop at the end of this 12-week study. The two primary outcome measures were readministered each week of the trial: the Zanarini Rating Scale for DSM-IV Borderline Personality Disorder (ZAN-BPD) and the Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS). Immediate psychoeducation concerning the BPD diagnosis was associated with a significantly greater decline in general impulsivity and the storminess of close relationships. However, it did not result in significantly improved psychosocial functioning. Taken together, the results of this study suggest that informing patients about BPD soon after diagnostic disclosure may help to alleviate the severity of two of the core elements of borderline psychopathology-general impulsivity and unstable relationships. They also suggest that such instruction may prove to be a useful and cost-efficient form of pre-treatment.  相似文献   
This paper explores the narratives of three women aged 65–72 years. They reflected on an episode of therapeutic art-making in midlife, which addressed depression associated with marital crisis and breakdown. The narrative analysis focused upon on the ways in which participants narrated the events leading up to their participation in therapeutic art-making; the aspects of therapeutic art-making that continued to be given significance; the characters given primacy in the stories they told about their journey through therapy and marital breakdown; meanings, symbolic and otherwise, that participants ascribed to their artwork made during this turning point in their lives; and aspects of the narratives that conveyed present-day identities and artistic endeavors. The narratives revealed the complexity of the journey through marital breakdown and depression into health, and showed that therapeutic art-making could best be understood, not as a stand-alone experience, but as given meaning within the context of wider personal and social resources. Participants looked back on therapeutic art-making that occurred two decades earlier and still described this as a significant turning point in their personal development. Art as an adjunct to counselling/therapy was not only symbolically self-expressive but provided opportunity for decision-making, agency and a reformulated self-image.  相似文献   
Many models of learning rely on accessing internal knowledge states. Yet, although infants and young children are recognized to be proficient learners, the ability to act on metacognitive information is not thought to develop until early school years. In the experiments reported here, 3.5-year-olds demonstrated memory-monitoring skills by responding on a non-verbal task originally developed for non-human animals, in which they had to access their knowledge states. Children learned a set of paired associates, and were given the option to skip uncertain trials on a recognition memory test. Accuracy for accepted items was significantly higher than for skipped on a subsequent memory task that included all items. Additionally, children whose memory-monitoring assessments more closely matched actual memory performance showed superior overall learning, suggesting a correlation between memory-monitoring and memory itself. The results suggest that children may have implicit access to internal knowledge states at very young ages, providing an explanation for how they are able to guide learning, even as infants.  相似文献   
I argue for a version of “ought” implies “can”. In particular, I argue that it is necessarily true that if an agent, S, ultima facie ought to do A at T’, then there is a time T* such that S can at T* do A at T’. In support of this principle, I have argued that without it, we cannot explain how it is that, in cases where agents cannot do the best thing, they often ought to do some alternative action – such as get help or do the promised action later; nor can we explain the phenomenon of necessary enablers or the phenomenon of more stringent prima facie obligations overriding less stringent ones in cases where the agent cannot fulfill both.  相似文献   
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