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Perceptuomotor functions that support using hand tools can be examined in other manipulation tasks, such as alignment of objects to surfaces. We examined tufted capuchin monkeys’ and chimpanzees’ performance at aligning objects to surfaces while managing one or two spatial relations to do so. We presented six subjects of each species with a single stick to place into a groove, two sticks of equal length to place into two grooves, or two sticks joined as a T to place into a T-shaped groove. Tufted capuchins and chimpanzees performed equivalently on these tasks, aligning the straight stick to within 22.5° of parallel to the groove in approximately half of their attempts to place it, and taking more attempts to place the T stick than two straight sticks. The findings provide strong evidence that tufted capuchins and chimpanzees do not reliably align even one prominent axial feature of an object to a surface, and that managing two concurrent allocentric spatial relations in an alignment problem is significantly more challenging to them than managing two sequential relations. In contrast, humans from 2 years of age display very different perceptuomotor abilities in a similar task: they align sticks to a groove reliably on each attempt, and they readily manage two allocentric spatial relations concurrently. Limitations in aligning objects and in managing two or more relations at a time significantly constrain how nonhuman primates can use hand tools.  相似文献   
The authors investigated strategies used to combine seriated cups by apes (Pan troglodytes and P. paniscus) and monkeys (Cebus apella) using a protocol reported in P. M. Greenfield, K. Nelson, and E. Saltzman's (1972) study with children. It was hypothesized that apes would exhibit more hierarchical combinations of cups than monkeys, given apes' language capacity, and that apes would seriate the cups more efficiently than monkeys. As predicted, apes made many structures with the cups using a variety of strategies, and monkeys rarely combined the cups. After a training phase to orient monkeys to the task, the 2 genera did not differ in the strategies used to combine the cups or in efficiency in seriating the cups. Success in this task suggests that sensorimotor versions of hierarchically organized combinatorial activity are well within apes' and monkeys' abilities.  相似文献   
Walsh  DM 《Mind》1998,107(427):625-652
两个实验考查了年龄和性别群体中是否存在外群体同质性效应以及熟悉性对该种效应的影响。结果表明:1.年龄群体中存在明显的外群体同质性效应,这与青年群体和老年群体彼此不够熟悉有关;2.性别群体中不存在外群体同质性效应,这与青年男女群体彼此较为熟悉有关。  相似文献   
To identify behaviors related to acquisition of tool-use in tufted capuchins (Cebus apella), we presented two tool-using tasks to two groups, extending findings by Westergaard and Fragaszy (1987) and Visalberghi (in press). Five Ss learned to use the tools in each task. The primary predictor of success was level of interest in the task. Observation of others at the apparatus did not facilitate exploratory behaviors or contact with the tools in the observers. Most animals performed exploratory behaviors more often when they were at the apparatus alone than when with another, whether or not the other was using a tool. Observers were quick to learn the relationship between another's activities and the appearance of food. We conclude that capuchins do not readily learn about instrumental relations by observation of others or imitate other's acts. Imitation probably plays no role in the spread of novel instrumental behaviors among monkeys.  相似文献   
Handheld tools transform the actor's body into a body-plus-tool system such that the fit of the actor's body, the tool, and the task demand channel movement in action. In this study, we performed a biomechanical analysis of percussive actions in wild bearded capuchin monkeys, Sapajus libidinosus at Fazenda Boa Vista, Brazil, as they cracked open tucum nuts with anvil-and-hammer tools from the frame of reference of the body-plus-tool system. The ratio of hammer mass to body mass—the “body-scaled hammer mass”—influenced the monkeys' actions with a hammer and their performance in cracking nuts. Both body mass and hammer mass did not independently influence the monkeys' actions with a hammer and their performance in cracking nuts. These findings support the hypothesis that the properties of the body-plus-tool system are not simply the sum of the properties of the body and the tool.  相似文献   
Rotational inertia—a mechanical quantity that describes the differential resistance of an object to angular acceleration in different directions—has been shown to support perception of the properties of that object through dynamic touch (wielding). The goal of the present study was to examine if perception of the length of an object through dynamic touch depends on its rotational inertia, independent of the medium in which it is wielded. The participants (n = 14) wielded 12 different objects held in air or completely immersed in water and reported perceived lengths of those objects. Each object consisted of a rod of a particular density with a particular number of stacked steel rings attached at a particular location along its length. Perceived length was invariant across medium. In addition, a single-valued function of the major eigenvalue, I 1, and the minor eigenvalue, I 3, of the rotational inertia, I, of the 12 objects predicted the perceived lengths of those objects in both air and water, and the perceived lengths were invariant across the two media. These results support the hypothesis that the informational support for perception of the length of an object through dynamic touch is invariant across changes in the medium.  相似文献   
Bimanual coordination represents a complex self-organizing system that is subject to both internal and contextual constraints. Although there has been interest in examining bimanual development throughout the lifespan, few data exist relative to the bimanual activity of children between 1 and 4 years of age. The study reported here represents an initial effort to address this gap. Twenty-seven children who were either 12, 18 or 24 months old were videotaped while drumming with sticks on a plastic drum. Two independent observers recorded bout length as well as number and phase relation of movement cycles within bouts. Kinematic analysis provided more detailed information about the timing and form of children's activity. Results indicate that bimanual drumming becomes preferred over unimanual drumming by 2 years of age, that the proportions of different phase relations exhibited by children change between 1 and 2 years of age, and that the behavior appears to go through periods of stability and variability within this age range. These results are discussed in the context of the child's physical development and interactions with the environment during this period.  相似文献   
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