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During the last years, different types of violence have severely damaged Mexico. In this paper we examine the consequences that violence could have in children, one of the most vulnerable segments of society. In short, we predict that exposure to any type of violence will lead to higher depression and that this could be explained through the effects of violence on childhood well-being. Our hypothesis was supported in two studies, showing that exposure to street violence (Study 1, N = 607) and exposure to collective violence (Study 2, N = 172) can increase childhood depression. Moreover, in both studies, this effect was explained by the decrease of childhood well-being caused by violence exposure. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

En el presente experimento se analizaron los potenciales evocados (PEs) de 32 sujetos en respuesta a diapositivas en color de cuatro expresiones faciales presentadas 32 veces cada una: alegría, tristeza, ira y neutra. La estructura de los PEs, registrados en Fz, Cz y Pz, se analizó vía análisis de componentes principales (ACP). Los ANOVAs indicaron que las amplitudes de N150 y P200 mostraron un doble emparejamiento alegría-ira y tristeza-neutra. Estos componentes han sido relacionados en anteriores estudios con el análisis físico de los estímulos. La visibilidad o no de los dientes en las expresiones puede explicar tales emparejamientos. Los resultados de componentes posteriores (N250 y P300) mostraron diferencias significativas entre las expresiones neutra y de alegría. Estos datos pueden ser interpretados tanto en términos de procesamiento afectivo como cognitivo. En todos los casos, Fz y Cz fueron las localizaciones donde las amplitudes de los componentes estudiados fueron mayores.  相似文献   

Una revisión de los estudios teóricos y experimentales del modelo comportamental Psicolinguistico de Charles E. Osgood se lleva a cabo. Del análisis del modelo y de su instrumento de validación—el diferencial semántico—se deducen un conjunto de inadecuaciones que sugieren que el lenguaje no puede ser explicado a partir dei uso osgoodiano de la teoría del aprendizaje. A sus inadecuaciones teóricas en relación con la referencia, se suma que el diferencial semántico no constituye un test de condicionamiento, sino una tarea de categorización de memoria inmediata. (Short-term memory.) Los resultados del D.S. se derivan del tipo de diseño experimental.  相似文献   

Spanish adolescents’ dominant achievement goals and their specific profiles were explored in a physical education context. A sample of 385 students (207 males and 178 females, M = 14.2 years) completed a questionnaire that included 2x2 achievement goals (AGQ-PE), dominant achievement goals, affectivity (PANASN), perfectionism (IPI) and outcome variables such as satisfaction with life (SLS), and intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and amotivation (PLOC). Eighty-seven percent of participants showed dominant achievement goals, the highest percentage was mastery-approach (66%). Patterns found were consistent with the theoretical framework. Students that showed dominant mastery-approach achievement goals had a positively valenced profile. Those that showed performance-approach dominance had a positive and negative valenced profile. The ones that showed performance-avoidance had a negative valenced profile. Finally, subjects that showed mastery-avoidance dominance had a neutral valenced profile.  相似文献   

La autora comienza exponiendo una síntesis de los modelos de Thurstone y Anderson -Ley del Juicio Comparativo y Teoría de la Integración de la Información, respectivamente- los cuales, desde supuestos distintos, permiten establecer una escala de intervalos en la medición de estímulos subjetivos. En esta investigación el objetivo es descubrir la existencia de una transformación admisible para la escala de intervalos que permita pasar de la escala de medida proporcionada por un modelo a la proporcionada por el otro, utilizando los mismos estímulos y los mismos sujetos. El trabajo concluye considerando que los resultados son esperanzadores aunque se sugiere aceptarlos con cierta cautela ya que se utilizaron pocas categorías de estímulos.  相似文献   

En este artículo se pone a prueba la influencia de efectos placebo en la aceptación de informes evaluativos y diagnósticos por los sujetos. Tras introducir brevemente el tema y plantear las hipótesis, los autores describen el método y los resultados de su investigación. En la discusión explican que estos resultados sugieren que la aceptación del diagnóstico que ofrece un profesional es un fenómeno general independiente de las características personales de los individuos que lo reciben, poniendo en entredicho el fenómeno de la validación personal y, al mismo tiempo, interactúa con determinadas características profesionales de los sujetos, ligadas a imágenes de personalidad a las que son más propensos. Los autores también analizan una limitación importante de su trabajo, el tamaño reducido de la muestra, y finalizan destacando que es el contenido del informe, más que el tipo de pruebas o profesionales, lo que parece afectar diferencialmente a distintos grupos profesionales.  相似文献   
Because little research had been done on the presence and role of latent communication in the context of team‐conducted family therapy, the writers set out to monitor unconscious responses generated under these conditions. Specifically, they investigated an ongoing family treatment situation conducted according to the “reflecting team model.” One team of therapists handles the actual treatment session, while the other observes from behind a one‐way mirror. During the course of a session, the second team makes suggestions to the treatment team either by telephone or by calling the therapists out of the treatment room.

As the project developed, the writers found that the unconscious responses of both family and treatment teams indicated a process at work beyond the conscious intentions of the participants. That is, the therapeutic enterprise was functioning as a dynamical system, whose increasing complexity suggested a self organizing principle at work. This paper traces the development of the system's movement toward greater complexity, identifies the specific interventions that indicate this process, describes how all participants demonstrated a high degree of resonance and synchronization with this overarching‐self organizing pattern. This paper serves to alert therapists to the role of unconscious communication within the therapeutic system and postulates that the generation of form within psychotherapy follows many of the same self organizing processes found in other human and non human systems.  相似文献   

This article consists of three parts. The first explores the relation between paradox, de-paradoxication, and time, which I hold to be a relatively unattended yet very important tandem of concepts in Luhmann's work (Luhmann, 1993, 1995; Rasch, 2000). The second part will try to theoretically think through (de-paradoxicalize) a conundrum of present time: globalization and its opponents. In the third and last part, I briefly explore the paradox of conscious evolution, taking into account the specifics of the relations between social systems of communication and individual psychic systems in Luhmann's theory.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to discuss the dynamic interdependence of knowledge and economic growth. We show that the traditional economics, which treats knowledge as parameters and is mainly developed within linearized, stable and static frameworks can hardly explain the modern economic complexity. We argue that it is necessary to treat creativity, learning and knowledge utilization as endogenous dynamic processes of social and economic evolution. To handle with the complicated dynamic interdependence of wealth and knowledge accumulation, we need to apply genuine nonlinear dynamic theory. In particular, we discuss possible benefits of government's intervention in education and science to the society when the social and economic evolution is characterized of nonlinearity, instability and multi‐equilibria.  相似文献   
The postmodern world seems to have conclusively lost faith in the heady promises of human emancipation through rational understanding that have pervaded the Western world since the time of the Enlightenment. As the end of the millennium approaches and the evidence of man‐made environmental degradation accumulates nihilism and malaise color the future. This article argues that a clear understanding of both evolutionary forces and human consciousness permits to formulate a guardedly optimistic alternative view. It is advanced that the very sense of despair current circumstances have created may trigger a move toward a new form of psycho‐functional adaptation, simultaneously constituting a first instance of “conscious evolution” and fulfilling the progressive promise intrinsic in the full use of our rational faculties.  相似文献   
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