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刘岩  苏彦捷  徐国庆 《心理学报》2005,37(5):590-597
脑成像研究表明,准确的知晓感(FOK)可以分为知道感和不知道感,两者可能依赖不同的大脑机制实现。该研究通过两个实验,检验了线索和靶子的频率对FOK判断准确性的影响,并在行为水平上考察了“知道感和不知道感可能通过不同的认知过程来实现”的假设。实验一表明:靶子字的频率对FOK判断的准确性有影响,即靶子为低频字时,FOK判断的准确性降低;同时,线索和靶子的字频对知道感和不知道感判断的等级没有影响。实验二显示:线索熟悉性只影响准确的不知道感判断等级,而靶项目强度只影响准确的知道感判断等级,即产生了非交叉的双重分离。综上,我们发现了靶子的字频对FOK判断准确性的影响,并从行为实验的角度证实,知道感和不知道感依赖不同的认知加工过程。  相似文献   
一种对动物学习记忆能力突变筛查的新途   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文详细描述了一种全自动化的行为检测方案。在自然饲养环境/检测环境(24/7)中, 我们测量了小鼠针对两个给食器中获得食物的比例与它们在相应给食器停留时长的比例进行匹配的精确性与准确性。该方案是对传统条件性习得 (trials-to-acquisition) 行为测验设备的改进, 可以检测动物时间间隔能力的精确性与准确性, 对定时目标选择的相关概率的效果, 以及记忆一天中从不同给食器中获得食物次数的精确性与准确性。该压缩系统避免了在整个实验过程中对小鼠的持握操作, 可忽略实验者/技术员的实验操作时间, 而且可以递送小鼠置入实验环境后, 7~9个实验日中全部3组实验流程产生的大量结果。其中, 第一个实验流程为单个24小时周期内完成的时间匹配能力的筛查, 它对动物的时间、空间估计能力的记忆机制进行精确检测。因此, 该系统允许在有限的实验空间、较短的实验周期内, 对大量的实验小鼠进行有可能存在的学习记忆能力缺陷进行大规模筛查。此外, 该系统运行所依赖的软件可以在公共开放平台获得。  相似文献   
肿瘤内科治疗的疗效评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
肿瘤内科治疗是肿瘤综合治疗三大手段之一,在肿瘤治疗中占有举足轻重的地位。肿瘤内科治疗的疗效评价也逐步发展和完善。新的疗效评价指标逐渐被接受,延长生存期和提高肿瘤病人的生存质量已成为肿瘤内科治疗疗效评价的原则,临床肿瘤学工作者应转变观念,以利于更好地开展临床工作。  相似文献   
大学生A型行为类型及其学业情绪特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用A型行为类型量表和大学生一般学业情绪问卷对218名大学生进行了调查。结果发现:被调查大学生中A型行为者(A和A^-)约占25%。大学生的学业情绪以正性情绪为主,A型行为者的比例和学业情绪的得分在性别、年级、专业变量上无显著差异。不同行为类型者学业情绪的特点:B型者(B或B^-)的羞愧、气愤、厌烦、焦虑、自豪、希望、愉快情绪均明显低于A型者(A或A^-);B型者(B或B^-)的羞愧、气愤情绪明显低于极端中间型者;TH得分高者负性情绪多而不能放松;CH得分高的学生既有羞愧和气愤,又有自豪和希望。  相似文献   
自发性知觉经络反应(autonomous sensory meridian response,ASMR)是指在特定的视听刺激下,某些个体(ASMR敏感个体)在头皮后部、颈部乃至全身体验到一种令人极度愉快和放松的刺麻感的现象。其中,刺麻感的产生可能是个体大脑中负责感觉和肌肉运动的脑区高度激活引起的; 而与情绪和奖赏有关脑区的高度激活以及心率和呼吸频率的下降可能是产生愉快和放松感的重要原因。相比普通个体,ASMR敏感个体具有较高的神经质、共情特质、感觉受暗示性和特质正念。这可能说明ASMR敏感个体的感觉敏感性较高,情绪稳定性较弱,且比较关注自己身体的内外感受。这些个性特质可能导致ASMR敏感个体对某些视听刺激中所包含的一些感觉和情绪信息更加敏感,对其反应也更加强烈。目前,ASMR已经被用于抑郁,压力,失眠和慢性疼痛等的临床治疗以及商业广告之中。但ASMR可能会干扰个体的执行功能,在认知控制需求较高的情景下应尽量避免接触ASMR刺激。  相似文献   
心理理论作为个体重要的社会认知能力之一,从1978年被提出以来一直备受关注。值此心理理论研究发展40年之际,研究试图借助文献计量学的方法,从宏观的视角呈现1999年到2018年心理理论研究的状况。结果表明,近二十年来心理理论的文献年发表量保持线性增长。文献的主题从关注心理理论的发展和测量,逐渐过渡到将心理理论放在社会认知的框架中进行探讨。研究同时以发表文献数量为指标,探讨了该领域的代表性杂志和重要作者。结合现有心理理论研究的成果,文章最后从心理理论的研究问题领域、相关脑区、毕生发展、异常发展和人工心理理论的建构几个方面进行了延伸讨论。  相似文献   
Terman M  Terman JS 《CNS spectrums》2005,10(8):647-63; quiz 672
Bright light therapy for seasonal affective disorder (SAD) has been investigated and applied for over 20 years. Physicians and clinicians are increasingly confident that bright light therapy is a potent, specifically active, nonpharmaceutical treatment modality. Indeed, the domain of light treatment is moving beyond SAD, to nonseasonal depression (unipolar and bipolar), seasonal flare-ups of bulimia nervosa, circadian sleep phase disorders, and more. Light therapy is simple to deliver to outpatients and inpatients alike, although the optimum dosing of light and treatment time of day requires individual adjustment. The side-effect profile is favorable in comparison with medications, although the clinician must remain vigilant about emergent hypomania and autonomic hyperactivation, especially during the first few days of treatment. Importantly, light therapy provides a compatible adjunct to antidepressant medication, which can result in accelerated improvement and fewer residual symptoms.  相似文献   
We propose a model to measure risk in a prisoner's dilemma based on Coombs' (1973) re‐parameterization of the game as an individual risk decision‐making task that chooses between a gamble of cooperation and another gamble of defection. Specifically, we propose an index, r, to represent the risk associated with cooperation relative to defection. In conjunction with Rapoport's (1967) index of cooperation (K), our formulation of risk allows us to construct games that vary in risk (as indexed by r) while controlling for cooperativeness (as indexed by K). Following utility analysis that models risk seeking as a convex utility function and risk averse as a concave function, we predict that risk‐seeking people cooperate more in games that the cooperation choice is more risky, whereas risk‐averse people cooperate more in games that the cooperation choice is less risky. In the three studies that we varied game parameters, used different measures of risk orientation and prosocial orientation and used different experimental procedures, we found robust results supporting our predictions. Theoretical analysis of our formulation further suggests that risk and cooperativeness of a prisoner's dilemma game is not entirely independent. Games that have a higher cooperativeness index are necessarily more risky. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Several studies have shown that a phonological deficit is the origin of developmental dyslexia, because dyslexics have important difficulties in mapping orthographic to phonological codes. However, visual criteria are still used for the diagnosis of dyslexia and to develop methods of intervention. This study attempts to determine whether there are visual problems in dyslexic children. To this aim, dyslexic children and children without reading difficulties, matched by chronological age, participated in two experiments. One study was based on the Reversal test and the other was a visual decision task in which participants had to decide whether two letters were the same or different. There were 40 pairs of letters, to measure reaction times and mistakes. The results showed that dyslexics had similar performance to controls in the detection of different visual stimuli. Developmental dyslexics do not appear to have visual perceptual problems, but a particular difficulty to retrieve the phonological code of graphemes.  相似文献   
Evidence from recent studies suggests that the method used to assess self-enhancement can influence the interpretation of findings on the existence of self-enhancement among East Asians. Circumventing many of the methodological problems associated with previous studies, we conducted a cross-cultural study that contrasted participants’ self-evaluations of personality traits with peer ratings. Specifically, East Asian and European American participants provided separate self- and peer-ratings on measures of individualistically- and collectivistically-valued traits in a round-robin design. Results revealed greater self-enhancement tendency among European Americans on both traits. Moreover, European Americans, but not East Asians, provided self-ratings that were more positive than peer-ratings. These findings challenge claims regarding the use of tactical self-enhancement among East Asians.  相似文献   
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