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针对动作理解的机制,模拟论主张大脑自发模拟他人的动作,就相同的动作其理解也相同,而理论论则认为人们基于合理性原则对他人动作进行推理,相同的动作发生在不同的情境时会有不同的理解。但以往研究所采用动作材料的运动学特性和发生情境存在共变,其难以区分动作理解是支持模拟论还是理论论。通过两项实验,采用动画制作技术来产生有无约束情境下的追逐动作,以指示动作加工过程的脑电μ抑制为指标,对前述两种观点进行了检验。其中,在约束情境中存在障碍物,追逐者需改变运动方向以绕过障碍物,从后方逐渐趋近目标;而无约束情境中不存在障碍物,但追逐者依然保持与存在约束情景下相同的运动模式。结果发现,当追逐动作发生在存在约束的情境时,其基于合理性原则推测可获得清晰的动作目标,该条件下的μ抑制程度高于不存在约束情境的条件(实验1);而当仅追逐者运动,即趋近的目标不确定时,虽然有约束和无约束情境间的物理差异与实验1相同,但条件间μ抑制的差异消失(实验2);且上述μ抑制并非与注意相关的枕叶α活动的泛化。该结果提示,动作发生的情境信息影响人们对动作的理解,即基于推理过程理解动作,支持理论论观点。  相似文献   
The results of a nationwide survey point out both commonality and diversity in the experiences of women in consciousness-raising (CR) groups. Women commonly joined CR groups through women's organizations, and their most important reason for entering CR was to examine women's roles and experiences. Most groups encouraged self-disclosure and openness and discouraged domineering and lack of commitment. The backgrounds and personal characteristics of CR participants were diverse. Housewives, women with children, and women with higher levels of symptoms more strongly valued psychological help as a reason for joining CR; in contrast, working women and students, women without children, and women with fewer symptoms more strongly endorsed strengthening their feminism. Women's reasons for joining in turn predicted which CR experiences they valued. Nearly all women were highly satisfied with CR. Satisfaction with CR was not related to members' personal characteristics, but rather to the processes occurring in their groups.  相似文献   
如今互联网推动人类进入信息爆炸时代,有限大脑容量与激增信息量间的巨大反差对人类决策提出了前所未有的挑战,但已有知识系统却找不出应对它的现成答案。围绕"互联网海量信息环境对人类决策的挑战"和"互联网海量信息环境下人类决策的应对方式"两个关键科学问题,我们借鉴动物选择"无序个体单独行动"和"有序集体统一行动"的转换机制,提出互联网海量信息环境下的内外脑应对方式,冀增进人们对互联网环境下决策行为的理解。  相似文献   
大量流行病学研究证实,吸烟是导致肺癌的首要危险因素。因此,控烟才是解决问题的根本途径。本文简述了吸烟的主要危害及目前我国吸烟的现状,在此基础上提出需要在生物-心理-社会医学模式的理论框架下全面考虑控烟及吸烟相关疾病的预防和管理。  相似文献   
以891名河北省衡水市某小学4~6年级学生为研究对象,采用问卷调查的方式,考察了亲子间教育期望差异对小学生情感幸福感的影响,以及学业成绩和学业自我效能感的多重中介作用。结果发现:(1)亲子间教育期望差异影响小学生情感幸福感,与感知到的父母教育期望和自我教育期望一致相比,当感知到的父母教育期望高于自我教育期望时,小学生的积极情感水平更低而消极情感水平更高;(2)学业成绩和学业自我效能感在“感知到的父母教育期望 > 自我教育期望”这一差异方向与积极情感间起部分中介作用,在“感知到的父母教育期望 > 自我教育期望”与消极情感间起完全中介作用。具体而言,“感知到的父母教育期望 > 自我教育期望”可直接影响积极情感,还可通过学业成绩和学业自我效能感的链式中介作用以及学业自我效能感的独立中介作用间接影响积极情感;同时,“感知到的父母教育期望 > 自我教育期望”可通过学业成绩和学业自我效能感的链式中介作用、学业自我效能感的独立中介作用以及学业成绩的独立中介作用影响消极情感。  相似文献   
在现实生活中,人具有多方面的需要.人的需要即人的本性.人的需要之所以能成为社会发展的内驱力,主要在于人有理性.然而,理性是人的福音也是人的祸因.因为正是理性使人处于一种永恒的不可避免的不平衡状态中,导致了人与自然、人与类、人与自我的深刻矛盾.这种种矛盾在现实中无从解脱,常使人去寻求另外超越的途径.这就是信仰.如何寻找人的精神家园正成为人类最重要的课题之一.儒学以其对人存在的意义、价值及其自我完善等生命智慧的深刻性,展示了其在现代人重建精神家园中的积极意义.  相似文献   
Prior studies examining posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom clusters and the components of the interpersonal theory of suicide (ITS) have yielded mixed results, likely stemming in part from the use of divergent samples and measurement techniques. This study aimed to expand on these findings by utilizing a large military sample, gold standard ITS measures, and multiple PTSD factor structures. Utilizing a sample of 935 military personnel, hierarchical multiple regression analyses were used to test the association between PTSD symptom clusters and the ITS variables. Additionally, we tested for indirect effects of PTSD symptom clusters on suicidal ideation through thwarted belongingness, conditional on levels of perceived burdensomeness. Results indicated that numbing symptoms are positively associated with both perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness and hyperarousal symptoms (dysphoric arousal in the 5‐factor model) are positively associated with thwarted belongingness. Results also indicated that hyperarousal symptoms (anxious arousal in the 5‐factor model) were positively associated with fearlessness about death. The positive association between PTSD symptom clusters and suicidal ideation was inconsistent and modest, with mixed support for the ITS model. Overall, these results provide further clarity regarding the association between specific PTSD symptom clusters and suicide risk factors.  相似文献   
知识社会中的中医学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一 写这么一篇文章,完全出自一种冲动.在上个世纪末(1999年)的某地方中医药学界,发生了一件匪夷所思之事,一个中年学者写了一篇<变亦变,不变亦变>的探讨中医学发展之论文,孰知竟引起一场风波.具体的细节,不便多说,总之,讨伐声不断,上纲定性者有之.笔者对该学者文中的观点并不全部赞同,该文确有见解偏颇甚或是失误,然而,这只是纯学术问题,自可通过学术研讨,加以澄清.  相似文献   
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