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Qian Qian Jiawen Pan Miao Song Yong Feng Yunfa Fu Keizo Shinomori 《Journal of Cognitive Psychology》2020,32(7):645-660
ABSTRACT Sequential modulations in symbolic cueing tasks have been attributed to complete versus partial repetition/alternation of stimulus features between consecutive trials. This feature-integration hypothesis is questioned by recent findings and further investigated in the present study. In the first two experiments, when the cueing axes switched between trials, only complete alternation of cue directions and target locations existed. Nevertheless, significant sequence effects were still found in this condition, which did not support the feature-integration hypothesis. Furthermore, although sequence effects were still significant when stimulus identities were manipulated in Experiment 3, it was abolished when different cue categories (gaze and arrow) were presented as cues in Experiment 4. The findings suggest that the integration of stimulus features is not the only source of the sequential effect and some higher level cognitive mechanisms, possibly as described in the task-file or task organization hypotheses, are involved in the sequential modulations of symbolic cueing. 相似文献
现代逻辑由众多的逻辑分支组成,各个分支有着自己的背景和发展动因,各个逻辑分支的相对独立发展成了逻辑研究的一道风景线。随着近年来子结构逻辑(substructural logics)研究的不断深入,这种情况有所改变。“子结构逻辑”的名称出现在20世纪90年代[1],它是一大类逻辑的统称,涉及基本子结构逻辑(basic substructural logic)与经典逻辑之间的各个现代逻辑分支,包括Lambek演算[2]、线性逻辑[3]、衍推逻辑、相干逻辑、BCK逻辑[4]、极小逻辑、直觉主义逻辑,以及多种正规的和非正规的模态推演,具有宽广的研究视野。子结构逻辑的特点是:从结构规… 相似文献
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Viewing supportive communication as a multistage process, the present study proposed and tested an integrated model of advice giving, which specifies three sequential moves in supportive interactions involving advice: emotional support, problem inquiry and analysis, and advice. Seven hundred and fifty‐two participants read and responded to a hypothetical scenario in which they received advice from a friend. Results of the study showed that advice that was offered following the moves of emotional support and problem inquiry and analysis was judged to be higher in quality than advice that did not follow this sequential pattern. 相似文献
宋代统治者出于政治和外交的需要,设立了译经院。为了维持译经事业的进行,国家开始了专门培养梵语翻译人才的伟大创举,先后两次各招学僧50人进行培养。学习的主要内容有悉昙章、声明及梵经义理等。维持了近百年的译经院为宋代的佛教事业培养了不少人才。惟净是其中最有成就的一位而成为一代译主,其他人中有的在译经中担任重要职位,有的则为西去求法作出了贡献。宋代这一专门培养译经人才的活动,开创了中国佛教译经事业的先河。 相似文献
本文考察了禅宗灯录<五灯会元>历代的刊刻情况,对<五灯会元>的版本进行了较为全面描述,在此基础上,进一步研究了此书历代的流传状况. 相似文献
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景德元年,道原上进<景德传灯录>,宋真宗下诏编入大藏,此书成为宋代文人参禅的重要读本.而抄录<传灯录>也成为宋代士大夫参禅的重要方法,<传灯玉英集>正是王随抄录<传灯录>之作.本文详细考察了王随与佛教的关系,王随编集<传灯玉英集>的原则以及<传灯玉英集>的价值. 相似文献