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在疾病的发展过程中,一般存在着病和证的两种演变,相对于病而言,证有着更高层次的组织方式,有自身发展规律,反映的是机体整体状态.这种对证的诠释有利于中西医理论间的接轨,使证研究更容易被现代医学理论所接受,是中医进一步发展的要求,病证二者并不矛盾,而是互补,共同提供了对疾病的完整认识.  相似文献   
自由裁量权是一项不可否弃的司法权力,社会生活的复杂性和法律自身的不足是其存在的根本原因。伴随着自由裁量权的是对法官职业道德素质的理性诉求。通过道德教育,提高法官的职业道德素质,是保证将正义等理念实现在自由裁量当中的重要环节。  相似文献   
Actions are usually generalized among social group members. Importantly, the efficiency of an action with respect to achieving an external target determines action understanding, and it may have different degrees of social relevance to social groups. Thus, this study explored the role of action efficiency in action generalization. We used computer animations to simulate actions in social groups initiated by visual action cues or category labels, and we measured differences in response times between identifying actions that were and were not consistent with group members, without explicit requirements regarding generalization. It was found that in both visually introduced and explicitly labeled social groups, when the group members acted inefficiently toward the external object, perceivers identified group-consistent actions faster than group-inconsistent actions, indicating that the exemplars' common inefficient actions are generalized to the unknown ingroup member, accordingly facilitating the identification of expected consistent inefficient action (Experiment 1). As this effect was not present when removing social group cues, it was determined to be specific to social groups (Experiment 2). Importantly, such generalization was not observed when the identical action was deemed efficient toward the external object (Experiment 3) and was specific to the demonstration of the action being completed by multiple group members rather than being repeated twice by one group member, supporting the group-based inference and ruling out the possibility of the increased memorability of inefficient actions leading to more generalization relative to efficient actions (Experiment 4). Therefore, the efficiency of an action bounds the generalization of the action across social group members through a process that is spontaneous and implicit. This constrained action generalization may be due to inefficient actions being represented as culture-specific conventional forms.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of retrieval practice for aiding long-term memory, referred to as the testing effect, has been widely demonstrated. However, the specific neurocognitive mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain unclear. In the present study, we sought to explore the role of pre-retrieval processes at initial testing on later recognition performance by using event-related potentials (ERPs). Subjects studied two lists of words (Chinese characters) and then performed a recognition task or a source memory task, or restudied the word lists. At the end of the experiment, subjects received a final recognition test based on the remember–know paradigm. Behaviorally, initial testing (active retrieval) enhanced memory retention relative to restudying (passive retrieval). The retrieval mode at initial testing was indexed by more positive-going ERPs for unstudied items in the active-retrieval tasks than in passive retrieval from 300 to 900 ms. Follow-up analyses showed that the magnitude of the early ERP retrieval mode effect (300–500 ms) was predictive of the behavioral testing effect later on. In addition, the ERPs for correctly rejected new items during initial testing differed between the two active-retrieval tasks from 500 to 900 ms, and this ERP retrieval orientation effect predicted differential behavioral testing gains between the two active-retrieval conditions. Our findings confirm that initial testing promotes later retrieval relative to restudying, and they further suggest that adopting pre-retrieval processing in the forms of retrieval mode and retrieval orientation might contribute to these memory enhancements.  相似文献   
高热量食物摄入导致的能量正平衡是导致肥胖的原因之一。本研究通过3个实验考察了健康目标启动能否以及如何降低高热量食物的消费, 提高低热量食物的消费。结果发现:(1)健康目标启动能够显著减少人们对高热量食物的消费, 增加对低热量食物的消费。(2)对食物的情感预测分别在健康目标启动减少高热量食物消费、增加低热量食物消费中起中介作用。因此, 健康目标启动可以通过降低(增加)对高(低)热量食物的情感预测来帮助人们减少(增加)高(低)热量食物的选择和消费。  相似文献   
作为一种文化构念, 朴素辩证从文化与认知的角度诠释了中国人基于民众理论的思维方式。本研究首次采用内隐联想测验(IAT)的方法测量内隐层面朴素辩证概念与自我以及自我相近概念在东方被试认知中的联结, 探讨东方人内隐层面的辩证自我。文章通过2个IAT实验发现, 中国人将“我”和辩证思维词汇归为一类, 将“非我”和线性思维归为一类时反应速度更快; 且他们将“朋友”和辩证思维词汇归为一类, 将“敌人”和线性思维词汇归为一类时反应速度更快。这表明在内隐层面上, 东方人确实将辩证概念与自我以及自我相近概念联系得更为紧密。  相似文献   
临床决策已成为临床医学的重要内容,但目前还为许多冠心病介入医生所忽视。阐述了临床决策的概念,分析了冠心病介入治疗决策中存在的问题及原因,探讨了如何构建科学的冠心病介入治疗决策,为冠心病介入治疗合理应用提供科学的决策方法。  相似文献   
根据词语情绪标准编制汉语双字词关联词表和英汉双语关联词表,考察DRM任务下的英汉双语者对负性情绪诱词产生的语言内、语言间关联性错误再认。结果表明:(1)汉语双字词语义关联下,情绪色彩的强度影响错误再认水平,负性诱词的错误再认率显著高于中性诱词;(2)英汉双语语义关联下,错误再认发生跨语言现象,汉语负性诱词的错误再认显著高于英语负性诱词与汉语中性诱词的错误再认;(3)汉语负性诱词的语言间关联性错误再认率显著增加, 语言类型、词表类型与情绪强度有显著交互作用。  相似文献   
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