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Daniel Fels 《Axiomathes》2012,22(4):509-520
Relations occur on all levels of systems. Following a major assumption of generalized quantum theory, namely that the principles of quantum mechanics will occur on higher system levels as well, it was investigated in an a posteriori analysis of pre-existing data whether relational patterns found for two-photon experiments are similarly performed by two cell-populations. In particular, the typical pattern in outcomes of two-photon entanglement experiments was extrapolated to discover similar patterns of relationships in the cellular biological system of the Ciliate Paramecium caudatum. In the former case we find one photon assuming a particular state when being measured and the other assuming a correlated state with regard to the first particle. From a perspective of degrees of freedom (df) the author interprets this outcome as follows: Each particle has only one df for assuming a particular state (e.g. its spin). When measured this is leading to a pattern: They use their two degrees of freedom for establishing a relation among them (particle-to-particle) and for a relation with the environment (particle-to-measurement). If this pattern is unique then we should find it also in cell-to-cell relationships. It was suggested to consider causations in cell-to-cell relations as the analogue to the relationship between the quantum particles (see above) and the dependence of repeating the experiments as the analogue to the measurement event in the quantum experiment. It was hypothesized that in a relational system of two cell populations only one should be sensitive to the repetition of the experiment. The other population, however, should establish a relation with the first one. Since the author had successfully performed experiments with pairs of cell populations that were separated with glass barriers from each other but having effects on each other (Fels in PLoS One 4:e5086, 2009), the system was perfectly well suited for testing the hypothesis. The assessed cell variable was cell division. An a posteriori analysis of three similar experiments confirmed that when populations were in a relation with each other, only one of them stood in relation with the repetition of the experiment.  相似文献   
随着高空间分辨率神经成像技术如fMRI和PET的普及, 神经成像研究报告的数量增长迅猛。文献的积累为研究者提供了大量的数据, 研究者可以通过对文献的分析来验证研究结论以及提出新的假设。由于神经成像研究的主要目的之一在于寻求认知过程与脑区的空间位置对应关系, 基于坐标的元分析方法满足了这种需求, 成为神经成像数据元分析中主导的方法。其中, 激活可能性估计法(Activation Likelihood Estimation, ALE)由于方法上的合理性和使用上的便利, 成为当前使用最广泛的基于坐标的元分析方法。本文首先介绍了ALE方法的基本原理, 并在此基础上讨论了神经成像数据元分析的两种主要思路:寻找多个研究的一致性以及寻找脑区激活的调节变量。此外, 文章还介绍了新近流行的脑连通性元分析模型(MACM), 即使用元分析方法进行功能连通性分析。最后, 文章讨论了当前神经成像数据元分析的发展趋势。  相似文献   
What are the social psychological processes likely to lead individuals to commit antisocial behaviour? Two experiments are presented showing that students experiencing a publicly degrading situation (a failure on a fictitious test) agreed more often than non-degraded students to participate in a theft to the detriment of a fellow student or even to the detriment of a teacher. We were able to exclude an interpretation in terms of imitation or revenge and suggest that a publicly degrading situation places subjects in a kind of social dependency state which is expressed by a vulnerability to influence. These results are discussed with due regard to the criminological and social psychological literature.  相似文献   
Five experiments investigated the ability to discriminate between musical timbres based on vibrotactile stimulation alone. Participants made same/different judgments on pairs of complex waveforms presented sequentially to the back through voice coils embedded in a conforming chair. Discrimination between cello, piano, and trombone tones matched for F0, duration, and magnitude was above chance with white noise masking the sound output of the voice coils (Experiment 1), with additional masking to control for bone-conducted sound (Experiment 2), and among a group of deaf individuals (Experiment 4a). Hearing (Experiment 3) and deaf individuals (Experiment 4b) also successfully discriminated between dull and bright timbres varying only with regard to spectral centroid. We propose that, as with auditory discrimination of musical timbre, vibrotactile discrimination may involve the cortical integration of filtered output from frequency-tuned mechanoreceptors functioning as critical bands. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   
Part 1 of this paper draws on the film Back to the Future (1985) to highlight various aspects of adolescence, the oedipal situation, and transgenerational factors. The authors then discuss the Oedipus myth and its themes of adolescence, narcissism, identity, acting out, repetition, aggression, and the parent–child relationship, among others. Comments drawn from Winnicott's writing on oedipal issues are discussed as well. As an illustration of some of these issues, in Part 2, the authors present the clinical case of Osvaldo, age sixteen. Transference‐countertransference issues in this treatment are explored in depth.  相似文献   
本研究选取43名小学四年级学生(18名男生和25名女生)为实验被试,探究了工作记忆负荷和自动化提取对复杂加法心算策略效果的影响.结果显示:(1)工作记忆负荷对复杂加法心算策略的影响显著,即一项加法心算策略所需的工作记忆负荷越小,该策略的执行效果越好;(2)自动化提取对加法心算策略的影响显著,即一项加法心算策略所需自动化提取的程度越高,该策略的执行效果越好;(3)工作记忆负荷和自动化提取对加法心算策略效果的交互作用显著,表现为在自动化提取水平较高的情况下,工作记忆负荷的大小对心算策略执行效果的影响差异不显著;而在自动化提取水平较低的情况下,工作记忆负荷小的心算策略的执行效果显著优于工作记忆负荷大的心算策略的执行效果.  相似文献   
国外有关异种移植与伦理学的讨论   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
今天,医学界的许多问题已经在公众调查方面很公开了。异种移植在成为一种临床治疗手段后,势必也将带来激烈的讨论。国外有关这一方面的讨论较多,主要集中在以下几个方面。在60年代早期,外科医生尝试了用黑猩猩和狒狒的肾、心及肝进行异种移植,早期的研究工作多集中在异种移植的技术可行性及操作过程。在当时,有关异种移植的伦理学问题尚未提出。1984年,在Bailey及其同事完成了一例狒狒心脏移植到一新生儿体内后,伦理学的问题如“一石激起千层浪”,顿时在美国医学界引起争论。在那时,由于缺少供体,所以在器官短缺的前提下,有关伦理学的…  相似文献   
In qualitative research paradoxes abound in research design, sampling, generalisation, ethics and the behaviour of the researcher. The ultimate paradox is that qualitative inquiry is impossible — both conceptually and practically — yet it still goes on. It must do so if the professions of counselling and psychotherapy are to advance.  相似文献   
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