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邢飞 《宗教学研究》2007,3(1):27-29
明代时期贵州道教的中心做了一次转移,这次转移对贵州道教的发展有着重要的意义。同时明代推崇的真武信仰在贵州通过道观的建设也得到体现。著名的道士张三丰也在贵州留下一些可以考见的蛛丝马迹。还有各派及其行持各类法术的道士也在贵州活动。从道教在贵州的情况,我们基本可以对明代贵州的道教作出一个简单的论述。  相似文献   
We report a new study testing our proposal that word learning may be best explained as an approximate form of Bayesian inference (Xu & Tenenbaum, in press). Children are capable of learning word meanings across a wide range of communicative contexts. In different contexts, learners may encounter different sampling processes generating the examples of word-object pairings they observe. An ideal Bayesian word learner could take into account these differences in the sampling process and adjust his/her inferences about word meaning accordingly. We tested how children and adults learned words for novel object kinds in two sampling contexts, in which the objects to be labeled were sampled either by a knowledgeable teacher or by the learners themselves. Both adults and children generalized more conservatively in the former context; that is, they restricted the label to just those objects most similar to the labeled examples when the exemplars were chosen by a knowledgeable teacher, but not when chosen by the learners themselves. We discuss how this result follows naturally from a Bayesian analysis, but not from other statistical approaches such as associative word-learning models.  相似文献   
Sortal concepts, object individuation, and language   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary enterprise. This review highlights how the philosophical notion of a 'sortal'--a concept that provides principles of individuation and principles of identity - has been introduced into cognitive developmental psychology. Although the notion 'sortal' originated in metaphysics, importing it into the cognitive sciences has bridged a gap between philosophical and psychological discussions of concepts and has generated a fruitful and productive research enterprise. As I review here, the sortal concept has inspired several lines of empirical work in the past decade, including the study of object individuation; object identification; the relationship between language and acquisition of kind concepts; the representational capacities of non-human primates; object-based attention and cognitive architecture; and the relationship between kind concepts and individual concepts.  相似文献   
明清时期是闽东方言区陈靖姑信仰文化建构与成型的时期,也是畲族大量迁入和定居在闽东的时期。在畲汉民众的社会交往中,畲族乡村的巫术文化选择、吸纳了原本属于当地汉人的陈靖姑信仰,并使之成为畲族巫术文化的重要构件。同时,畲族乡村的陈靖姑信仰文化又反作用于闽东方言区,直接推进了该地陈靖姑信仰文化的发展。在相同的时间与空间,闽东方言区的畲汉民众共同完成了陈靖姑信仰文化的创造。  相似文献   
目的:探讨护士群体面临哪些工作要求和工作资源,为护士预防工作倦怠提供依据.方法:对120名护士初始测试后进行探索性因素分析,然后对360名护士正式测验结果进行验证性因素分析.结果:探索性因素分析结果表明,护士工作要求问卷包括工作量、倒班、情感要求、环境、心理和时间六个因素;护士工作资源问卷包括社会支持、奖励、技能多样性、工作控制和决策参与五个因素.验证性因素分析结果表明,护士工作要求问卷所提取的六个因素、工作资源问卷所提取的五个因素与构想模型拟合较好.结论:护士工作要求-资源问卷具有良好的信度和效度.  相似文献   
The belief that happiness is fragile—that it is fleeting and may easily turn into less favourable states—is common across individuals and cultures. However, not much is known about this belief domain and its structure and correlates. In the present study, we use multigroup confirmatory factor analysis and multilevel modelling to investigate the measurement invariance, cross-level isomorphism, predictive validity, and nomological network of the fragility of happiness scale across 15 nations. The results show that this scale has good statistical properties at both individual and cultural levels, and is associated with relevant psycho-social concepts in expected directions. The importance of the results, limitations, and potential directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
从内隐和外显两种角度探讨负面评价恐惧的性别差异。采用简式内隐联系测验(BIAT)和简明负面评价恐惧量表(BFNES)两种测量方法,实验共72名被试,每名被试先进行简式内隐联系测验,再完成简明负面评价恐惧量表,并借鉴不同方法对两种测量结果进行分析。结果发现:(1)被试的内隐负面评价恐惧与外显负面评价恐惧不存在显著相关,结果产生实验性分离;(2)负面评价恐惧不存在显著性别差异;(3)但有趣的是,不同性别被试内隐和外显负面评价恐惧的分离状况存在显著差异,其中男性的外显负面评价恐惧低于内隐负面评价恐惧,而女性的结果刚好相反,其外显负面评价恐惧高于内隐负面评价恐惧。这些结果表明被试的内隐和外显负面评价恐惧虽然不存在显著性别差异,但不同性别被试的内隐负面评价恐惧和外显负面评价恐惧内部存在不同的组合状况。  相似文献   
《人体器官移植条例》规范引导着我国器官移植健康发展,然而,随着《条例》对器官移植供、受者条件的严格限制,尸体供器官数量迅速下降,亲属活体移植逐步占据主导地位,由此引发一系列问题。结合《条例》,就器官来源短缺、保障活体供者安全、亲属活体供者选择和器官移植伦理委员会作用等问题做出较详细的分析,提出解决方法和对策。  相似文献   
导师是研究生成长和成才的重要引导者,在研究生培养体系中发挥着重要的作用。构建医学硕士研究生导师组制度培养模式,可以有效地提高地方普通高校研究生的培养水平和提升导师队伍的整体水平,并且能够推动转化医学的有效开展和促进高校医学研究水平与医院临床医疗技术的共同发展。在构建这一培养模式过程中,应明确人才培养目标,借鉴临床医学人才培养“5+3”模式,处理好多重关系,建立健全导师组管理制度,不断加强导师组建设。  相似文献   
研究选取202名4~5岁的幼儿为研究对象,其中男孩102人、女孩100人,研究采用测验法考察幼儿年龄、工作记忆、认知灵活性、推理能力、心理理论与其阅读理解之间的关系。研究采用Amos22.0验证模型。结果发现,4~5岁幼儿的年龄、心理理论、推理能力能直接影响其阅读理解。认知灵活性、工作记忆会通过影响心理理论、推理能力间接影响阅读理解,并且心理理论、推理能力在其中起完全中介作用。  相似文献   
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