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孙五俊  姜媛  方平 《心理科学》2021,(1):230-236
摘 要 积极和消极情绪的同时体验,即混合情绪,是生活中常见的情绪状态。健康应对的共激活模型、情绪动态模型和积极比模型一致认为混合情绪与心理健康之间呈现非线性的关系,适当的混合情绪有利于个体在困境中全面加工和整合信息,寻求意义,获得控制感,进而实现健康应对和心理症状改善,获得幸福感。未来研究应关注对非线性关系的精确描述;低压力或非压力情境下混合情绪的意义;进一步研究混合情绪促进心理健康的内部机制和影响因素。  相似文献   
本研究基于情绪的认知评价理论,探讨了不合规任务对新员工工作投入的动态影响机制。通过收集分析71名新员工连续5个工作日的追踪数据发现,不合规任务会诱发新员工的不愉快情绪,进而影响其工作投入,工作成长观能够有效缓冲这一负面影响。以上结论拓宽了不合规任务的影响后果,并为如何干预不合规任务给新员工带来的消极影响提供了启示。  相似文献   
社会心理学将阴谋论视作一种意识形态上的信念,并定义为人们将重大的政治或社会事件归因为有权力的群体或个人暗中预谋以达成其目的的解释倾向。社会认知视角为个体这种阴谋论信念的产生提供了三种解释。错觉模式感知导致人们认知上倾向于在不相关的事件之间建立联系;敏感性动因觉察影响人们过度感知并假定事件背后的动因、目的和意图等;投射是将自己愿意参与阴谋的意图归因于事件中的他人。  相似文献   
The transition to parenthood is one of the most stressful intra- and interpersonal adjustment periods for new parents. Bidirectional associations among intergenerational relationships during the transition to parenthood have received limited attention, and the complexity of reciprocal relationships varies in accordance with living arrangements. The objectives of this study were to explore (1) the bidirectional associations between marital relationships and conflicts with in-laws during the transition to parenthood and (2) the moderation of patrilineal coresidence on the aforementioned relationships. A three-wave prospective longitudinal design was adopted for 359 married mothers. The Dyadic Adjustment Scale and Stryker Adjustment Checklist were used to assess marital relationships and conflicts with parents-in-law. Cross-lagged panel analysis was applied to examine reciprocal relationships, and multigroup analyses were employed to determine whether these relationships exhibited different patterns in accordance with the individuals’ living arrangements. The two cross-lagged models revealed the presence of a bidirectional relationship between marital distress and conflicts with parents-in-law during the mid- to late pregnancy stages. Meanwhile, the multigroup analyses suggested that conflicts with parents-in-law triggered marital distress during pregnancy in the coresidence group, whereas conflicts with fathers-in-law could intensify marital distress during late pregnancy to the postpartum period in the noncoresidence group. These findings shed light on cross-lagged associations with intergenerational conflicts. Healthcare professionals need to ensure that intergenerational relationships are positive during the transition to parenthood. This study enriches our understanding of the effect of patrilineal coresidence and can guide the future development of interventions based on culturally specific multidimensional approaches.  相似文献   
Li  Xiaomin  Cao  Hongjian  Curran  Melissa A.  Fang  Xiaoyi  Zhou  Nan 《Sex roles》2020,82(9-10):622-632
Sex Roles - Dating initiation is a challenging phase of heterosexual romantic relationship development, with men and women often having different expectations and interpretations of communicative...  相似文献   
与价值观上主张自然原则相应,庄子肯定政治领域应顺物自然,合乎民意。较之儒家的“民本”思想,与顺物自然相联系的“合乎民意”具有不同涵义。儒家所主张的“民本”主要强调治国应奠基于民众之上,其特点在于以民众作为治国的基础和出发点,庄子所理解的“顺应民意”,则首先以不干预民众为指向。从形而上的层面看,政治哲学关乎对道的理解。通过道术与巫术交锋,庄子指出了两者的重要分别在于自然无为和有意而为之:巫术的特点是基于经验性的显现作出推测,属有意而为之;道术则趋向于自然无为。本于天性,构成了为道的特点。巫术与道术之别,体现了“技”与“道”的分野,其中包含着以道的智慧引导治国过程的内在意向。从治国或政治哲学的角度来说,“浑沌”隐喻着庄子所认同的原始秩序,此种秩序以智慧未开、是非之争尚未展开为前提。从人性的角度看,原初秩序与人的自然天性相一致。庄子以天人之辨为政治哲学的内在主线。天人之分体现于不同方面,包括人性规定、行为方式,等等。“浑沌之死”意味着理想存在状态的结束,它表明偏离本然的有为而治,将导致理想存在状态的终结。庄子的相关理解中,同时包含内在的历史限定。  相似文献   
王时槐是江右王学的代表性人物之一,他将善恶视为念能否顺本性而动,对合法性与道德性有清楚的辨析,并注重过恶之辨,意念无明显的邪妄可以视为无恶,但不代表无过。他主张善有本体,而恶无根即无形上的本体,但恶仍有其根源,这就是人的"自离其性"或"甘自弃之"的主观条件,这与康德的根本恶学说可以接榫。王时槐强调改过迁善的根本动力或力量源于自身,他主张人要立志、修治与敦礼,旨在实现心灵转变与在感官方式上的逐渐改良,达到念念归根的状态,从而纠正准则中颠倒的道德动机的顺序,他对静坐的强调则是通过收敛与暂息尘缘,以默识自心,从而达到动静皆能复归本性。  相似文献   
Gao  Su  Long  Haiying  Li  Dan  Yang  Luxi 《Social Psychology of Education》2020,23(2):385-410

Over the past two decades, researchers consistently demonstrated the importance of science teaching approaches and student self-efficacy in influencing their science achievement. These findings have become the foundation of science education reform. However, empirical supports of these relationships are limited to direct relationships and small-scale studies. Therefore, little is known about the mechanism of how teaching approaches and student self-efficacy affect student achievement. In order to fill these gaps, this study used a multilevel structural equation modeling approach to analyze the direct and indirect relationships between teaching approaches, student self-efficacy, and science achievement by using the data of US eighth grade students in the 2011 TIMSS assessment. The results indicated that none of the teaching approaches identified in this study were directly associated with student science achievement, but significant mediation effect was found between generic teaching and student science achievement through student self-efficacy. Implications of these results for US educational system and reform were discussed.

刘洋  郭明春 《心理科学》2020,(6):1376-1383
基于社会学习理论的父母教养课程被普遍视为预防儿童青少年行为问题以及促进儿童身心健康的“黄金标准”。父母积极教养课程(Triple P – Positive Parenting Program)是其中的主要代表。本文详尽介绍了Triple P的理论基础、干预体系、课程内容以及实证研究结果,分析了该课程存在的优势以及缺陷。此外,本文结合中国家庭的特点和需求,探讨了该课程运用于中国家庭时可能会遇到的挑战,同时提出了改良的方向,为家庭干预实践工作者和研究人员提供了新的视角。  相似文献   
在一些地方小报上,常有“不明飞行物掠空”和“天外来客访问地球”的披露。由于笔者长期在科技部门工作,脑海中的常识较难对此披露认同,所以一向看此披露后一笑了之。可能是退休后闲来无事,阅读到此类事例较多,同友人交谈时又常接触到“不明飞行物掠空”和“天外来客访问地球”的话题。而且,现在事事讲究国际接轨,对此类事物又有UFO的称呼,由此笔者滋生了对UFO表示点看法的念头。上世纪七十年代笔者在杭州湾搞水文气象工作,那是一个非常平凡日子的下午,笔者正在作水文气象观测。天上云很少,风不大,杭州湾海面波浪较小,但远处海面上有轻雾…  相似文献   
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