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蒙山为山东道教胜地,在山东省平邑、费县、蒙阴等县之间,纵横1000余平方公里,主峰龟蒙顶海拔1156米,仅次于泰山,故蒙山又称"亚岱".境内层峦叠嶂,巍峨壮美,道教文物古迹、庙宇、石碑石刻荟萃,素有"三十六洞、七十二峰"之称,是道教著名的修道养生之福地,在山东道教发展史上曾有过辉煌的历史.  相似文献   
In the context of the additive multi‐criteria value model, this paper investigates how the set of criteria weights (weight‐set hereafter) can be determined according to the preference orders of alternatives given by the decision maker. A construction method is proposed for the weight‐set for different intervals of β, where β is a differential amount of value between the preference information on two alternatives. The results of this paper are important for sensitivity analysis in multi‐criteria decision making (MCDM) problems and multi‐criteria group decision analysis. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous research demonstrates that social and interpersonal factors, more than academic preparation, affect decisions by under-represented students to stay in or to leave STEM fields. Yet, much of the theorizing about STEM learning in higher education begins with conceptual and epistemological dimensions. We make the case for a new theoretical framework, a learning humanities, that begins with relationships. From this relational starting point, we locate STEM knowers as actors in relationships who become answerable for their STEM knowledge and take wise actions from this place. We then use this framework to analyze learning for STEM undergraduates involved in the STUDIO: Build Our World program, an afterschool mentoring program for low-income, immigrant, and refugee youth of color. Drawing on narrative and ethnographic analyses of data from 12 focal mentors, we found that mentors developed 3 focal practices identified by Edwards, relational expertise, common knowledge, and relational agency through their efforts to create the best possible program for youth. This built mentors’ sense of answerability and a capacity for wise action within and outside of STUDIO. We argue that this theoretical stance provides new ways to conceptualize the nature, purpose, and outcomes of STEM learning for historically non-dominant STEM undergraduates’ learning.  相似文献   
泉州是我国民间信仰最为繁盛发达的地区之一,也是改革开放后经济社会急剧转型的地区之一。转型社会的几个典型特征——城市化进程加快、人口流动性加大、经济快速提升以及现代社团组织制度初步确立,给泉州民间信仰以深刻影响。泉州民间信仰因之表现出从传统时代民众的公共性事务,向当代信徒的私人性事务过渡的趋势。  相似文献   
慎子是战国中期稷下学宫的代表人物之一。其思想主要体现在《慎子》①一书中。由于资料缺乏,慎子的思想学术派别历来说法不一。②本文以为:慎子将道家"道法自然"的思想加以演化并与其"尊君"、"尚法"、"贵势"、重"术"的学术理论很好地融合在了一起,但法家思想是其学术思想的重点与核心,他是战国中期由学说林立走向学术融合的重要代表性人物。  相似文献   
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