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超常与常态儿童的兴趣、动机与创造性思维的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
施建农  徐凡 《心理学报》1997,30(3):271-277
在超常儿童研究领域存在着许多争议的问题,超常儿童的智力与创造力的关系问题就是其中的一个。为了更好地解释超常儿童的创造力与智力的本质关系,我们曾提出了“创造性系统模型”。本研究的主要目的是进一步证实模型提出的假设。本研究以超常和常态儿童为被试对儿童的兴趣、动机与创造性思维的关系作了进一步的考察。结果发现:(1)超常儿童的图形、数字和实用创造性思维的流畅性和独创性成绩都明显高于常态儿童;(2)超常和常态儿童的创造性思维与兴趣、动机之间存在显著的相关;(3)兴趣和动机得分较高的被拭的创造性思维得分显著高于兴趣和动机得分较低的被试;(4)超常儿童中有相当部分处于低兴趣和低动机水平,而常态儿童中却有相当部分处于高兴趣和高动机水平。因此,本研究从一个侧面进一步支持了系统模型中提出的有关儿童创造性的假设  相似文献   
方格  佟乐泉  刘范 《心理学报》1988,21(3):46-54
本研究是中国科学院心理研究所和美国密西根大学的协作项目。数学团体测验是整体研究项目的一部分。这一研究的目的是比较在不同文化背景下北京(中)、芝加哥(美)、仙台(日)和台北(中)小学儿童的数学成绩。其结果表明:亚洲学生的成绩显著高于美国儿童的成绩。我们试将美国教材同其它国家的教材进行比较,已初步看出,教材讲授的时间可能是影响中国儿童成绩的重要因素之一。学生的学习态度可能是影响儿童成绩的另一因素。其它方面如家庭条件、母亲的观念、教师的教学风格以及课堂的组织形式都可能影响儿童的学习成绩。我们对此将陆续提出报告。  相似文献   
Empirical and fictitious examples are described for investigating the applications of the absolute scaling method for item scaling and score scaling. A discrepancy between the correct values and the values estimated through the absolute scaling method is demonstrated. It is concluded that when the groups are different the assumption of an identity between test score conversion and item difficulty conversion is not met.Acknowledgment is due to Dr. Gulliksen, Dr. Lord, Dr. Swineford, and Dr. Tucker for their criticism and advice.  相似文献   
采用朋友提名和Beck抑郁问卷,以73个班级3034名大学生为被试,考察班级朋友网络中不同连接步数朋友的抑郁水平对个体抑郁的影响。结果发现:(1)互选朋友数量对抑郁存在显著的负向影响;(2)在控制了互选朋友数量的影响后,互选朋友中是否存在抑郁者,对个体自身的抑郁不具有显著的预测作用;(3)提名与被提名的直接朋友和两度距离朋友中,抑郁朋友数量对个体的抑郁具有显著的正向预测作用;(4)同性抑郁朋友的数量对个体的抑郁具有显著的正向预测作用,而异性抑郁朋友的数量对个体的抑郁则不具有显著的预测作用。综合上述结果可以得出以下结论:抑郁朋友在班级朋友网络中的影响范围仅限两度距离以内(包括两度),且这种影响不受朋友关系方向的限制。随着抑郁朋友的数量增多,个体抑郁的风险也显著增加,然而抑郁朋友对个体抑郁的影响,可能更多的是受到同性抑郁朋友的影响。  相似文献   
目前在智力研究领域出现了一种新的研究趋势,研究者开始关注心理计量学智力与认知或生理心理学变量的相关,考察的重点是心理速度,相应的测量指标主要有检测时(IT)、反应时、ERP或神经传导速度,等等。在运用IT任务进行的ERP研究中发现,ERP波幅和潜伏期的不同往往能够反映出智力上的差异。信息加工速度和神经传导速度均与一般智力因素(g因素)存在较高的相关。上述研究发现促进了智力与心理速度关系的跨学科研究,成为智力研究领域中的热点  相似文献   
因子的确证问题关系到因子分析中保留几个因子,甚至关系到心理测量学的未来发展。历史上曾出现过三种取向:数理取向、哲理取向和心理取向。数理取向认为因子的确证应在与别的因子的数理关系中进行;哲理取向认为因子的确证应在逻辑关系中进行的;心理取向则认为因子的确证需要有心理基础。对于心理取向的漠视阻碍了研究者对因子实质的深入思考,造成研究难以深入,研究未整合等诸多问题。整合三种取向有利于建立正确的因子分析的研究观念。  相似文献   
王圆篆是一个普通的道士,但由于他发现了震惊中外的敦煌莫高窟藏经洞,并且被牵连进藏经洞经卷大量流散的事件中,因此成为撰写西北道教历史时一个不能回避的人物.现通过对近些年发表的文献资料的归纳,对其生平与功过作一番陈述,以就教于方家.  相似文献   
金融危机引发关于亚洲发展模式的争论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从去年7月开始的亚洲金融危机,不仅导致亚洲各国及整个地区经济发展严重受挫,而且也在全球范围内引发了新一轮关于“亚洲发展模式”及“亚洲价值观”的思想争论。这场争论主要涉及以下几个方面的问题。一、对于亚洲金融危机爆发原因的分析一段时间以来,围绕亚洲金融危...  相似文献   
Engagement in behavioral parent training programs continues to be a barrier to service delivery. Parental readiness is an important construct for understanding parental engagement in parent training services, as these programs place a high level of action-oriented demands on caregivers. The present study examines the performance of one parental readiness measure, the Readiness, Efficacy, Attributions, Defensiveness, and Importance Scale—Short Form (READI-SF) in a community-based sample. Participants included 103 families of children ages three to seven recruited from an urban charter school. Mothers completed an abbreviated version of the READI as well as indices of child disruptive behavior and a second measure of parental readiness. The psychometric properties and factor structure of the READI-SF are explored as well as indices of reliability and validity. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a three-factor model of readiness to change, treatment readiness, and perceived importance of the problem. Analyses also supported the validity and clinical utility of the measure, as READI-SF scores were found to predict attendance at a one-time parenting group. Lastly, the study examines the relationship between parental readiness and child disruptive behavior. Limitations and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   
Response to intervention (RtI) models have increasingly been adopted to improve outcomes for all students through the delivery of a continuum of supports and making timely responsive instructional decisions based on data. With this increasing popularity, researchers and practitioners have developed several RtI-related assessments, many of which have no known psychometric properties. As a result, there is an urgent need to develop psychometrically sound RtI readiness and implementation assessments that possess technical adequacy and practical utility. This study surveyed 377 participants to examine the factor structure of the author-developed RtI survey. An exploratory factor analysis identified seven relevant factors (system support, belief, conceptual knowledge, practical knowledge, resource, time, and system barrier) from the initial pool of 49 items. Results of reliability estimates supported the internal consistency of each subscale. Collectively, this validated RtI survey can be used to help district and school leaders efficiently screen a system's current RtI readiness and implementation status. The data may also inform successful RtI initiation and sustainment of the reform. Limitations and future directions for research are discussed.  相似文献   
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