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The main purpose of this study is to investigate whether applicants' impression management (IM) tactics indirectly influence hiring recommendations through cognitive mechanisms (i.e. recruiters' perceptions of person–organisation [P–O] fit, person–job [P–J] fit, and person–recruiter [P–R] fit) or affective mechanisms (i.e. recruiters' positive mood) during authentic employment interviews for actual job openings. Participants consisted of 221 applicant–recruiter dyads from 50 companies in Taiwan. The results demonstrated that applicants' self‐focused IM tactics are positively related to recruiter perceptions of P–J fit, which in turn influence hiring recommendations. In addition, applicant other‐focused IM tactics affect hiring recommendations through recruiters' perceptions of P–O fit. Moreover, applicants' non‐verbal IM tactics were positively related to recruiters' positive mood, which in turn affected recruiters' perceptions of P–J fit and P–O fit, thereby affecting hiring recommendations.  相似文献   
本研究使用单次匿名最后通牒博弈任务,采用2(性别: 男性, 女性)×3(社会距离: 自我决策, 替朋友决策, 替他人决策)×5(提议类型: 1/9, 2/8, 3/7, 4/6, 5/5)的混合实验设计,通过操作反应者的不同社会距离,考察资产分配情境下自我-他人决策的性别差异。研究结果发现:(1)相比于自我决策和替朋友决策,女性被试替他人决策时更愿意接受提议1/9,2/8和3/7,而提议4/6和5/5的接受率不受社会距离的影响;男性被试中社会距离和提议类型的交互作用不显著;(2)不平等提议的反应时随社会距离增加而逐渐降低,而平等提议的反应时不受社会距离的调节;(3)替他人决策时女性的接受阈限显著低于男性,而自我决策及替朋友决策时接受阈限不存在性别差异。  相似文献   
采用特拉华校园氛围量表、特拉华欺负受害量表、心理弹性量表、病人健康问卷抑郁量表和广泛性焦虑量表对3543名中学生进行调查。探讨中学生感知的校园氛围与心理弹性在其欺凌受害与内化性问题间的中介调节作用。结果表明:(1)在控制中学生的性别、年级及父母文化水平后,欺凌受害能显著正向预测学生的内化性问题。(2)心理弹性在欺凌受害与内化性问题间起部分中介作用。(3)中学生感知的校园氛围在欺凌受害以及心理弹性对内化性问题的影响中均有显著的调节作用。  相似文献   
为了探讨生活事件、自尊、反刍思维和初中生抑郁之间的关系,研究采用青少年生活事件量表、自尊量表、反刍思维量表和儿童抑郁量表对684名初中生进行调查。结果显示:(1)生活事件与初中生抑郁呈显著正相关;(2)自尊和反刍思维在生活事件和初中生抑郁间起链式中介作用。生活事件不仅是触发初中生抑郁的重要外部因素,而且生活事件还会通过影响自尊和经由反刍思维对初中生抑郁产生间接作用。因此,减少和避免生活事件对初中生心理的冲击,增强其自尊水平,调整其负性认知方式是改善和预防初中生抑郁的重要途径。  相似文献   
Greater understanding of how residential stability affects child separation and reunification among homeless families can guide both child welfare and homeless policy and practice. This article draws upon two longitudinal studies examining services and housing for homeless families and their relationship to family and housing stability. Both studies were conducted in the same state at roughly the same time with similar instruments. The first study, examining families’ experiences and outcomes following entry into the homeless service system in three counties in Washington State, found that at 18 months following shelter entry, families that are intact with their children were significantly more likely to be housed in their own housing (46%) than families that were separated from one or more of their children (31%). The second study, a quasiexperimental evaluation of a supportive housing program for homeless families with multiple housing barriers, found that the rates of reunification for Child Protective Services (CPS)‐involved families receiving supportive housing was comparable to that for families entering public housing without services, but significantly higher than the rate of reunification for families entering shelter. Taken together, the findings from both studies contribute to the evidence underscoring the importance of housing assistance to homeless families involved in the child welfare system.  相似文献   
A growing number of social psychological theories have posited that meaning-striving can be compensated for across domains; threats in one area can simply be addressed by gains in another. Other models argue that not all forms of meaning are created equal; certain forms of striving trump other ones. This review compares the assertions made by these different models related to meaning to illustrate that (a) with few exceptions, fluidity is central to meaning, and (b) despite such consensus on the fluid nature of meaning, existing models diverge on the existence and nature of “ultimate” meanings. Future directions for the empirical study of meaning and methodological considerations are discussed.  相似文献   
弗洛伊德关于家庭和心理性别发展的论述给神经性厌食症的理解、分析与治疗带来了新的关注焦点,在其之后的学者将他的思想进一步继承和发展,创造出了以家庭为关注对象的且在当代得到广泛应用的系统家庭疗法,并将该疗法应用到了神经性厌食症的诊断与治疗中,取得了开创性的成果.  相似文献   
特征和结构信息对草图人脸识别的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人脸认知研究的特征说、结构说和整体说的基础上,通过草图人脸与人脸相似程度主观评价的调查,发现五官位置、拓扑结构、五官比例、轮廓外形和五官外形等五个维度对人脸识别影响的权重依次减小,并且存在着多种显著的不同水平的交互作用。进而提出,五官位置和拓扑结构可组合成具体图形意义上的结构关系,这种结构关系将整体人脸分解成有序的特征集。  相似文献   
从具体病例分析入手谈临床医生实践循证医学既需要思维模式转变、又要求掌握实际应用方法,即要敢于分析循证医学证据的实用性、又要善于用循证医学证据丰富经验医学内涵。新医学模式的普及将是临床医生群体认识史上一次具有深度和广度的飞跃。  相似文献   
自从核移植产生第一头克隆羊多莉以来,对其应用一直存在争议。尽管核移植技术存在各方面的问题和不足,如伦理学方面的问题,技术方面的不成熟以及该技术对生物物种质量和生存能力的影响。但核移植技术正在不断被人们接受,并已用于治疗性克隆和动物实验研究。随着人们观念的改变和技术的不断完善,核移植技术的应用范围将不断扩大,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
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