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In this 8‐year longitudinal study, we traced the vocabulary growth of Chinese children, explored potential precursors of vocabulary knowledge, and investigated how vocabulary growth predicted future reading skills. Two hundred and sixty‐four (264) native Chinese children from Beijing were measured on a variety of reading and language tasks over 8 years. Between the ages of 4 to 10 years, they were administered tasks of vocabulary and related cognitive skills. At age 11, comprehensive reading skills, including character recognition, reading fluency, and reading comprehension were examined. Individual differences in vocabulary developmental profiles were estimated using the intercept‐slope cluster method. Vocabulary development was then examined in relation to later reading outcomes. Three subgroups of lexical growth were classified, namely high‐high (with a large initial vocabulary size and a fast growth rate), low‐high (with a small initial vocabulary size and a fast growth rate) and low‐low (with a small initial vocabulary size and a slow growth rate) groups. Low‐high and low‐low groups were distinguishable mostly through phonological skills, morphological skills and other reading‐related cognitive skills. Childhood vocabulary development (using intercept and slope) explained subsequent reading skills. Findings suggest that language‐related and reading‐related cognitive skills differ among groups with different developmental trajectories of vocabulary, and the initial size and growth rate of vocabulary may be two predictors for later reading development.  相似文献   
Causally related concepts like “virus” and “epidemic” and general associatively related concepts like “ring” and “emerald” are represented and accessed separately. The Evoked Response Potential (ERP) procedure was used to examine the representations of causal judgment and associative judgment in semantic memory. Participants were required to remember a task cue (causal or associative) presented at the beginning of each trial, and assess whether the relationship between subsequently presented words matched the initial task cue. The ERP data showed that an N400 effect (250–450 ms) was more negative for unrelated words than for all related words. Furthermore, the N400 effect elicited by causal relations was more positive than for associative relations in causal cue condition, whereas no significant difference was found in the associative cue condition. The centrally distributed late ERP component (650–750 ms) elicited by the causal cue condition was more positive than for the associative cue condition. These results suggested that the processing of causal judgment and associative judgment in semantic memory recruited different degrees of attentional and executive resources.  相似文献   
This study examines whether people use the general implicit theories of creativity or not when applying them to themselves and others. On the basis of the actor–observer asymmetry theory, the authors propose that conception of creativity would be differently constructed depending on the targets of attention: general, self, and other. Three studies attempted to examine this hypothesis. In the preliminary study, a measure was developed to assess the characteristics that describe general creativity. In Study 1, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses found the conceptual factors of general creativity. In Study 2, the common and specific factors of general, self, and others’ creativity concepts were compared through invariance tests. As a result, it was revealed that the invariance test failed, which means that the general conception of creativity may not be applicable to monitor self and others’ creativity in a consistent way. Implications and limitations of this study are discussed at the end of the study.  相似文献   
随着医疗卫生体制改革的深入,应对老龄化危机,降低不断提高的医疗服务费用,提高医疗服务质量,提高医疗服务可及性和公平性,是我们面对的切实问题。医院是提供医疗卫生服务的场所,也是提供医疗卫生服务的主体单位,了解医院的经济学特性和组织特点,有利于我们对市场经济环境下的医院行为有所了解,为卫生体制改革和医疗保险改革提供理论依据。  相似文献   
干细胞研究取得了里程碑式的进展,在临床疾病的预防和治疗中具有广阔的应用前景,这些研究成果凝聚了各国研究人员的集体智慧,多向立体思维方法得到了充分体现。  相似文献   
学习考察德国紧急救援应急管理体系   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
德国的紧急救援应急体系结构合理,网络密集,分工明确,责任清晰,法制健全,管理先进,技术精良。特别是他们以人为本,尊重生命,未雨绸缪,防患于未然的理念;全民参与,平战结合,组织志愿者,从娃娃抓起的组织机构;合理分工,严谨、科学的态度更值得我们称道。为我们做好灾难应急救援工作提供了可以学习的经验和模式。  相似文献   
成人在对他人的行为进行道德判断时,对意图和结果信息的利用存在不稳定的现象。Cushman提出道德判断双加工过程理论,认为当存在重大负性后果时,需要综合考虑意图和结果信息;而当不存在负性后果时,主要关注意图信息。本研究通过句式变化操控意图信息的明显性,分别考察了两组大学生在对道德情景进行判断时意图信息强弱变化所造成的影响,结果发现:(1)对中性行为进行道德判断时,突显负性意图信息后被试会增加道德谴责;(2)对负性行为进行道德判断时,道德谴责程度没有因意图信息明显性的改变而发生显著变化。此研究结果表明,在行为结果为中性时,人们主要利用意图的信息做出道德判断,但此时对负性意图的谴责程度并不稳定,容易受明显性变化的干扰。  相似文献   
多器官衰竭或多器官功能障碍综合征在临床中尤其是急诊及重症监护室内常见,各种病因所致的疾病进展到一定程度均可导致多器官衰竭。在本案例中,一例老年男性患者,以急性腹泻起病,后短时间内进展为多器官衰竭。通过对该例患者病史总结、病理生理机制的探讨,以及对整个诊疗过程的反思,结合“蝴蝶效应”理论,总结出一种新的临床思维,并探讨“蝴蝶效应”理论在对该例患者的诊断、治疗甚至医患沟通方面所起到的作用,以期通过参考该案例,对以后的临床工作起到一定帮助。  相似文献   
论中国佛学的精神及其现实意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国佛学的精神是在佛教中国化过程中形成的,是外来佛教与儒道为主要代表的中国传统思想文化碰撞、冲突、交流、融合的产物,中国传统的儒道思想文化在中国佛学精神形成过程中发挥了重要作用。中国佛学的圆融精神、伦理精神、人文精神是中国佛学精神的主要方面。圆融精神是佛教调和其内部思想学说及其与中国传统思想文化关系的产物,对不同思想学说的调和、包容和融合态度以及圆融性的理论是其基本内涵;伦理精神融合吸收了与中国传统宗法社会相适应的儒家世俗伦理,具有宗教伦理与世俗伦理相结合的特征;人文精神融合吸收了中国传统文化关注现实社会人生的精神特质,从而使出世的宗教融入了更多的关注现实人心、人生、人间的思想内容。中国佛学的精神对于今天不同文化之间的交流融合、当代社会的道德伦理建设、佛教适应社会主义社会以更好地发挥自身的积极作用等均具有现实意义。  相似文献   
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