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评估经历两次撞击的集体特大交通事故中36名伤员1周内的创伤后应激障碍症状.以PCL-C为提纲,结合伤员自身、家属和同病房伤员的描述由评估者经过个体晤谈后完成评定.结果显示伤员最常见的症状是:创伤提示异常心理痛苦(83.33%),闯入性回忆(69.44%),回避创伤提示物品或境遇(66.67%),惊跳反应(63.89%),回避创伤相关思考(61.11%)和睡眠障碍(61.11%);63.89%的伤员PCL-C总分≥41;维吾尔族伤员创伤后应激障碍症状严重程度高于汉族伤员.  相似文献   
心理健康服务从业人员在助人过程中往往会遵循一定的理论取向来指导其实践服务.在一个多世纪中,虽然弗洛伊德创立的精神分析体系仍然深刻地影响着在阿根廷、瑞典、西班牙和日本的心理健康服务从业人员.但是在美国,它的影响力却在不断削弱.相反,学习论、认知论、认知/行为说、折衷/整合论等因适应社会需要而日显其重要性.心理健康服务理论取向经历了一个从单一—多元—整合的过程.  相似文献   
《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》以“当时的医疗水平”作为医疗过失的认定标准,然而法律上的“医疗水平”是一个相当抽象的标准,如何将此抽象标准适用于个案有相当的难度.随着循证医学的发展,通过循证性临床诊疗指南和临床路径构建的疾病标准化诊疗内容与程序能代表“当时的医疗水平”,为医疗过失认定的具体化、规范化提供新思路.  相似文献   
西医传入后日益压缩的生存空间,迫使中医界开始科学化探索.60年前,在“整理发掘,加以提高”精神和西医学习中医政策倡导下,体现科学性的辩证论治被提出,引发学界关注.随后,其学术地位在各类中医教材编写过程中被逐步确立,并广泛传播.辨证论治理论是中西文化碰撞下的时代产物,是中医做出的适应性改变.  相似文献   
针对纠偏救弊是学术流派形成的主要原因,提出“偏”不是中医防病治病学术思想的精髓所在,学术争鸣与学术创新可以“偏”,但临证选方用药不可“偏”!从张仲景、叶天士到蒲辅周等历代中医名家都是以“随证治之”为特色经验.在“读经典、做临床”过程中,提倡广泛涉猎古今众多学术流派,但要做到“师古而不泥古”.  相似文献   
目前,我国的道教研究日趋兴盛,在道教历史和思想史的研究领域都取得了突破性进展.但区域性道教的研究仍是我国道教研究的薄弱环节和空白地带,近二十年来鲜有著作问世.  相似文献   
Resilience is one of the positive emotions that will enhance employees’ ability to cope in adverse conditions, such as work intensification, organisational change, and work stress. Despite growing research interest in the employee resilience area, there is limited knowledge of the process through which critical social support at workplaces, such as supportive leadership and co-worker support, affects employees’ ability to cope in challenging situations. This study, underpinned by the theory of conservation of resources and social cognitive theory, examines the role of supportive leadership and co-worker support in employee resilience, and how this may be moderated by work pressures in the context of the Chinese banking industry. Using a sample of 2,025 Chinese banking workers, we tested four hypotheses. Our findings demonstrate that supportive leadership and co-worker support are positively associated with employee resilience. High work pressure moderates the relationship between both supportive leadership and co-worker support and employee resilience, such that the relationship between these conditions is stronger when perceived performance pressure is high. Our study raises important implications for both the theoretical development of employee resilience and for management practices with respect to fostering employee resilience in organisations.  相似文献   
We propose a latent topic model with a Markov transition for process data, which consists of time-stamped events recorded in a log file. Such data are becoming more widely available in computer-based educational assessment with complex problem-solving items. The proposed model can be viewed as an extension of the hierarchical Bayesian topic model with a hidden Markov structure to accommodate the underlying evolution of an examinee's latent state. Using topic transition probabilities along with response times enables us to capture examinees' learning trajectories, making clustering/classification more efficient. A forward-backward variational expectation-maximization (FB-VEM) algorithm is developed to tackle the challenging computational problem. Useful theoretical properties are established under certain asymptotic regimes. The proposed method is applied to a complex problem-solving item in the 2012 version of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).  相似文献   
《哲学动态》2007年第1期刊登了首都师范大学王锐生先生的文章,题目为:《马克思主义中国化:该结束了吗?》,此文是针对中国政法大学常绍舜先生发表在《社会科学报》2006年9月7日的《当今主要任务———中国化马克思主义》一文所做的辩论文章。王锐生先生在该文中针对“马克思主义中国化的任务已经基本完成了”的论断,指出(以下简称“王文”)[1]常绍舜先生的文章论断之所以是错误的,原因是在于他没有从实质上去把握马克思主义中国化。而马克思主义中国化的实质是“结合”,即马克思主义一般原理与中国具体实际的结合。“结合”是马克思主义中国…  相似文献   
基于笔记文本的内容分析法系统地考察了大学生的问题意识和笔记策略状况,以及二者与学业成绩的关系。结果发现:(1)基于笔记文本的内容分析法能有效地了解大学生的问题意识状况,以及笔记策略的使用种类、频次和实际水平;(2)大学生笔记策略种类丰富且存在优势笔记策略,但问题意识相对薄弱;在问题意识、笔记策略和学业成绩上均存在显著的水平和性别差异。(3)大学生的问题意识、策略数量、策略频次与学业成绩之间呈显著正相关,问题意识对学业成绩的影响以笔记策略数量为中介。  相似文献   
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