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This study compares the behaviour of the mule (Equus asinus × Equus caballus) with that of its parent species to assess the effects of hybridization on cognition. Six mules, six ponies (E. caballus) and six donkeys (E. asinus) were given a two choice visual discrimination learning task. Each session consisted of 12 trials and pass level was reached when subjects chose the correct stimulus for at least 9 out of the 12 trials in three consecutive sessions. A record was made of how many pairs each subject learnt over 25 sessions. The mules’ performance was significantly better than that of either of the parent species (Kruskal-Wallis: Hx = 8.11, P = 0.017). They were also the only group to learn enough pairs to be able to show a successive reduction in the number of sessions required to reach criterion level. This study provides the first empirical evidence that the improved characteristics of mules may be extended from physical attributes to cognitive function.  相似文献   
In previous work (Cesari & Newell, 2002), we used a graphical dimensional analysis to show that grip transitions obey the body-scaled relation K = lnL(o) + InM(o)h/(a + bM(h) + cL(h)), where L. and Mo are the object's length and mass, and Lh and Mh the length and mass of the grasper's hand. However, the generality of the equation was limited by the ad hoc graphical method that defined the lines for grip separation and by the assumption that these lines be negatively sloped and parallel to one another. This article reports an independent test of this relation by the geometrical and statistical categorization of body-scaled invariants for the transition of human grip configurations through support vector machines (SVMs). The SVM analysis confirmed the fit of linear, negatively sloped, and approximately parallel transition boundaries in the scaling of human grip configuration within a single hand. The SVM analysis has provided a theoretical refinement to the scaling model of human grip configurations.  相似文献   
G*Power (Erdfelder, Faul, & Buchner, 1996) was designed as a general stand-alone power analysis program for statistical tests commonly used in social and behavioral research. G*Power 3 is a major extension of, and improvement over, the previous versions. It runs on widely used computer platforms (i.e., Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Mac OS X 10.4) and covers many different statistical tests of thet, F, and χ2 test families. In addition, it includes power analyses forz tests and some exact tests. G*Power 3 provides improved effect size calculators and graphic options, supports both distribution-based and design-based input modes, and offers all types of power analyses in which users might be interested. Like its predecessors, G*Power 3 is free.  相似文献   
美国有一个大家所喜爱的、值得注意的有关环境哲学历史根源的记述,它不仅有历史趣闻的内容,而且还有形成当代北美环境哲学之某些关键概念来源的知识。可是,民间的这种对北美环境思想历史起源的知识是不完全的。环境哲学家们一般运用的、以荒野为基础的历史,应该用被忽视的19世纪北美城市垃圾和卫生设施的纪事加以补充。这一补充后的历史改变了北美环境哲学一直犹豫不决的概念领域。这个新领域能更好地应对许多主要的地区和国际环境的挑战。  相似文献   
The present work investigated cognitive, linguistic and narrative abilities in a group of children suffering from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, an allelic X-linked recessive disorder caused by mutations in the gene encoding dystrophin. The patients showed mildly reduced IQ with lower Verbal than Performance Intelligence Quotient and were mildly affected in visual attention and short-term memory processing. At the linguistic assessment, neither receptive (word comprehension) nor expressive (naming tasks and fluency) lexical abilities were impaired. However, their narratives were qualitatively inferior with respect to those produced by a group of typically developing children. Their speech samples were characterized by the presence of fewer verbs and complete sentences. It is suggested that the reduced production of complete sentences is due to a selective problem in verb argument structure generation. Since the lack of dystrophin is assumed to produce effects on the maturation of the cerebellum, whose involvement has been recently suggested in verb and syntactic processing, these findings may lend indirect support to the hypothesis of a cerebellar-cortical circuit specialized in verb and sentence production.  相似文献   
In 2 studies, the authors used a combination of psychometric and experimental techniques to investigate the effects of domain-general and domain-specific working memory factors on offline decisions concerning attachment of an ambiguous relative clause. Both studies used English and Dutch stimuli presented to English- and Dutch-speaking participants, respectively. In Study 1, readers with low working memory spans were less likely to use recency strategies for disambiguation than were readers with high spans. This finding is inconsistent with predictions of locality- and resource-based accounts of attachment. Psychometric analyses showed that both domain-specific (verbal) and domain-general working memory accounted for the effect. Study 2 found support for the hypothesis that segmentation strategies imposed during silent reading can account for the counterintuitive relationship. Results suggest that readers with low spans have a greater tendency to break up large segments of text because of their limited working memory, leading to high attachment of the ambiguous relative clause.  相似文献   
Performance-avoidance goals (the desire to avoid performing more poorly than others do) have been shown to have consistently deleterious effects on performance but the effects of performance-approach goals (trying to outperform others) are more complex. Two studies examine uncertainty as a moderator of the effect of performance-approach goals on performance. Experiment 1 shows that manipulated performance-approach goals lead to better performance than do performance-avoidance goals in the absence of uncertainty about performance but when participants learn that a coactor disagreed with them about problem solutions, creating uncertainty, performance-approach goals do not differ from performance-avoidance goals in their effect on performance. Experiment 2 shows that uncertainty also moderates the effects of self-set performance-approach goals. Moreover, the same dynamic occurs with another kind of uncertainty: negative competence feedback.  相似文献   
Two studies show that initial expectancies influence the way people respond toward task-related differences (i.e., in work goals or work styles) between the self and a collaboration partner. When no advance information is available, participants expect their partner to be similar to themselves in task-related aspects. However, when people expect their partner to have a different work goal (Study 1) or work style (Study 2), and this actually is the case, disappointment is reduced and commitment toward future collaboration is increased. Initial expectations are important because these help people develop a clear picture of their partner. When initial expectations are violated, people conceive the other less clearly and this is part of the reason they report lower levels of commitment.  相似文献   
令人惊讶的是,科学家做什么和他们怎样思考一直是困难的考察课题。研究者们一贯利用笔记、谈话、日记、历史重构和同事的阐述来得到对认知过程的描述,它成为科学思考和建立模型的基础。运用这些方法,研究者们对科学中发生的事情已经完成了许多重要的说明。然而,过去的十年我们一直追踪不同的方法来考察科学家思考和推理的方式。我们已经考察过“有机地”发生在分子生物学和免疫学实验室集会上的思考和推理。我们已经做的是当科学家在自己的实验室思考和推理的时候,对他们进行录像和录音。然后我们逐字逐句地分析科学家们在明确地叙述理论、分析数据、设计实验和建立模型时所利用的思考和推理的类型。我们已经在美国、加拿大和意大利考察了最主要的实验室。在每个实验室我们工作了三个月到一年的时间,为每周一次的实验室集会录音,以会见和其他文件(如核准的建议、论文草稿)以及个别谈话补充集会内容。用这种方法,我们能够建立科学思维的认知基础的细致模型。尤其是,我们考察了现代科学中类比、意外发现和组合推理的作用。  相似文献   
克尔凯郭尔与尼采   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当代哲学中两个富有特征的基本概念,“生存”和“存在”,最初是由尼采和克尔凯郭尔创造的。尼采的哲学思考始终围绕着“生存”的现象,克尔凯郭尔的思考活动不断深入“存在”的问题。因此,他们二人的兴趣都首先而且几乎只是指向人,指向人的生存和人的存在的。所以,他们的哲学不是一个以封闭方式包括人类学的形而上学体系,相反,其哲学活动的内在系统的基础完全在于将一切问题都概括为这样一个基本问题:“人是什么?”和人成为了什么。这样,二者的哲学都是在一种实验“心理学”的名义下的哲学人类学。  相似文献   
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