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This study investigates how the ingratiation and perceived similarity of a job applicant can affect the judgment of an interviewer in determining person–organization fit (P–O fit), hiring recommendations and the job offer during a job interview. Data were collected from 144 interviewers and 184 applicants from 28 companies in Taiwan. The results suggest that applicant ingratiation has a positive effect on an interviewer's perceived similarity with the applicant, and that this perceived similarity mediates the relationship between applicant ingratiation and the interviewer's judgment of the applicant's P–O fit. The results further suggest that the relationship between the interviewer's judgment of the applicant's P–O fit and the job offer is mediated by hiring recommendations. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
用随机抽取的139名大学生和研究生被试,对Oaksford设计的4条条件推理规则的认可度,以及对组成这4条条件推理规则的前后件认可度进行了评定,并根据被试对"条件规则"、组成条件规则的"前件"和"后件"等三个因素上的评定结果各区分为"高"和"低"两个水平.而后对被试在不同评定条件下对每条规则的四种推理结果进行了统计分析.实验结果既支持Oaksford等提出的"推理者对组成条件推理规则的不同的前后件概率组合对推理结论的认可度会有影响"这一观点,也支持邱江等得出的"不同的条件概率对推理者进行推理时对结论认可度的高低会有影响"的论断.前者可称之为"前后件概率的高概率结论效应",后者可称之为"条件概率的高概率结论效应".  相似文献   
Visual marking: dissociating effects of new and old set size   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Visual marking makes it possible to ignore old items during search. In a typical study, old items are previewed 1 s before adding an equal number of new items, one of which is the target. Previewing half of the items reduces the search slope relating response time (RT) to overall set size by half. However, this manipulation sometimes only reduces overall RT but not search slope (Experiment 1). By orthogonally varying the numbers of old and new items, Experiment 2 shows that old and new set sizes interactively affect visual marking. Given a constant new set size, the size of the old set has negligible effect on RT. However, increasing the new set size reduces the preview benefit in overall RT. Experiment 3 shows that this reduction may be restricted to paradigms that use temporal segregation cues. Studies should vary old and new set size orthogonally to avoid missing a visual marking effect where one may be present.  相似文献   
吾淳 《现代哲学》2021,(1):125-131
轴心连续突破问题分别涉及雅斯贝斯、张光直及马克斯·韦伯等人的理论,覆盖哲学、历史、宗教及文明类型、传统等诸多领域,且其中所延伸出的问题又极为丰富。本文可以视作是作者在此前研究基础上的一个总结或概括性思考。文章共六个部分,各部分标题依次为:一、雅斯贝斯:轴心说;二、张光直:连续与突破;三、马克斯·韦伯:传统与革命;四、偶然性与特殊性之于突破或革命的意义;五、静止与运动,关乎历史合法性;六、大传统与小传统。希望通过对这些问题本身及其延伸性的思考,能够深化相关问题的研究,或者能够使相关思考更丰富也更具体。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was twofold: first, to examine the lasting effects of working hours on later job performance and well-being (i.e. emotional exhaustion and work engagement); second, to delineate the protective role of psychological detachment in the highly demanding Chinese work setting featuring long working hours. We employed a panel design in which all variables were measured twice, with six months in between the waves. Data were obtained from 323 Chinese employees working in diverse industries in Taiwan. Analysing the panel data with structural equation modelling (SEM) techniques, we found that working hours were positively associated with emotional exhaustion and negatively associated with work engagement and job performance, measured six months later. Detachment moderated the effects of working hours on later work engagement and job performance. Specifically, detachment attenuated the negative relationships between working hours and work engagement and job performance. The present study extends the recovery research in the West by demonstrating the protective role of detachment in the East Asian societies with important managerial implications.  相似文献   
研究探讨了发展性阅读障碍个案S汉字命名过程选择性错误的产生机制。汉字命名、词汇判断和组词实验有三个主要发现,个案S在汉字命名过程中产生大量的选择性错误,选择性错误在复合词中发生的前后位置没有显著差异;S在词汇判断过程中,混淆词汇中两个词素的先后顺序;S对产生选择性错误的汉字组词的数量显著少于控制组,且其产生选择性错误的复合词的频率显著高于他组出的其他词汇频率。研究以Zhou&Marslen-Wilson(2000)的复合词的多水平平行结构心理词典模型为基础讨论了这些发现的理论意义,并着重分析了汉字命名过程中词素频率和词汇意义结构之间的交互作用。  相似文献   
Two experiments were designed to test discrete-threshold models of letter and word recognition against models that assume that decision criteria are applied to measures of continuous strength. Although our goal is to adjudicate this matter with respect to broad classes of models, some of the specific predictions for discrete-threshold are generated from Grainger and Jacobs' (1994) Dual-Readout Model (DROM) and some of the predictions for continuous strength are generated from a revised version of the Activation-Verification Model (Paap, Newsome, McDonald, & Schvaneveldt, 1982). Experiment 1 uses a two-alternative forced-choice task that is followed by an assessment of confidence and then a whole report if a word is recognized. Factors are manipulated to assess the presence or magnitude of a neighbourhood-frequency effect, a lexical-bias effect, a word-superiority effect, and a pseudoword advantage. Several discrepancies between DROM's predictions and the obtained data are noted. Both types of models were also used to predict the distribution of responses across the levels of confidence for each individual participant. The predictions based on continuous strength were superior. Experiment 2 used a same-different task and confidence ratings to enable the generation of receiver operating characteristics (ROCs). The shapes of the ROCs are more consistent with the continuous strength assumption than with a discrete threshold.  相似文献   
Rokeach's (1973) Value Survey has been widely used in recent years, but little attempt has been made to examine the extent to which the RVS samples are relevant to all cultures, especially in East Asian societies. This research attempts to investigate the appropriateness of RVS in the Korean setting through two separate studies: a) a value analysis of Korean school textbooks; and b) a value survey of Korean managers. Whereas the RVS provides many important values that are relevant to Korean culture, it does not involve the facets of Confucian group-oriented values such as filial piety, harmony and unity with others, co-operation, and loyalty. Further areas not measured in the RVS are frugality, initiative, and aggressiveness. The findings are discussed in relation with other recent studies. Lastly, the implications of these findings for using the RVS in cross-cultural studies are also examined.  相似文献   
Geometric line drawings were presented to normal subjects in the left visual field (LVF) or right visual field (RVF) at various degrees of rotation from a centrally presented vertical standard. The task of the subject was to indicate with a reaction time (RT) response whether the laterally presented stimulus could be rotated into the vertical standard or if it was a rotated mirror image of the standard. In Study 1, an overall right hemisphere superiority was found for RT and accuracy on match trials. Most interestingly, interactions between Visual Field and Rotation Angle for the match accuracy data and between Visual Field and Direction of Rotation (clockwise or counterclockwise) for the match RT slopes were found. These interactions suggested that clockwise rotations were more readily performed in the LVF and counterclockwise rotations in the RVF, consistent with other literature for mental rotation. The purpose of Study 2 was to replicate this finding of visual field differences for rotation direction using a design in which direction and degree of rotation were varied orthogonally. No main effect of Visual Field was found. However, significant interactions between Visual Field and Rotation Angle were found for both RT and accuracy, confirming the presence of visual field differences for rotation direction in a new sample of subjects. These differences were discussed in terms of the possibly greater relevance of medially directed stimuli and a possible hemispheric bias for rotation direction, and in terms of interhemispheric transmission factors.  相似文献   
When one searches for a target among nontargets appearing in rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP), one’s errors in performance typically involve the misreporting of neighboring nontargets. Such illusory conjunctions or intrusion errors are distributed differently around the target, depending on task or stimulus variables. It is shown here that shifts in intrusion error patterns can be produced by the manipulation of attention alone. In a dual-task paradigm, the magnitude and distribution of intrusion errors changed systematically as a function of available attentional resources. Intrusion errors in RSVP tasks reflect internal capacity limitations for binding independent features. The present results support a two-stage model of RSVP target processing.  相似文献   
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