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This study aimed to examine the age-related differences in the olfactory–visual cross-correspondences and the extent to which they are moderated by the odors pleasantness. Sixty participants aged from 20- to 75- years (young, middle-aged and older adults) performed a priming task to explore the influence of six olfactory primes (lemon, orange, rose, thyme, mint and fish) on the categorization (cool vs. warm) of six subsequent color targets (yellow, orange, pink, malachite green, grass-green, and blue-gray). We tested mixed effects models. Response times were regressed on covariates models using both fixed effects (Groups of age, olfactory Pleasantness and multimodal Condition) and cross-random effects (Subject, Color and Odor). The random effects coding for Odor (p < .001) and Color (p = .001) were significant. There was a significant interaction effect ( p= .004) between Condition × Pleasantness, but not with Groups of age. The compatibility effect (i.e., when odors and colors were congruent, the targets processing were facilitated) was as much enhanced as the olfactory primes were pleasant. Cross-correspondences between olfaction and vision may be robust in aging. They should be considered alongside spatiotemporal but also emotional congruency.  相似文献   
Basic physical fitness was measured using 8 different measures for 10,295 South African children and youths (5,611 boys, 4,684 girls) ages 6 to 13 years. These measurements included height, weight, Body Mass Index, standing long jump, shuttle run, sit-and-reach, sit-up (EUROFIT testing battery), and cricket ball throw scores. Due to the effects of earlier apartheid laws on separating communities, it was hypothesized that scores for different ethnic groups may differ. Therefore, in addition to the calculation of basic norms and sex differences, ethnic differences were also tested. Height and weight, relative to age, were different between the various ethnic groups (Black, White, and Mixed ancestry) for boys, with Black boys being shorter and lighter than White boys. There were no differences in sit-and-reach flexibility scores between the groups. With the exception of the cricket ball throw for girls, White children had higher scores in most tests. Although not significantly different from the White children, in the majority of cases, the children of mixed ancestral origin had scores that ranged between the other two ethnic groups. These results suggest a need for encouraging fitness in school children, and the reintroduction of formal physical education into the South African school curriculum, especially into schools in which Black children predominate.  相似文献   

This paper explores the dilemmas women face when they strive to achieve. It is about why women have trouble with their own deeply held ambitions, how patterns of interaction with important others are internalized in their childhood years that render their own strivings for power unacceptable to them, and how this early sense of prohibition against achievement is reinforced by the larger social and cultural surround. I contend that these interdictions against success are held by the female both in and out of her awareness, and are evoked in situations that trigger pathogenic memories in ever more complex ways. I explore current concepts about gender and gender formation, in particular the ideas of Adrienne Harris articulated in her book, Gender as Soft Assembly. Two clinical cases are described in order to explore and illustrate these issues, one a child and the other an adult.

Estelle Shane. Mädchen, ihre Väter und Mütter: Verbindende Muster zu Erfolgsstreben und Verboten im Leben von Frauen.

Dieser Aufsatz untersucht das Dilemma von Frauen, die nach Erfolg streben. Es geht Frauen, bei denen die Wünsche nach Erfolg in der Tiefe verborgenen sind. Die Muster von internalisierten Beziehungen mit wichtigen Bezugspersonen aus der Kindheit verhindern, dass sie das eigene Streben nach Macht akzeptieren können. Dieses Verbot von Erfolgsstreben ist verstärkt durch die sozialen und kulturellen Verhältnisse in denen sie leben. Im Hin und Her zwischen Bewusstwerdung und Verdrängung der Konflikthaftigkeit von Erfolgsstreben, können Erinnerungen an frühere pathogenene Konflikte ausgelöst werden. Gängige Konzepte der Entstehung von Geschlechtsidentität werden untersucht, speziell die Ideen von Adrienne Harris aus ihrem Buch: “Gender as soft Assembly”. Zwei klinische Fälle werden zur Illustration untersucht, der eines Kindes und der eines Erwachsenen.

Estelle Shane. Las niñas, sus padres, y sus madres: Patrones ligados a la ambición y la prohibición en las mujeres.

Este trabajo explora los dilemas que las mujeres enfrentan cuando luchan por lograr. Trata del porque las mujeres tienen problemas con sus ambiciones más profundamente sostenidas, cómo los patrones de interacción con otros son internalizadas en sus años de infancia, y dan cuenta de sus propias luchas por el poder, inaceptables para ellas, y cómo esta sensación temprana de prohibición en contra del logro es reforzado por el ambiente social y cultural que les rodea. Estas prohibiciones en contra del éxito son sostenidas por las mujeres tanto con o sin conciencia y son evocadas en situaciones que apuntalan recuerdos patogénicos en formas más complejas. Exploro conceptos actuales sobre la formación del género, en particular las ideas de Adrienne Harris articuladas en su libro, Gender and soft Assembly. Dos casos clínicos son descritos para explorar e ilustrar estos aspectos, uno se trata de una niña y otro de una mujer adulta.  相似文献   
Threat estimation is crucial for the adaptation of behavior to a dangerous situation. In anxiety, a bias to threat has been described as a core feature. Therefore, the sensitivity for threatening information in anxious individuals may have consequences for danger estimation. In this study, we used the affective priming paradigm to test the assumption that fearful expressions would facilitate danger detection in natural scenes in anxious individuals. Twenty-three high trait anxious individuals and 22 low trait anxious individuals participated in the study. They had to detect the potential threat of a target scene (neutral or threatening) following neutral or fearful face primes. High trait anxious participants detected threat more rapidly than low trait anxious participants, consistent with previous reports of emotional hypervigilance in anxiety. Furthermore, this effect was enhanced when the target scene followed a fearful expression: Only in anxious participants were reaction times shorter to detect danger following a fearful prime than a neutral prime. Our results tend to show that in anxiety, the hypervigilance to threat may be of an important value such as increasing the detection of a subsequent potential danger. Implication of attentional processes and attentional control is discussed.  相似文献   
In this review of Stephen Seligman’s contribution to the literature on disorders of temporality, the patient’s ordinary and extraordinary experiences of time in the clinical situation, the reviewer provides both theoretical confirmation and clinical illustration in support of the author’s arguments. Infant research, nonlinear dynamic systems theory, and especially a brain-based psychoanalytic perspective taken from the work of Gerald Edelman are introduced to facilitate understanding of memory in general and the second of Seligman’s disorders of temporality in particular. Edelman’s formulation on the biological evolution of consciousness affords a means to comprehend how the phenomenon of dissociation emerges spontaneously in the clinical situation that matches and offers an explanation Seligman’s own understanding.  相似文献   
In spite of policies advocating the involvement of families in the care of mental health service users in the UK, there are few examples of initiatives to develop staff confidence and skills in partnership working. This article describes a whole team training initiative and family liaison service to promote family inclusive working on in‐patient wards for older people in Somerset, UK. A three‐day staff‐training programme is described and training outcomes are reported. Staff report a substantial increase in confidence and family meetings held. A pre‐and post‐ training case note audit shows increased consideration of the needs of families. To further increase face to face meetings with families a family liaison service has been established, whereby a staff member with systemic family therapy training joins ward staff to hold family meetings as part of the assessment/admission process. Evaluation of this service has shown it to be effective with positive feedback from families and staff.  相似文献   
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