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Motivation and Emotion - Within self-determination theory, motivation has been treated as a unidimensional (autonomy continuum) and multidimensional (types of motivation) construct. We propose that...  相似文献   
Social networking sites (e.g., MySpace and Facebook) are popular online communication forms among adolescents and emerging adults. Yet little is known about young people's activities on these sites and how their networks of “friends” relate to their other online (e.g., instant messaging) and offline networks. In this study, college students responded, in person and online, to questions about their online activities and closest friends in three contexts: social networking sites, instant messaging, and face-to-face. Results showed that participants often used the Internet, especially social networking sites, to connect and reconnect with friends and family members. Hence, there was overlap between participants' online and offline networks. However, the overlap was imperfect; the pattern suggested that emerging adults may use different online contexts to strengthen different aspects of their offline connections. Information from this survey is relevant to concerns about young people's life online.  相似文献   
Previous studies have indicated that the formation of coherent patterns for multielement motion displays depends onglobal cooperative interactions among large ensembles of spatially distributed motion detectors. These interactions enhance certain motion directions and suppress others. It is reported here that perceiving one element moving between two nearby locations likewise is subject to cooperative influences (possibly facilitating and inhibiting interactions within alocal ensemble of overlapping detectors). Thresholds depending on luminance contrast were measured for a generalized singleelement apparent-motion stimulus, and evidence for spontaneous switching and hysteresis effects indicated that motion perception near the 50% threshold was bistable. That is, for conditions in which motion and nonmotion were perceived half the time, the two percepts were distinct; when one was perceived, it clearly was discriminable from the other. These results indicated that (1) single-element apparent-motion thresholds depended on the immediately preceding state of the ensemble of motion detectors responding to the stimulus, and (2) the stimulus activation of individual motion detectors always might be influenced by recurrent, cooperative interactions resulting from the detectors’ being embedded within interconnected ensembles.  相似文献   
The authors propose a framework for career counseling in rural communities that addresses the psychosocial and economic challenges of natural disasters and other catastrophic transitions. The career‐community development framework expands the notion of “client” to include a community‐as‐client approach within a capacity building orientation to supporting workers in the wake of large‐scale disruptions. Drawing on a case study of 2 communities recovering from a devastating forest fire, the authors outline an intervention approach that integrates elements from psychological‐trauma theory, career‐community capacity building models, and libratory educational practices. Implications of this framework for counselor training and practice are discussed.  相似文献   
Young adolescents are quickly becoming avid users of social networking sites (SNSs); however, little is known regarding how they use these sites. The goal of the present study was to examine the extent to which young adolescents use SNSs, with whom they connect via these sites, and whether SNS use disrupts daily functioning. Among 268 middle-school students surveyed, 63% reported having their own profile page on an SNS. On average, adolescents reported having 196 SNS contacts (friends), most of whom were known peers. Young adolescents with an SNS spent most of their time viewing and responding to comments written on their profile page. Among the SNS users, 39% reported getting behind on schoolwork and 37% reported losing sleep at least once because they were visiting an SNS. As SNS use becomes embedded in young teens' daily lives, it is important to better understand how such use affects their daily adaptive functioning.  相似文献   
Studies repeatedly have documented that societal well‐being is associated with individualism. Most of these studies, however, have conceptualized/measured well‐being as individual life satisfaction—a type of well‐being that originates in Western research traditions. Drawing from the latest research on interdependent happiness and on family well‐being, we posit that people across cultures pursue different types of well‐being, and test whether more collectivism‐themed types of well‐being that originate in Confucian traditions also are associated with individualism. Based on data collected from 2,036 participants across 12 countries, we find support for the association between individual life satisfaction and individualism at the societal level, but show that well‐being's association with individualism is attenuated when some collectivism‐themed measures of well‐being are considered. Our article advances knowledge on the flourishing of societies by suggesting that individualism may not always be strongly linked with societal well‐being. Implications for public policies are signaled.  相似文献   
The purpose of this analysis of data from a larger investigation was to assess effects of anthropometric factors on free throw shooting performance of 15 girls from Michigan and 18 from Puerto Rico. Subjects performed 60 free throws (10 trials x 3 ball sizes x 2 basket heights). Correlations were low, with two exceptions, .53 between shooting performance at the low basket and grip strength (as measured by hand grip dynamometer) for girls from Michigan, and .49 for hand width and performance at the low basket for girls from Michigan.  相似文献   
Teen relationship violence is a global phenomenon associated with adverse outcomes. As in other countries, teen relationship violence is of concern in Mexico. However, few studies have examined the risk and protective factors of teen relationship violence among Mexican adolescents. This study examined whether patriarchal beliefs and exposure to authoritarian parenting among Mexican adolescents are associated with perpetration and victimization of physical and verbal-emotional teen relationship violence. Two hundred and four students (15–18 years old) from Monterrey, Mexico, completed questionnaires. Hierarchical regression analyses controlling for age revealed that among girls, authoritarian parenting was associated with physical and verbal-emotional victimization and verbal-emotional violence perpetration. Among boys, higher endorsement of patriarchal beliefs was associated with lower reports of physical perpetration and physical victimization.  相似文献   
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