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Summary Predictions derived from an information seeking, attribution model of false autonomic feedback were tested in an experiment using a 3 × 3 design. Male students (n = 61) viewed aversive slides accompanied by either increasing, constant, or no heart sounds. They were instructed either to attend to slides and sounds labelled extraneous, or to slides and sounds labelled as their own heart beats, or to try to explain their fictitious heart beats through slide features (attribution condition). Increase and constant feedback instigated equally intense information search (measured through self-determined viewing time and heart-rate deceleration) but increased feedback did not direct the search (measured through viewing time distribution and recall) more towards negative or less towards neutral features than did constant feedback. Increased feedback enhanced rated slide unpleasantness in the attention and attribution conditions whereas constant feedback decreased unpleasantness in the attribution condition only. Correlations were consistent with the hypothesis that attributions of fictitious autonomic reactions, but not information search and actual heart rate, mediate feedback effects on stimulus valences.The author would like to thank Paul Wagemann, who ran part of the subjects, Alfred Holl, who helped to cope with equipment problems, and Günter Eisenhut, who assisted in data reduction and analysis.  相似文献   
The study investigated the effect of transfer between two problems having similar (homomorphic) problem states. The results of three experiments revealed that although transfer occurred between repetition of the same problems, transfer occurred between the Jealous Husbands problem and the Missionary—Cannibal problem only when (a) Ss were told the relationship between the two problems and (b) the Jealous Husbands problem was given first. The results are related to the formal structure of the problem space and to alternative explanations of the use of analogy in problem solving. These include memory for individual moves, memory for general strategies, and practice in applying operators.  相似文献   
Protocols of language interactions between mothers and children are analyzed. The children ranged in age from 2,2 years to 5,0 years. Systematic changes in the interactions were found with the increasing level of language skills of the child. Mothers generally proved to be very sensitive measuring instruments of the language capacities of their children and they adapted their verbal utterances to these capacities. The syntactical forms as well as the communicated contents of the message were changing with increasing language skill. Nonhuman environmental influences on the language behaviors were studied in part and changes in the use of these situational resources by the mothers were observed. Individual differences in the teaching methods of the mothers as well as in the reactions of the children are discussed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit hatte das Ziel, die Umstimmung der retinalen Raumwerte während willkürlicher horizontaler Blicksprünge (Sakkaden) zu untersuchen.Die Methodik bestand darin, während oder nach der Augenbewegung kurzzeitig einen ca. 1° großen Lichtreiz (Elektronenblitz) im Gesichtsfeld der Vp zu exponieren, den diese in bezug auf eine kopffeste Skala zu lokalisieren hatte. Die Auslösung des Lichtreizes erfolgte auf elektrookulographischem Weg durch die Augenbewegung selbst.Bei diesen Versuchen traten in systematischer Abhängigkeit vom retinalen Ort des Reizes und von der zwischen Sakkadenbeginn und Reizexposition verstrichenen Zeit deutliche Verlagerungstäuschungen auf. Sie lassen sich am besten interpretieren, wenn man die Umwertungsprozesse als Wanderung eines lokalisatorischen Bezugssystems über ein zentralnervöses Projektionsfeld der Retina auffaßt. Diese Wanderung wird eingeleitet und angeführt durch ein rasches Einschwingen der Koordinate des Zielpunktes der Blickbewegung in die Fovea; in der zielabgekehrten Netzhauptperipherie vollzieht sich die Umwertung wesentlich langsamer. Dabei kann es vorübergehend zu topologischen Veränderungen des Bezugssystems kommen, deren Genese noch unklar ist.Ausgehend von den bislang vorliegenden Ansätzen zur Erklärung der Richtungskonstanz (insbesondere vom Reafferenzprinzip, den Aufmerksamkeitstheorien und der Theorie MacKays) wird ein eigenes Modell entwickelt, in dessen Rahmen die Versuchsergebnisse diskutiert werden.
Investigations and considerations of directional perception during voluntary saccadic eye movements
Summary This investigation attempts to examine the change of retinal local signs during voluntary horizontal saccadic eye movements. The method used was to expose the S. to a short light stimulus (electronic flash) of approximately one degree angular width during or after a 16 degree eye movement. The stimulus was released by the eye movement itself via the retino-corneal potential. The S.'s task was to localize the stimulus on a fixed luminous scale.Clear translatory illusions occurred in these experiments. They depended systematically on the spot on the retina stimulated, and on the time elapsed between the onset of the saccade and the release of the stimulus. These illusions are best interpreted as due to the shift of a coordinate system across the retinal field. The shift is initiated by the coordinate of the retinal spot on which the target of the eye movement was projected before the saccade began. This coordinate rapidly swings into the fovea. The processes on the retinal hemisphere opposite to the target occur at a much slower rate. Moreover, temporary changes of the topology of the coordinate system may take place during the saccade. Their origin is still unclear.The results of the experiments are discussed in terms of a special model based on the previous explanations of the phenomenon of directional constancy (especially the reafference principle, the attention theories, and MacKays theory).

Diese Arbeit wurde mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft ausgeführt. Wir danken unseren Versuchspersonen für ihre ausdauernde Mitarbeit sowie Frau Dipl.-Psych. Doris Bischof, Herrn Peter Heinecke und Frau Dr. Maria V. Schaetz für ihre Hilfe bei der Durchführung und Auswertung der Versuche.  相似文献   
Analysis of Pschonik’s work on conditioning and sensation, in the light of Gellhorn’s studies on the tuning of the central nervous system through changes in the ergotropic-trophotropic balance, leads to the following results. Vasomotor and sensory reactions (VSR) induced by stimulation of cutaneous warmth and pain receptors (US), or by the conditional stimulus (CS) reinforced by the US, show parallel changes in a variety of circumstances: 1) anesthesia of the skin abolishes the effect of the US but not that of the CS; 2) various procedures lead to a reversal of VSR in the conditioned state in response to the US; 3) in a near-neurotic state VSR may be abolished while the plethysmogram gives evidence that ergotropic and trophotropic discharges occur at the same time. Changes in the ergotropic-trophotropic balance at the hypothalamic level alter VSR quantitatively and qualitatively. In an ergotropicallytuned state not only ergotropically-acting stimuli, but also trophotropically-acting stimuli lead to vasoconstriction and pain. Thus, stimulation of pain receptors, as well as stimulation of warmth receptors, produces vasoconstriction and pain. Similarly, these stimuli effect vasodilatation and warmth in the trophotropically-tuned state. It is concluded that the ergotropic-trophotropic balance has a profound influence on sensations and perceptions. It is of clinical significance that this balance can be altered through a conditional reflex mechanism,i.e., on the basis of individual experience.  相似文献   
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