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Satisfaction with life is often considered to be a component of or a synonym for subjective well-being. However, the meaning of “satisfaction” is rarely discussed in the scientific literature. The purpose of this study was to examine the meaning potential of the Norwegian term for satisfaction (tilfredshet). A conceptual analysis was conducted based on the qualitative responses of 276 Norwegian adults to the question “What is satisfaction for you?” Based on principles of thematic analysis, text data units were examined to develop a framework of recurrent themes and superordinate categories. The analysis demonstrated that the word “satisfaction” in everyday Norwegian language does not unequivocally point toward a unitary, clear-cut affective or evaluative phenomenon. Instead, its meaning potential was found to include material, physiological and interpersonal conditions, activities, internal psychological states, and circumstances and contexts of well-being, connected by temporal and causal assumptions. In addition to hedonic understandings, eudaimonic and processual conceptualizations of satisfaction were identified. Findings support a conceptual co-existence of satisfaction as satisficing (conditions evaluated as good enough) and as more optimal fulfilment (conditions evaluated as good). Further qualitative studies of conceptual understanding across cultural contexts and languages are recommended.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to examine how people mentally represent and depict true and false statements about claimed future actions—so‐called true and false intentions. On the basis of construal level theory, which proposes that subjectively unlikely events are more abstractly represented than likely ones, we hypothesized that false intentions should be represented at a more abstract level than true intentions. Fifty‐six hand drawings, produced by participants to describe mental images accompanying either true or false intentions, were rated on level of abstractness by a second set of participants (N = 117) blind to the veracity of the intentions. As predicted, drawings of false intentions were rated as more abstract than drawings of true intentions. This result advances the use of drawing‐based deception detection techniques to the field of true and false intentions and highlights the potential for abstractness as a novel cue to deceit.  相似文献   

Political participation is one of the most studied aspects of the contemporary development of western democracies. A recent trend focuses the lack of political participation among younger generations. At the same time, the last decades have also witnessed a growth in the share of young European Union (EU) citizens who express alienation, and distrust toward social and political institutions at the national as well as the European level. By studying young people across different countries of the EU, the current study aims to examine if youths’ political passivity is better explained by political apathy or alienation. Our analyses are based on a comparative survey data collected by the Catch-EyoU project comprising approximately 4 454 late adolescents assembled from eight member countries of the EU. Results from logistic regressions predicting non-voting from apathy and alienation support the idea that political passivity is best understood as the result of political apathy. Moreover, it seems that the underlying separator of apathetic and alienated youths is cognitive awareness of political life. These results are discussed in relation to potentially built-in paradoxes of apathy present in efficient and well-functional welfare-state democracies.  相似文献   
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review - How is attention allocated during reading? The present eye-movement experiment used a paradigm developed by Liu and Reichle (Psychological Science, 29,...  相似文献   
Veksler and Gunzelmann (2017) make an extraordinary claim, which is that sleep deprivation effects and the vigilance decrement are functionally equivalent. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, which is missing from Veksler and Gunzelmann's study. Their behavioral data offer only weak theoretical constraint, and to the extent their modeling exercise supports any position, it is that these two performance impairments involve functionally distinct underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   
In this article, we extend our previous work (Reichle, Pollatsek, & Rayner, 2012) using the principles of the E-Z Reader model to examine the factors that determine when and where the eyes move in both reading and non-reading tasks, and in particular the role that word/stimulus familiarity plays in determining when the eyes move from one word/stimulus to the next. In doing this, we first provide a brief overview of E-Z Reader, including its assumption that word familiarity is the "engine" driving eye movements during reading. We then review the theoretical considerations that motivated this assumption, as well as recent empirical evidence supporting its validity. We also report the results of three new simulations that were intended to demonstrate the utility of the familiarity check in three tasks: (1) reading; (2) searching for a target word in embedded in text; and (3) searching for the letter O in linear arrays of Landolt Cs. The results of these simulations suggest that the familiarity check always improves task efficiency by speeding its rate of performance. We provide several arguments as to why this conclusion is not likely to be true for the two non-reading tasks, and in the final section of the paper, we provide a fourth simulation to test the hypothesis that problems associated with the mis-identification of words may also curtail the too liberal use of word familiarity.  相似文献   
The discretionary powers of welfare state professionals are in tension with the requirements of the democratic Rechtsstaat. Extensive use of discretion can threaten the principles of the rule of law and relinquish democratic control over the implementation of laws and policies. These two tensions are in principle ineradicable. But does this also mean that they are impossible to come to grips with? Are there measures that may ease these tensions? We introduce an understanding of discretion that adds an epistemic dimension (discretion as a mode of reasoning) to the common structural understanding of discretion (an area of judgment and decision). Accordingly we distinguish between structural and epistemic measures of accountability. The aim of the former is to constrain discretionary spaces or the behaviour within them while the aim of the latter is to improve the quality of discretionary reasoning. The focus in this article is on epistemic measures that are internally related to the main characteristic of accountability, namely justified use of discretionary power.  相似文献   
Is the effort exerted to earn taxable income considered in compliance decisions? And if so, is hard‐earned income or easy money more likely to be concealed from authorities? While economic theory postulates that prior costs should not affect present decisions, psychological research shows that prior investments of money, time, or effort do matter. Findings from previous studies on the impact of effort on abstract decision tasks suggest two contradictory predictions for the context of tax compliance decisions: Either taxable income earned by high effort is subjectively of higher value, and therefore more likely to be evaded, or investments of effort cause a shift of the reference point through the establishment of an aspiration level, resulting in honest declaration of income. Two experiments were conducted to test these predictions. In a business simulation, taxable income was obtained by different levels of effort and consequently had to be reported to authorities. Results show that tax evasion was more pronounced in low‐effort conditions. This suggests that effort changes the reference point rather than the slope, and provides evidence that in tax compliance decisions aspiration levels serve as reference points. Implications for tax audits are discussed. L'effort déployé pour obtenir des revenus imposables est‐il pris en compte dans les décisions qui en découlent? Et si c'est le cas, est‐ce l'argent facile ou les revenus durement gagnés qui présentent une plus forte probabilité d'être soustraits au fisc? Alors que la théorie économique postule que le coût antérieur n'a pas de retombées sur les décisions présentes, les recherches de psychologie montrent que les investissements passés en argent, temps ou effort ont leur importance. Des travaux sur l'impact de l'effort sur des tâches de décision abstraite débouchent sur deux prédictions contradictoires en ce qui concerne les décisions relatives à l'impôt: ou le revenu imposable obtenu à la suite d'un effort substantiel est subjectivement fortement valorisé et a de fortes chances d'être camouflé, ou l'effort investi provoque un changement de référence à travers l'instauration d'un niveau d'aspiration, ce qui a pour conséquence une déclaration honnête des revenus. On a réalisé deux expériences pour mettre à l'épreuve ces prédictions. Dans une simulation commerciale, le revenu imposable a été obtenu suite à différents niveaux d'effort et devait être portéà la connaissance du fisc. Les résultats montrent que l'évasion fiscale était plus accentuée dans les conditions où l'effort était modeste. Il faut en conclure que l'effort entraîne une mutation du système de référence plutôt qu'une simple modification de niveau et que dans les décisions relatives à l'impôt les niveaux d'aspiration servent de point de référence. On réfléchit aux leçons à en tirer pour le contrôle fiscal.  相似文献   
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