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Abstract.— Pre-stimulation with a neutral white light, in a dark-adapted state, produced a disposition for a scotopic hue of violet of about 463 nm. The observation may be explained on the basis of Helmholtz's theory of complementary negative afterimages, provided that (1) the assumption that neutral white is observed when the three types of cone receptors are activated to about the same degree, is rejected, and (2) the origin of the scotopic contrast hues is assumed to be located centrally to the photochemical systems of the receptors.  相似文献   
The present investigation was designed to study the effect of preexposure to a saccharin plus noisy bottle stimulus compound, or to each element by itself, upon the extinction-dependent "context effects" (due to the presencelabsence of the noisy bottle contextual cue) in taste-aversion learning, following noradrenaline (NA) depletion via a single systemic DSP4 injection. Since contextual manipulations have provided a reliable means of studying selective attentional processes the current theorising on the role of noradrenaline can be effectively accommodated. It was found that, under the No Preexposure and Noisy Bottle Preexposure conditions, the "context effect" during the saccharin preference tests, after reinstatement of the noisy bottles for all groups, was totally absent for the NA-depleted rats; in the Saccharin plus Noisy Bottle Preexposure condition the "context effect" was partially blocked for the NA depleted rats and in the Saccharin Preexposure condition it was at least as strong as in the control condition, These findings may be interpreted as supporting our conclusions, concerning NA-depleted rats derived from several different investigations, i.e. that following NA loss rats fail to attend sufficiently to contextual cues in taste-neophobia and taste-aversion situations. Thus, the attentional deficit may be described as an inability to attend to all aspects of the taste stimulus plus exteroceptive context stimulus compound. Although the selective attentional hypothesis of noradrenaline function requires a good deal of alteration, it remains the most parsimonious account that can be described at present.  相似文献   
Previous research in US Army Soldiers shows rates of mental health concerns as two to four times higher on anonymous surveys than on postdeployment health assessments. In this study, Soldiers presenting for health reassessment completed two questionnaires on suicide risk factors: one linked to the health assessment and one anonymous. About 5.1% of respondents reported suicide ideation on the anonymous questionnaire, 3.0% on the linked questionnaire, and 0.9% on the health reassessment. About 56.4% who reported suicide ideation anonymously told nobody of their thoughts. Current screening procedures identify only one in seven Soldiers experiencing suicide ideation and highlight the need for alternative risk‐detection strategies.  相似文献   
Discrimination of vowel duration was explored with regard to discrimination threshold, error bias, and effects of modality and consonant context. A total of 122 normal-hearing participants were presented with disyllabic-like items such as /lal-lal/ or /mam-mam/ in which the lengths of the vowels were systematically varied and were asked to judge whether the first or second vowel was longer. Presentation was either visual, auditory, or audiovisual. Vowel duration differences varied in 24 steps: 12 with a longer first /a/ and 12 with a longer last /a/ (range: ±33–400 ms). Results: 50% JNDs were smaller than the lowest tested step size (33 ms); 75% JNDs were in the 33–66 ms range for all conditions but V /lal/, with a 75% JND at 66–100 ms. Errors were greatest for visual presentation and for /lal-lal/ tokens. There was an error bias towards reporting the first vowel as longer, and this was strongest for /mam-mam/ and when both vowels were short, possibly reflecting a sublinguistic processing strategy.  相似文献   
Narrative bioethics is primarily understood to involve storytelling through the use of literature. This article suggests that other forms of media are necessary to convey stories of an ethical nature to an audience broader than one being trained as medical professionals. "Documentary bioethics" is a manner to present and interpret stories of an ethical nature using forms of popular electronic media in a reality-based documentary style to society at large, specifically Generations X and Y.  相似文献   
A size estimation (SE) paradigm and the Mueller-Lyer (ML) illusion were used to examine perceptual disturbances in schizophrenics. 35 reliably diagnosed (DSM III-R) schizophrenics were compared to 20 subjects with no history of psychiatric illness. Perceptual distortions found in previous studies of schizophrenics were only to a certain extent confirmed in the present results. More overestimators were found among the schizophrenics than among the normals on the SE task. The schizophrenics, first of all the chronic patients, also proved to be more prone to the Mueller-Lyer illusion. A reason why the very clear differences between schizophrenics and normals found in previous examinations were not confirmed in the present study, might be that a reliable diagnostic instrument was for the first time used in this kind of study.  相似文献   
In stimulus blocking the previous conditioning to one stimulus, A, followed by conditioning to the compound stimulus, AB, results in less conditioning to the other stimulus, B. Three experiments were performed to study the effect of the prior pairing of a stimulus A (noisy bottle) with lithium chloride followed by stimulus AB (saccharin plus noisy bottle) and lithium chloride pairings upon the strength of the aversion to the target stimuls B (saccharin) in NA-depleted and control rats. The results obtained were not in keeping with a "blocking" explanation since enhancement, rather than blocking, of the saccharin aversion was obtained, and confirm several recent demonstrations of the "anti-blocking" effect from investigations using the conditioned suppression procedure. DSP4 treatment attenuated the aversion-enhancement ("anti-blocking") effects in all three experiments. The possibility that DSP4-induced noradrenaline depletions may cause some disruption of between-CS associations leading to a lesser higher order conditioning or stimulus generalisation is discussed and the present findings do add further evidence to the conclusion that noradrenaline is intimately involved in attentional processes.  相似文献   
R N Emde 《Psyche》1991,45(10):890-913
Freud's characterization of the manifest dream is typified by an implicit appreciation and an explicit devaluation of dream images. According to the author, the theoretical-historical motive behind this divergent evaluation is already evident in Freud's prepsychoanalytic writings, where he assigns primacy to the written word. The author holds that the biographic motive derives from an ambivalent internalization of the Mosaic sanction against graven images, conveyed to Freud by his father through the spirit of the Phillipson Bible.  相似文献   
Two aspects of visual speech processing in speechreading (word decoding and word discrimination) were tested in a group of 24 normal hearing and a group of 20 hearing-impaired subjects. Word decoding and word discrimination performance were independent of factors related to the impairment, both in a quantitative and a qualitative sense. Decoding skill, but not discrimination skill, was associated with sentence-based speechreading. The results were interpreted such that, in order to represent a critical component process in sentence-based speechreading, the visual speech perception task must entail lexically induced processing as a task-demand. The theoretical status of the word decoding task as one operationalization of a speech decoding module was discussed (Fodor, 1983). An error analysis of performance in the word decoding/discrimination tasks suggested that the perception of heard stimuli, as well as the perception of lipped stimuli, were critically dependent on the same features; that is, the temporally initial phonetic segment of the word (cf. Marslen-Wilson, 1987). Implications for a theory of visual speech perception were discussed.  相似文献   
Narrow hedonism is defined and defended, as a view according to which pleasurable states are individuated as concrete and total experiential situations of a sentient being at a time. Typical of such situations is that, when we are in them, we are at a certain hedonic level. They feel in a certain way for the creature in them. On this understanding of narrow hedonism, which is the only one making good sense of the theory and which was probably also intended by classical hedonists such as Bentham and Edgeworth, standard objections to hedonism, based on the claim that different pleasures have nothing in common, can be set to one side as misplaced and irrelevant. It is also hard to see how this kind of hedonism can be refined, or revised, in the direction indicated by J.S. Mill, when he wants to distinguish “higher” pleasures from “lower” ones. On this understanding of hedonism, we must claim that, those who want to follow Mill will have to rely on non-hedonistic intuitions and thus desert the hedonist camp altogether.  相似文献   
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