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Previous research indicates that the work of women is often devalued rela- tive to that of men. Two experiments tested the hypothesis that such sex bias appears when judges follow ambiguous guidelines or criteria in making evalua- tions, but not when they tollow clear evaluation guidelines. In each experiment, male and female undergraduates evaluated a performance that was attributed to either a man or woman (an intellectual test performance in Experiment I; an artistic craft object in Experiment 11). Subjects followed either clear, explicit evaluation criteria or vague, ambiguous criteria. As predicted, female subjects Lyaluated the "female's" performance less favorably than the "male's" only when. criteria were vague. In contast, male subjects showed little evidence of sex bias, regardless of the criteria they followed. Discussion centers upon: (1) possible cognitive processes underlying the observed effects of clear criteria; and (2) potential practical applications designed to alleviate sex bias in naturalistic settings.  相似文献   
This study explored the contributions of role stressors and personal resources in predicting strain symptoms experienced by 117 professional women employed full-time in academia. Results of multiple regression analyses revealed that, while role stressors alone accounted for only a moderate amount of the variance in reported strain symptoms, 51 % of the variance was explained when both stressors and personal resources were combined. Womend, who experienced higher levels of personal control and social support as well as a greater number of roles occupied reported lower levels of strain symptoms. These results support the use of a transactional model of stress in future multiple role research.  相似文献   
Individual therapists who begin doing family therapy often encounter some special difficulties directly related to their prior training and experience. Some therapeutic techniques of individual therapy, such as understanding and explaining the patient's problems on the basis of faulty parenting, must be relinquished and alternative means of alleviating guilt must be adopted. In doing family therapy individual therapists must adapt to the fact that they are less important than they are used to being and have less control over content and emotional tone of sessions. They must change their conceptions about the importance of privacy and secrecy. This article discusses some of the problems encountered when one is not thoroughly committed to a family therapy approach to treatment. Countertransference difficulties, problems stemming from wanting change, and the differing nature of the gratifications in the two therapeutic modalities are other topics discussed.  相似文献   
The study investigated how the sincerity of models affects their influence, using a delay-of-reward paradigm. Subjects were 40 fifth and sixth graders (ages 9 and 10 years, respectively), selected for delayed gratification patterns. In the experimental manipulation, sincerity or insincerity was explicitly attributed to the model or, in a neutral-model condition, no information about the model's sincerity was given. Subjects then observed the symbolically presented model's immediatereward choices, opposed to their own preferences. Immediately after treatment, children in all model conditions and in a fourth, no-model control group responded to a second delay-preference test. It was found that the influence of models varied substantially as a function of experimentally attributed sincerity. Insincere models had considerably less effect than sincere and neutral models, who provoked substantial and equivalent changes. Insincere models did not evoke significantly different change than occurred in the control group. A postexperimental inquiry showed the experimental manipulation had affected perceptions of the model's sincerity and liking for the model, with the insincere model rated considerably lower than the sincere and neutral models. The relevance of cognitive appraisal in observational learning was discussed.  相似文献   
As additional studies of assessment of analyzability have been reported, research has proven very difficult and provided little clarification. This paper reviews the literature, particularly of the last twenty-five years, from the viewpoint of identifying the nature of the problems in developing useful methods of study. Some approaches to these problems, which might provide increased understanding as well as a clearer definition of some inherent limitations, are discussed.  相似文献   
Objective tests of personality typically include a number of items or trials; the total score on the test is the sum of the subject's “correct” responses across all such trials. Normally, the trials are varied systematically across various facets of the test design, so that the total score represents a composite measure of accuracy averaged across these test facets. However, since only one score is computed for each subject, some potentially important kinds of individual differences—namely all those associated with each particular variation in the test design—are treated solely as measurement unreliability. Such a psychometric stance may serve to obscure more differentiated types of individual differences, with the result that composite scores from trials based on one type of experimental design may not be highly related to such scores from trials using a somewhat different design. The present paper presents a general procedure for scoring objective tests more analytically. To illustrate this general rationale, and to demonstrate its potential utility, data have been reanalyzed from two previous studies, one using the Rod-and-Frame test, the other the Müller-Lyer illusion. In both cases, the traditional global accuracy score did not correlate significantly with other theoretically related variables, while a number of component scores were quite highly related.  相似文献   
Ellen Lenney 《Sex roles》1979,5(6):703-719
It is proposed that the field of research on psychological androgyny has entered a crucial period during which its development will not be optimal unless the following problems are recognized and corrected for: (a) the dangers of too rigidly held values; (b) the prevalence of dubious definitional assumptions; (c) the pervasity of diffuse and/or atheoretical research directions; and (d) alienation from certain basic concerns in mainstream personality research. The origins and nature of each of these problems are discussed, and in each case recommendations for future research are made. Finally, broad outlines are proposed for an idiographic model of sex roles designed to increase the predictive utility of assessment in the area of androgyny research.  相似文献   
Ellen Lenney 《Sex roles》1979,5(6):829-840
Major problems and ideas raised by the articles in this special issue are discussed, with an emphasis upon their implications for the productive development of androgyny research. First, the various methods of scoring a given sex-role inventory differ in their definitions of androgyny and in their underlying models of the relationships among masculinity, femininity, and other variables. Accordingly, recommendations for the judicious use of scoring methods are made. Second, adjustment differences between androgynous and sex-typed individuals are discussed, and researchers are urged to determine the specific aspects of sex roles which may be dysfunctional in particular settings. Third, attention is drawn to new methodologies and new content areas for androgyny research. Finally, the implications of the historical and cultural location of this research area for its status as a scientific enterprise are discussed.  相似文献   
Squirrel monkeys operated a key under second-order schedules in which every tenth completion of a 5-minute fixed interval resulted in either presentation of food or intravenous injection of cocaine. When a 2-second light was presented at the completion of the component fixed-interval schedules, positively accelerated responding developed and was maintained in each component. Over a tenfold range of doses of cocaine(30 to 300 microgram/kg/injection) and amounts of food (0.75 to 7.5 g/presentation); the second-order schedule of cocaine injection maintained higher average rates of responding than the second-order schedule of food presentation. Substituting saline for cocaine or eliminating food presentation decreased average rates of responding. When no stimulus change occurred at the completion of the first nine component fixed-interval schedules, but the 2-second light and food presentation or cocaine injection still occurred after the tenth component, only low and relatively constant rates of responding were maintained in each component. Patterns of responding characteristic of 5-minute fixed-interval schedules were maintained by the 2-second light paired with either cocaine injection or food presentation, though the maximum frequency of cocaine injection or food presentation was less than once per 50 minutes.  相似文献   
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