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Tactile spatial acuity (TSA) is a reliable and reproducible measure of somatosensory system function that has been used to study abroad range of subject populations. Although TSA is most often assessed at the fingertip, published studies employing identical stimuli disagree on whether TSA differs between the fingers of neurologically normal subjects. Using a validated grating orientation discrimination task, we determined TSA bilaterally at the index and ring fingers of 16 healthy young adults. Motivated by earlier work, we utilized two stimulus presentation paradigms, the method of constant stimuli (MCS) and a staircase (SC) method. We found that TSA was significantly higher (the discrimination threshold was lower) at the index than at the ring finger, which was consistent with a prior study. Although mean thresholds at both fingers were higher when measured with the SC than with the MCS paradigm, this difference did not reach statistical significance (p = .14). These findings should facilitate both design and interpretation of future studies investigating TSA.  相似文献   
Two experiments were performed to investigate the roles of root morpheme frequency and word frequency in the encoding of prefixed words in sentence context. Two alternative words, which were equated on other indices but differed with respect to either root morpheme frequency or word frequency, were embedded in the same sentence frame. In Experiment 1, there was a significant root morpheme frequency effect on gaze duration but only a marginal word frequency effect. Post hoc analyses indicated that word length influenced both effects, with word frequency effects predominating for shorter words and root morpheme effects predominating for longer words. In Experiment 2, word length was also manipulated. There was a significant root frequency effect for longer prefixed words and a significant word frequency effect for shorter prefixed words. The results were best explained by a dual-route model (with competing whole-word access and compositional routes), in which increasing word length inhibited the whole-word process, relative to the compositional route.  相似文献   
The authors examined coping in the adolescent children of drug-abusing fathers who have, or are at risk for contracting, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The ability to cope is an important factor in the adolescent's own risk behaviors, including drug use and associated problems. Each father and his adolescent child were separately administered a structured interview regarding personality, drug use, relationships, coping, and other behaviors. Adolescent adaptive coping was found to be related to greater conventionality, less marijuana use, fewer intra- and interpersonal problems, paternal adaptive coping, and a close father-child bond. Moreover, analysis using a risk factor index indicated an exponential increase in adolescent maladaptive coping with each additional psychosocial risk. Implications for policy and intervention are also discussed.  相似文献   
Two experiments investigated the effects of normal aging and dementia on laboratory-based prospective memory (PM) tasks. Participants viewed a film for a later recognition memory task. In Experiment 1, they were also required either to say "animal" when an animal appeared in the film (event-based PM task) or to stop a clock every 3 min (time-based PM task). In both tasks, young participants were more successful than older participants, who were, in turn, more successful than patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). For successful remembering in the time-based task, older participants and AD patients checked the clock more often than did young participants. In Experiment 2, participants were asked to reset a clock either when an animal appeared in the film (unrelated cue-action) or when a clock appeared in the film (related cue-action). Responses were faster in the related condition than in the unrelated condition. Again, there were differences in PM performance between young and older participants, and between older participants and AD patients. The observed deficits were not due to the forgetting of the PM task instructions in either experiment. Retrospective memory (RM) tasks (digit span, sentence span, free recall, and recognition) were more impaired by AD than were the PM tasks. Factor analysis revealed separate factors corresponding to RM and PM.  相似文献   
Five experiments examined whether retrieval-induced-forgetting effects are observed for implicit tests of memory. In each experiment participants first studied category-exemplar paired associates, then practiced retrieval for a subset of items from a subset of categories before finally completing memory tests for all the studied items. In standard fashion, inhibition was measured as the performance difference of unpracticed items from practiced categories and unpracticed items from unpracticed categories. Across the 5 experiments poorer performance for unpracticed items was seen in conceptual implicit memory (category generation and category matching) but not in perceptual implicit memory (stem completion, perceptual identification). Thus, retrieval-induced-forgetting effects are limited to tests of conceptual memory.  相似文献   
Intracerebral muscimol injection is widely used to inactivate discrete brain structures during behavioral tasks. However, little effort has been made to quantify the extent of muscimol diffusion. The authors report here electrophysiological and autoradiographic results obtained after muscimol injection (1 microg/microl) either into the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (0.1-0.4 microl) or into the thalamic reticular nucleus (RE, 0.05-0.1 microl). In 52 rats, multiunit recordings were collected either in the RE or in the auditory thalamus during the 2 h following muscimol injection. Decreases in neuronal activity were observed up to 3 mm from the injection site; their time of occurrence was a function of the distance between the injection and recording sites. Because these decreases cannot be explained by physiological effects, they likely reflected muscimol diffusion up to the recording sites. Autoradiographic studies involved 25 rats and different experimental conditions. Optical density (OD) measures indicated that after a survival time of 15 min, a 0.05 microl injection produced a labeled area of 5.25 mm(2) at the injection site and a rostrocaudal labeling of 1.7 mm. Increasing the survival time to 60 min, or increasing the injected volume to 0.1 microl, systematically led to a larger labeled area at the injection site (8-12 mm(2)) and to a larger rostrocaudal diffusion (2.0-2.5 mm). Direct quantifications of radioactivity by a high-resolution radioimager validated the OD measures and even indicated a larger muscimol diffusion (up to 3.25 mm). Thus, these data point out that muscimol diffusion after intracerebral microinjection is larger than usually supposed. The relationships between these results and those obtained in behavioral studies are discussed.  相似文献   
Attention demands of walking were determined in six male and six female young adults (mean 26.3 yr) and 12 gender-matched healthy, active older adults (mean 71.1 yr) using a dual task procedure with a reaction time (RT) secondary task. In three conditions an auditory stimulus, a visual stimulus and both stimuli (auditory/visual) were presented. Relative to no-walking baselines, increased RT was found in all conditions revealing an attentional cost of normal walking. When participants traversed the laboratory walkway and also positioned one of their feet within a target area on the ground, attention demands were greater than in unconstrained walking. In the targeting task, RTs to the visual stimulus were longer than for the auditory stimulus due to the interference associated with viewing both the stimulus monitor and the foot-target. Older participants' RTs in the visual and auditory/visual conditions, but not in the auditory condition, were significantly longer than for the young group in both walking tasks but RTs for young and older adults were not different in no-walking baseline trials. Inspection of mean RT functions at time intervals following gait initiation (0-3000 ms from the first step) suggested a fluctuating attentional cost of walking with increased demands associated with contingencies requiring step length regulation. The findings have applied significance in demonstrating the possibility of increased falls and pedestrian accident risk in older individuals in dual task situations such as road crossing.  相似文献   
Hemi-field visual-spatial attention was studied on a timed letter cancellation task in proficient readers from 7th to 9th grades. Participants maintained greater accuracy in identifying targets in the left quadrants (top/bottom) when compared with the right quadrants (top/bottom), revealing a leftward bias in their responses. Effects of gender and age were evident on performance; females scored significantly higher than males, and 9th graders scored significantly higher than 7th and 8th graders. Thus, a substantial shift in brain maturation may take place from 8th to 9th grades or from the ages of 13.0 to 14.11. Discriminative characteristics of the task are analyzed by assigning greater value to targets located in the top left quadrant. The 9th graders, as compared to the younger students, and the girls, as compared to the boys, evidenced a reading-direction-related bias toward systematic preference for the upper-left to lower-right quadrants.  相似文献   
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