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当今,我国的临床医学实践正面临着深刻的挑战.摆在我们面前的现实是:一方面,医学科学的快速发展,为许多疾病的诊断和治疗提供了多种选择,为诊疗最优化提供了广阔的空间;另一方面,我们在应用医学发展提供的科学成果为病人诊治时,由于医生的学术基础、临床经验、诊疗决策、治疗动机的差异,其效果差别极大.辽宁省抗癌协会最近的一项抽样调查表明,该省癌症的规范化治疗率仅为32.46%,其中A级医院不规范治疗为53.21%,B级医院不规范治疗为66.49%,C级医院不规范治疗高达96.69%.  相似文献   
学科带头人的理念、意识、能力对于学科的发展及功能的实现起着关键的作用,关系到学科的未来发展.本期"临床决策研究"栏目中,孙文兵等撰写的"论当代临床学科带头人的领导素质"深入分析了学科带头人提升领导能力必需的十个转变,指出学科带头人在服务理念上,要由经营思维向职业思维转变,树立"救人为本,经营为道"的发展理念,一切以患者的最大利益为着眼点,为患者提供有效、安全、便捷的医疗服务.  相似文献   
春回大地,万象更新。在“十一五”规划开局之年的早春时节,来自全国各地的5000多位人大代表、政协委员肩负着人民的重托,聚首北京,出席十届全国人大四次会议和全国政协十届四次会议。两会在民主、团结、求实、和谐的气氛中圆满完成了各项预定的议程,胜利地落下了帷幕。我们和全  相似文献   
中国共产党十六届六中全会于10月8日至11日在北京举行,会议听取和讨论了胡锦涛总书记受中共中央政治局委托作的工作报告,审议通过了《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》。这是一次在我国改革发展关键时期召开的十分重要的会议。《决定》是对我国构建社会主义和谐社会具有重大指导意义的纲领性文件,反映了建设富强民主文明和谐社会主义现代化国家的内在要求,体现了全党全国各族人民的共同愿望。《决定》全面、深刻地阐明了社会主义和谐社会的性质和定位,指出我们要构建的和谐社会,是在中国特色社会主义道路上,中国共产党…  相似文献   
鞭炮声声,春回大地.我们送走了金猪年,迎来了戊子的新春. 过去的一年,在我国的发展史上再次留下了光辉的一页.在我国改革开放发展的关键阶段召开的中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会,为我们继续夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利,开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面描绘了宏伟的蓝图,指明了前进的方向.  相似文献   
To date, no studies have examined possible phenomenological differences between the automatic and focused styles of pulling in youths with TTM. The aims of the current study were to examine differences in TTM severity, phenomenology, comorbid psychiatric symptoms, and functional impact across youths with varying degrees of these pulling styles. Youths between the ages of 10 and 17 years (and their parent) were recruited via an Internet-based survey. A total of 186 youths with chronic hair pulling was classified as “high-focused” or “low-focused” and either “high-automatic” or “low-automatic” based upon scores obtained on the Milwaukee Inventory for Styles of Trichotillomania-Child Version (MIST-C) using a median-split procedure. Results demonstrated significant differences between pulling styles. More specifically, “high-focused” pullers reported more severe TTM and greater symptoms of anxiety and depression than “low-focused” pullers, and “high-automatic” pullers reported greater symptoms of depression than “low-automatic” pullers. Subsequent analyses suggest that, in comparison to youths with low levels of both automatic and focused pulling, those experiencing high levels of focused pulling but low levels of automatic pulling reported phenomenological differences and were more likely to engage in additional repetitive behaviors (i.e., skin picking, lip/cheek biting). Clinical and research implications, study limitations, and future areas of research are discussed.  相似文献   
The Society for Personality Assessment is a national and international professional organization devoted to research and practice in the field of psychological assessment. As such, it represents practitioners of assessment regardless of discipline or degree.  相似文献   
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