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This study constructed the image quality models for a small mobile display under different ambient illumination levels using Group Method and Data Handling (GMDH) and described the relationship between perceived image quality and physical measurements. 33 college students took part in this experiment and were asked to evaluate the image quality under 1500 lux (typical indoor office illumination) and 7000 lux (simulated outdoor environment) in Stage One and Stage Two, respectively. In each stage, the participants had to evaluate 21 images. 17 sets of the data as a training set were used to build the model and four sets of the data as a testing set were used to verify the model. The results indicated that the effects of luminance, contrast, correlated color temperature (CCT), and resolution were significant on perceived image quality under 1500 lux. However, color temperature was not a significant physical characteristic, and an interaction between luminance and contrast was found below 7000 lux. From the results of the experiment, it is considered that the outdoor environment (7000 lux) is not suitable for using mobile displays. Finally, once a valid image quality model is built, the subjective image quality can be established when the measurements of significant physical characteristics are provided. The results of subjective ratings can also be provided for mobile display manufacturers to improve the product quality so that their products can meet customers' requirements.  相似文献   
Some evidence suggests that acceptance-based approaches such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) may be well-suited to geriatric generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). The primary goal of this project was to determine whether ACT was feasible for this population. Seven older primary-care patients with GAD received 12 individual sessions of ACT; another 9 were treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy. No patients dropped out of ACT, and worry and depression improved. Findings suggest that ACT may warrant a large-scale investigation with anxious older adults.  相似文献   
Previous research has shown that people use warmth and competence as basic dimensions to evaluate others and to interpret their behavior, but little research has examined the conditions under which low-warmth targets are liked. A series of 3 experiments involving 4 vignettes showed, in general, that low-warmth targets were better liked when they exhibited higher competence and that high-status persons displayed greater tolerance toward the low-warmth person of low status. Exceptions to these patterns were predicted and found as a function of the type of organizational context in which evaluations were made: groups that place priority on individual goals over common goals and groups that are performance oriented rather than relationship oriented. Target gender interacted with competence and relative status.  相似文献   
许多国家和地区对公务员提供比较专门的医疗保障待遇,如西班牙、韩国和日本.我国公务员在享受基本医疗保险以外,为了确保公务员医疗保障待遇不降低,我国建立了公务员医疗补助制度.通过对各国公务员医疗保障制度立法、保障经费来源及保障水平的比较,对我国完善公务员医疗保障制度提出了建议.  相似文献   
在妊娠晚期发现胎儿畸形,许多胎儿父母要求引产。一些患儿父母因为在医院引产出活体畸形婴儿而与医院产生纠纷。本文考虑采用医疗方法在引产前或引产中使胎儿心跳停止,确保引产出的胎儿为死婴(即致死性引产)以减少纠纷,利于社会。本文试图从医疗、伦理、法律的角度,探讨在胎儿父母要求下,对妊娠晚期畸形胎儿实施致死性引产的可行性。  相似文献   
为了缩短鼻内镜手术病程,防治并发症,以2006年1月至200g年1月大连市中心医院耳鼻咽喉科127例鼻内镜术后患者为样本,其中64例患者(对照组)行常规术后鼻腔清理,另63例患者(实验组)常规清理后,术腔放置浸入辅舒良鼻喷雾剂的明胶海绵小块.对两组患者术后施行同样频度、同样疗程术腔清理,观察术腔上皮化的时间进行对比.结果术后随访6个月~12个月,实验组上皮化的时间明显早于对照组,差异有显著性(P<0.05).因此,此方法安全有效,简便易操作,明显缩短了病程,有利于减少或避免术后并发症.  相似文献   
脑干梗死为脑梗死中较为少见的一种,病死率和残疾率均较其他部位高。近年来,随着医学的不断发展,尤其是循证医学证据的增多,急性脑干梗死的治疗方法有了许多新的进步。本文就近年来国内外急性脑干梗死治疗方面的最新进展进行综合性介绍,内容涉及静脉溶栓、动脉溶栓、动静脉联合溶栓、超声辅助溶栓、抗血小板治疗、抗凝治疗、脑保护治疗、卒中单元等,以期为-临床医生的治疗决策提供参考。  相似文献   
情绪状态对大学生条件推理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林珠梅 《心理学探新》2011,31(3):219-222
采用不同情绪效价的电影片断诱发大学生不同的情绪,并运用眼动仪器记录条件推理的过程和结果,探讨了不同情绪状态对条件推理的影响状况。实验采用3(情绪组别:积极情绪、消极情绪、中性情绪)×4(推理形式:MP、DA、AC、MT)的混合实验设计。研究结果发现,中性情绪状态下的条件推理成绩显著地高于积极和消极情绪状态,结果支持抑制假说。  相似文献   
基督教伦理强调关爱,尤其是关心贫穷人及社会上有特别需要的弱势社群。因此基督教群体在历史上曾积极推动政府制定一些社会福利及经济政策,以确保社会上弱小社群的基本需要得到保障。这些思想和行动,与强调私利及政府不干预政策的自由经济主义看似矛盾,以致不少人忽略了其伦理思想曾在自由经济主义的发展过程中发挥过一定的作用。但另一方面,自由经济主义发展至今,只顾个人利益而罔顾他人及社会的得失,个人的贪婪导致殃及全球的金融危机,亦受到基督教人士广泛的批评。基督教伦理思想对自由及公平的定义、对私有制的看法,以及基督教学者和教会领袖对自由经济主义下产生的金融危机的批判,对解决自由经济主义发展中出现的问题具有启迪意义。  相似文献   
Evidence from recent laboratory experiments suggests that ethnic identification can lead to negative evaluations of ethnic minorities (Kaiser & Pratt-Hyatt, 2009). The current research considers the generalizability of these findings to face-to-face interactions in contexts wherein impression management concerns are salient: the workplace hiring process. In a field experiment, Black, Hispanic, and Irish individuals applied for retail jobs with or without visible display of their ethnic identification. Analysis of indicators of formal (e.g., application offering, interview scheduling) and interpersonal discrimination (e.g., interaction length, nonverbal negativity) suggest store personnel interacting with other-race applicants exhibited greater positivity and longer interactions when applicants displayed ethnic identification than when they did not. The findings suggest that psychologists need to understand not only attitudes or intentions expressed in the lab, but also the behavioral consequences of manifest group identity as they unfold in natural environments.  相似文献   
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