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儿童自我控制研究述评   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
儿童自我控制指的是儿童对优势反应的抑制和劣势反应的唤起的能力.文章概述了近年来国外该领域研究的一些主要成果及研究动态,包括自控涵义上的争论、早期发生的认知基础及其表现、稳定性与性别差异上的表现、注意及语言与自控的关系、父母抚养方式对自控形成的影响等.最后,对该领域未来的发展趋势作了展望.  相似文献   
This paper describes a longitudinal study exploring the relationship between career decision status and work outcomes (i.e. job satisfaction, organizational commitment and performance) in a group of newly appointed graduates. Graduates employed into similar roles in a large Multinational Consultancy were tracked over 12 months at three time intervals: on appointment; 6 months after appointment and 12 months after appointment. It was concluded that job satisfaction promotes career comfort, decidedness predicts organizational commitment and this relationship is moderated by met expectations, and that neither being decided or comfortable predicts performance. Some evidence was found to suggest that those employees claiming high self-clarity (that is knowledge of their abilities, skills, and personality) were rated as higher performers. It was concluded that career decidedness is still relevant to a contemporary work environment, but that comfort with career decisions and knowledge of self (i.e. self-clarity) has the potential for far greater impact.  相似文献   
Selective exposure is the tendency to gather viewpoint-congenial versus viewpoint-uncongenial information. Extant models of selective exposure suggest this tendency occurs because people anticipate reading congenial (vs. uncongenial) information will cause more favourable intrapersonal consequences. However, these models ignore the notion that people's information choices are, in part, symbolic gestures designed to convey identity-relevant beliefs to an audience through information display. Drawing from perspectives that emphasize human consumption as symbolic and a way to signal one's identity, we suggest that selective exposure pertains not only to information processing but also to conveying identity through information display. Experiment 1 showed that people characterize information display as a way to communicate their views to an audience. Experiments 2–4 showed that people are averse to displaying uncongenial versus congenial information (without processing the information), anticipate feeling more uncomfortable and more inauthentic merely displaying (without processing) uncongenial versus congenial information, and that people's intentions to engage in selective exposure in daily life are a function of their belief that selective-exposure displays convey their identity. None of these studies or findings can be generated from extant selective-exposure theories. Thus, selective-exposure theories are likely incomplete because they ignore people's beliefs and goals regarding information display.  相似文献   
In longitudinal studies data is collected in a series of waves. Each wave after the first suffers from attrition. Therefore it can be difficult to discriminate between changes in sample parameters due to a longitudinal process (e.g. ageing) and changes due to attrition. The problem is particularly vexing if one of the purposes is to compare differences between two or more groups over time, because there may be differential attrition across groups. We refer to this as a recruitment problem, because the sample studied in any wave after the first can be thought of as having been recruited from a preceding wave. We present a mathematical model of the recruitment process. We then apply it to two large longitudinal studies, the British Cohort Survey 1970 and the National Child Development Study (1958), to demonstrate how we can identify effects expected from recruitment alone. As an illustration we show that differential recruitment would predict increasing differences between estimates of men's and women's intelligence as the studied sample ages.  相似文献   
病理诊断是诊断疾病的基本方法之一,是许多疾病的最终诊断,被许多人称为临床诊断的“金标准”。但由于病理诊断技术存在的一些主观和客观因素的影响,病理诊断也存在局限性,并且这些诊断的局限常常会引起误诊漏诊和医患纠纷。如何能在工作中尽可能地克服病理诊断的局限,使其更好地为临床和患者服务。结合临床病理实践的具体工作,对病理诊断的局限性进行简要分析,并提出相关的应对措施。  相似文献   
阿尔茨海默病(AD)是以近期记忆障碍为主要临床症状,以老年斑及神经纤维缠结为主要病理改变的进行性神经变性疾病。目前发现男女患病率有明显差异,女性患病率是男性的1.5倍~3倍,这可能是由于绝经后妇女体内雌激素不足增加了AD的易感性,而男性血清总睾酮降低,能使AD患者病情恶化。  相似文献   
采用Triad Classification法和等级图形模式研究了4~6岁幼儿在辨别过程中图形维度显著性效应。实验1让幼儿进行自由辨别任务,发现颜色显著性强于形状,局部特征的显著性强于整体特征;随被试年龄增长,整体特征和颜色的显著性逐渐增强;对维度显著性等级模式的信息加工比对整体局部特征等级模式的加工反应时长。实验2进行按指定标准来辨别的任务,发现仍然出现图形维度显著性效应。这些结果说明图形维度显著性效应可能是自动发生的,可能比整体局部特征的认知加工更复杂。  相似文献   
中国传统婚姻与性道德是中国封建时代经济关系、政治制度和思想文化的产物,其中既有封建性的糟粕,亦有中华民族传统美德之精华。“性欲即罪恶”,“父母之命,媒妁之言”,男尊女卑歧视妇女是中国传统婚姻与性道德中的封建性糟粕。主张对婚姻与两性关系的严肃慎重态度;强调对婚姻家庭的责任和义务;要求女性珍视自己的贞操,则是中国传统婚姻与性道德中的道德精华。在改革开放和全球化条件下,继承和发扬中国传统婚姻与性道德中的优秀道德成果具有现实意义。  相似文献   
本文分析了里可纳品格教育思想产生的背景、主要内容,在此基础上,对美国中小学品格教育进行了回顾和评价,认为教育不可能是价值中立的,也根本不存在没有价值观念的教育。学校每天都在有意或无意地向学生传授着价值观念,特别是教师的言谈举止每时每刻都在影响着学生的发展。因此,学校要想帮助学生取得成功,就必须向学生传授诸如公平、正直、责任、坚忍、诚实、宽容、合作、尊重他人等核心伦理价值观念,这也是近年来美国教育界和多数公众的共同心声。  相似文献   
中国区域跨文化心理学是以文化学、社会学、人类学、人文地理学、社会心理学、跨文化心理学等学科理论为基础, 比较研究中国城乡区域、地理区域、历史区域、行政区域、生态区域等文化区域居民的个体心理和群体心理共同性和差异性的学科。采用系列问卷, 在2004年和2009年先后三次对甘肃省河西、河东汉族为主的地级市属各个县市区城乡居民以及蒙拢、湘拢的跨省域居民进行抽样调查。结果表明, 区域文化同一性和差异性以及具体的生态环境、生活方式、经济发展、政治体制、社会结构、教育水平、风俗习惯、风土人情等差异, 是影响区域居民心理健康、性格特质、社会态度、刻板印象等心理机能的重要变量。今后研究将着力进行学科理论完善和省际、县际比较研究, 更好地运用田野工作等方法, 揭示区域文化与心理行为之间的相互关系和作用机制, 形成理论模型, 为建设和谐社会提供理论依据。  相似文献   
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