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This study examined longitudinal data linking marital aggression with child peer competence in kindergarten. The study compared 3 conceptual models for understanding the relation between marital aggression and child peer competence. Model 1 examines the direct effects of marital aggression, parental alcoholism, and parenting on child peer competence; Model 2 posits that this relation is mediated by child social problem‐solving abilities (social information processing theory); whereas Model 3 proposes that the relation is mediated by parental warmth/ sensitivity (spillover theory). Structural equation modeling was most supportive of Models 1 and 3, indicating that parenting behavior, but not social problem solving, partially mediates the relation between marital conflict and child peer competence.  相似文献   
As many as 5 to 12 million individuals of childbearing age in the United States may now be infertile. For couples who wish to conceive but cannot do so, discovery of physical infertility, coupled with strong expectations about conceiving and raising children, sets the stage for a complex series of reactions labeled here as the crisis of infertility. Infertile couples frequently struggle with strong feelings, ranging from disbelief and denial to isolation, guilt, and grief. Problems coping with infertility are worsened by physical and psychological stresses accompanying medical procedures. The marital relationship may be severely tested as well. For many individuals, the infertility crisis is resolved with virtually no support from anyone. With empathy and understanding, counselors can help infertile individuals to work through this crisis productively.  相似文献   
Elizabeth Adele Greenleaf, professor and coordinator of College Student Personnel Administration at Indiana University, made significant contributions to the development of the student affairs profession through her leadership as an educator, administrator, and mentor.  相似文献   
This article reconsiders the issue of Luce Irigaray's proximity to Jacques Derrida on the question of woman. I use Derrida's reading of Nietzsche in Spurs: Nietzsche's Styles (1979) and Irigaray's reading of Heidegger in L'Oubli de l'air (1983) to argue that reading them as supplements to one another is more accurate and more productive for feminism than separating one from the other. I conclude by laying out the benefits for feminism that such a reading would offer.  相似文献   
Between 2 and 5 million young adults are involved in cult groups in the United States. Psychohistorical influences, family dynamics, and religious values affect an individual's susceptibility to joining a cult. Cult affiliation affects the cult member and his or her family members. Although cults have high conversion rates, they also have high rates of disaffiliation. Counselors working with those who join and leave cults need to develop an awareness of clinical symptoms associated with doing so and use appropriate interventions.  相似文献   
Although scholars' interest in love phenomena has continued to increase in recent years, a common conceptual language for the study of love has not yet emerged, as is evidenced by the large number of love taxonomies and associated vocabularies that have been advocated. A promising avenue for the development of a common scientific vocabulary of love lies in the systematic examination of the love vocabularies of laypersons to identify what varieties of love, if any, their lexicon reflects. Several means by which love researchers have attempted such examinations are described and illustrated with reference to the linguistic expressions “love” and “in love.” These methods include direct questioning, autobiographical reports, inferential studies, and the prototype approach, which introduces the probabilistic view of cognitive categorization structure and process to the study of love. Several of the underlying assumptions of the prototype approach are discussed and contrasted to those of the social categorical approach we present here. The social categorical method is described in this approach, respondents place persons in their actual social worlds into social categories, and the associations among the memberships of those categories are examined. Finally, the implications of some of the findings derived from this method for a taxonomy of love and for the study of interpersonal relationships are discussed.  相似文献   
This study examines aspects of job interview behavior that influence employer preference for a female applicant for a managerial position in the human service field. The authors used an analogue methodology simulating videotaped job interview vignettes to present a female applicant exhibiting varying leadership and personality styles, ranging from a “warm” cooperative style to a “cold” task-oriented style. Employers in the human services field rated their preference for the simulated applicants. There were significant differences in preference for the various types of applicants; the most preferred were those who combined warmth with goal-oriented leadership skills.  相似文献   
Textbook treatments of training evaluation typically equate evaluation with the measurement of change and focus on formal experimental design as the mechanism for controlling threats to the inference that the training intervention produced whatever change was observed. This paper notes that two separate questions may be of interest: How much change has occurred? and, Has a target performance level been reached? We show that the evaluation mechanisms needed to answer the two types of questions are markedly different, and discuss circumstances under which an evaluator's interests will focus on one, the other, or both of these questions. We then discuss alternatives to formal design as mechanisms for reducing various threats to validity, and discuss trade-offs between internal validity and statistical conclusion validity.  相似文献   
The authors describe an application of the Mental Research Institute (MRI) brief therapy model for working with schoolchildren who either do not want to change or feel they cannot change their problematic behavior. This short-term, problem-focused approach centers on changing the cycles of interaction surrounding a student's problem, in which school staff and/or family members may be engaged. Assumptions undergirding this approach are described along with specific working procedures.  相似文献   
Two groups of matched mother-child pairs, a day care sample (N = 38) and a home reared sample (N = 38) participated in a study testing mothers for degree of decentred teaching and children for degree of decentred educability. The children were seven years old. Mother and child were tested in separate settings, thus preventing interdependency among scores. The study used a matched-pair design with control of five background variables; age of the child, mother's educational level, mother's occupational status, family SES level, and type of family. The results showed strong positive effects of both day care experience and maternal teaching on child educability. Day care experience improved the educability of children independent of the mother's teaching strategy and gender of the child.  相似文献   
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