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哈吉们,真主恩赐了你们,使你们完成了朝觐功课,你们将得到真主的喜悦和宽恕,真主说:“你们在举行朝觐的典礼之后,当记念真主,犹如记念你们的祖先一样,或记念得更多些。有人说:‘我们的主啊!求你在今世赏赐我们。’他在后世,绝无福分。”(2∶200)在这节经文中,真主命令哈吉,完成朝觐功课后多多地记念真主。  相似文献   
美洲的技术哲学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
这几年,技术现象,成为西方现代化的明显特征,在美洲哲学家中间引起了极大的兴趣。从1965年在(加利福尼亚大学)圣巴尔巴拉“民主研究所”召开座谈会之后,大家可以看到,技术哲学作为一种崭新的学术科目在美洲出现了,继而召集会议,开设讲座,出版专刊和书籍目录等等,专门讨论这种新学科。由于观点不同,我们要介绍的美洲作者的研究,集中在以下几个基本问题上:技术与价值,科学和技术在价值上的中性问题,技术社会和虚无主义,  相似文献   
黑格尔的《逻辑学》一书乃是哲学发展史的理论再现。这不就是说,黑格尔体系无非是历史-哲学过程研究的总结吗?但是为了做出这种总结,必须要有一种能在某种程度上预见以后研究结果的哲学观点做主线。显然,这种哲学观点不可能是总结哲学史的结果,即使总结可以证明哲学观点是正确的。因此,孰先孰后,是黑格尔体系先于他的历史-哲学研究还是  相似文献   
马克思和恩格斯把社会区别为基础和上层建筑,这种区别是把历史看作社会经济形态的自然历史发展过程的历史观在理论上的一个决定性的出发点、只有作这种区别,才有可能在科学上严格地、唯物主义地研究和理解社会生活。必须从唯物主义地回答哲学基本问题——物质和意识的关系——出发,才能从理论上说明物质的东西和观念的东西之间的特殊社  相似文献   
<正>俞吾金教授在他的文章中,分别从三个角度指出了青年黑格尔在批判现代性方面的重要贡献,我们知道对现代性的批判是在康德以后的德国哲学中逐渐展开的。文章主要提到了这样三个方面:1."实证的宗教",被黑格尔定义为"实证的宗教  相似文献   
人的思维是否具有客观的真理性,这并不是一个理论的问题,而是一个实践的问题。人应该在实践中证明自己思维的真理性,即自己思维的现实性和力量,亦即自己思维的此岸性。关于离开实践的思维是否具有现实性的争论,是一个纯粹经院哲学的问题。  相似文献   
Human subjects were exposed to a concurrent-chains schedule in which reinforcer amounts, delays, or both were varied in the terminal links, and consummatory responses were required to receive points that were later exchangeable for money. Two independent variable-interval 30-s schedules were in effect during the initial links, and delay periods were defined by fixed-time schedules. In Experiment 1, subjects were exposed to three different pairs of reinforcer amounts and delays, and sensitivity to reinforcer amount and delay was determined based on the generalized matching law. The relative responding (choice) of most subjects was more sensitive to reinforcer amount than to reinforcer delay. In Experiment 2, subjects chose between immediate smaller reinforcers and delayed larger reinforcers in five conditions with and without timeout periods that followed a shorter delay, in which reinforcer amounts and delays were combined to make different predictions based on local reinforcement density (i.e., points per delay) or overall reinforcement density (i.e., points per total time). In most conditions, subjects' choices were qualitatively in accord with the predictions from the overall reinforcement density calculated by the ratio of reinforcer amount and total time. Therefore, the overall reinforcement density appears to influence the preference of humans in the present self-control choice situation.  相似文献   
儿童对图画喻意理解的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对儿童对图画中隐喻情绪的识辨和理解的发展特点 ,进行了跨文化研究。旨在探索儿童对图画喻意的敏感性的发展规律以及不同教育方式对儿童图画认知发展的影响。 3 60名 4岁到 2 0岁的中英被试参加了实验。结果表明 :在识辨作品任务及口头评价中 ,中国儿童比英国同龄儿童更早理解图画的情绪喻意 ,并很少对图画的悲伤喻意持忽略态度。提示不同文化背景下 ,儿童对图画喻意的理解存在发展上的不均衡性 ,中国的幼教方式也许促进了儿童对图画喻意理解的发展。  相似文献   
The area of judgment and decision making has given rise to the study of many interesting phenomena, including reasoning fallacies, which are also of interest to behavior analysts. Indeed, techniques and principles of behavior analysis may be applied to study these fallacies. This article reviews research from a behavioral perspective that suggests that humans are not the information-seekers we sometimes suppose ourselves to be. Nor do we utilize information effectively when it is presented. This is shown from the results of research utilizing matching to sample and other behavioral tools (monetary reward, feedback, instructional control) to study phenomena such as the conjunction fallacy, base-rate neglect, and probability matching. Research from a behavioral perspective can complement research from other perspectives in furthering our understanding of judgment and decision making.  相似文献   
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