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The status of neurorehabilitation for traumatic brain injury (TBI) is under active debate because of a dearth of research findings demonstrating effectiveness. This may be due, in part, to limitations in our understanding of basic mechanisms of cognitive and motor recovery,including those that might impede recovery. In this regard, we examined whether overall recovery following TBI might be undermined by competition between cognitive and motor functions for finite neural resources during recovery. In this preliminary study, 21 moderately and severely impaired patients were administered cognitive and motor assessments at 1, 4, and 12 months post-TBI, and recovery of cognitive and motor functions was measured using regression residuals. Negative correlations between recovery of cognitive versus motor functions were used as the index of competition. We found suggestive evidence that there may indeed be a trade-off between the recovery of cognitive and motor functions after TBI. Implications for rehabilitation are discussed.  相似文献   
We aimed to address two issues: first, to describe how the perception of motion differs in elderly observers as compared to younger ones; and, second, to see if these changes in motion perception could be accounted for by the known changes in the ability of elderly observers to detect patterns (as indexed via contrast sensitivity). The lower threshold of motion, motion coherence, and speed discrimination were measured, alongside contrast sensitivity, in a group of thirty-two older (mean age 61.5 years) and thirty-two younger (mean age 23.2 years) subjects. The older observers showed losses in their ability to detect slow motions as indexed via the lower threshold of motion for random-dot patterns and for gratings of a range of spatial frequencies. They also were impaired on a test of motion coherence, but only for stimuli of a slow to medium speed, whereas faster speeds showed no decline with age. Finally, at all speeds tested the older observers required greater differences in speed in order to discriminate between patterns moving at different speeds. The pattern of losses on motion perception tasks was not predicted by the deficits of the older groups, such as loss of detection thresholds for high spatial and/or temporal frequencies. It is concluded that these hypotheses do not provide an adequate account of the data, and therefore that the losses occurring with age are complex and probably are a result of the loss of several types of cell.  相似文献   
In the first three experiments, subjects felt solid geometrical forms and matched raised-line pictures to the objects. Performance was best in experiment 1 for top views, with shorter response latencies than for side views, front views, or 3-D views with foreshortening. In a second experiment with blind participants, matching accuracy was not significantly affected by prior visual experience, but speed advantages were found for top views, with 3-D views also yielding better matching accuracy than side views. There were no performance advantages for pictures of objects with a constant cross section in the vertical axis. The early-blind participants had lower performance for side and frontal views. The objects were rotated to oblique orientations in experiment 3. Early-blind subjects performed worse than the other subjects given object rotation. Visual experience with pictures of objects at many angles could facilitate identification at oblique orientations. In experiment 5 with blindfolded sighted subjects, tangible pictures were used as targets and as choices. The results yielded superior overall performance for 3-D views (mean, M = 74% correct) and much lower matching accuracy for top views as targets (M = 58% correct). Performance was highest when the target and matching viewpoint were identical, but 3-D views (M = 96% correct) were still far better than top views. The accuracy advantage of the top views also disappeared when more complex objects were tested in experiment 6. Alternative theoretical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   
Choice reactions can be performed more quickly if the response corresponds spatially to the stimulus, even when the stimulus location is irrelevant for the task (Simon effect). It is assumed that the Simon effect is related to interference between spatial stimulus and response codes in a response selection stage. A central finding for such a response selection account is the increase in the effect if the most probable response location is given in advance by an intentional pre-cue. However, Hasbroucq and Possamaï (1994) assumed that the increase in the Simon effect in such a task may be due to an unmeant pre-cueing of the stimulus location, which has been recently supported by an electroencephalography (EEG) study by Wascher and Wolber (2004). In the present study this notion has been tested experimentally. In Experiment 1, a centrally presented symbolic cue served as an intentional cue. As a result, the enhancement of the Simon effect in valid cueing almost disappeared. When tactile cues were used (Experiment 2), the increase in the Simon effect disappeared completely. Thus, the influence of intentional cueing reported in previous studies can be assigned to attentional factors and does not support a response selection account.  相似文献   
This work aimed at studying interactions between automatic object identification and global/local perceptual processing. We designed a paradigm in which participants were presented with pairs of hierarchically organized items, composed of global forms made up of local forms. Both global and local forms could represent either objects or non-objects. Subjects were instructed to detect whether the two hierarchical items composing a pair were identical or different. In a dissimilar pair, items differed at one level (target level), the other level, made of similar forms on both sides, was irrelevant to perform the task. We hypothesized that the automatic identification of object could affect the global precedence principle defined by Navon. In agreement with our hypothesis, we found that when the irrelevant level was made of objects, the global precedence effect was reversed. In contrast, the irrelevant level had no effect when the target level included only objects, or when the irrelevant level was made of non-object, the global precedence principle was being preserved in these cases. This interaction is compatible with the existence of two distinct processes working in parallel, namely automatic identification and structural analysis, that could either interfere or act together for the detection of differences.  相似文献   
We examined the learning process with 3 sets of stimuli that have identical symbolic structure but differ in appearance (meaningless letter strings, arrangements of geometric shapes, and sequences of cities). One hypothesis is that the learning process aims to encode symbolic regularity in the same way, largely regardless of appearance. Another is that different types of stimuli bias the learning process to operate in different ways. Using the experimental paradigm of artificial grammar learning, we provided a preliminary test of these hypotheses. In Experiments 1 and 2 we measured performance in terms of grammaticality and found no difference across the 3 sets of stimuli. In Experiment 3 we analyzed performance in terms of both grammaticality and chunk strength. Again we found no differences in performance. Our tentative conclusion is that the learning process aims to encode symbolic regularity independent of stimulus appearance.  相似文献   
Beyond the hedonic treadmill: revising the adaptation theory of well-being   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to the hedonic treadmill model, good and bad events temporarily affect happiness, but people quickly adapt back to hedonic neutrality. The theory, which has gained widespread acceptance in recent years, implies that individual and societal efforts to increase happiness are doomed to failure. The recent empirical work outlined here indicates that 5 important revisions to the treadmill model are needed. First, individuals' set points are not hedonically neutral. Second, people have different set points, which are partly dependent on their temperaments. Third, a single person may have multiple happiness set points: Different components of well-being such as pleasant emotions, unpleasant emotions, and life satisfaction can move in different directions. Fourth, and perhaps most important, well-being set points can change under some conditions. Finally, individuals differ in their adaptation to events, with some individuals changing their set point and others not changing in reaction to some external event. These revisions offer hope for psychologists and policy-makers who aim to decrease human misery and increase happiness.  相似文献   
This paper examines the development of perseverative reaching in the A-not-B task. We describe two recent models that view perseveration as a sign of developmental progress toward stability. In Experiment 1, we test the novel prediction from both models that very young infants should not perseverate in the A-not-B task whereas older infants should. We tracked infants' behavior monthly on the A-not-B task and found that infants reached correctly at 5 months, and only perseverated at 7 and 8 months of age. Experiment 2 provides further evidence on the role of motor development in the emergence of perseveration by exploring the connection between perseveration and detailed changes in reach kinematics in two infants across the first year. These data together suggest that perseveration is a sign of developmental achievement on the path to stable and flexible behavior.  相似文献   
It was hypothesized that intrinsic religiousness helps to cope with increased salience of terrorism. Intrinsically religious and non-religious participants were told that it is highly probable or highly improbable, respectively, that terrorist attacks will occur in Germany. High probability of terrorism only negatively affected the mood of non-religious participants but not of intrinsically religious participants (Study 1). Using as a realistic context of investigation the terrorist suicide bombings in Istanbul, the authors replicated this finding and shed some light on the underlying psychological processes (Study 2): On the day of the terrorist attacks (high salience of terrorism), non-religious participants experienced less positive emotions and less self-efficacy than did intrinsically religious participants. Two months later (low salience of terrorism), no differences were found between non-religious and intrinsically religious participants with regard to mood and self-efficacy. Mediational analyses suggested that the mood effects were associated with differences in the reported sense of self-efficacy.  相似文献   
Cognitive research on metaphoric concepts of time has focused on differences between moving Ego and moving time models, but even more basic is the contrast between Ego‐ and temporal‐reference‐point models. Dynamic models appear to be quasi‐universal cross‐culturally, as does the generalization that in Ego‐reference‐point models, FUTURE IS IN FRONT OF EGO and PAST IS IN BACK OF EGO. The Aymara language instead has a major static model of time wherein FUTURE IS BEHIND EGO and PAST IS IN FRONT OF EGO; linguistic and gestural data give strong confirmation of this unusual culture‐specific cognitive pattern. Gestural data provide crucial information unavailable to purely linguistic analysis, suggesting that when investigating conceptual systems both forms of expression should be analyzed complementarily. Important issues in embodied cognition are raised: how fully shared are bodily grounded motivations for universal cognitive patterns, what makes a rare pattern emerge, and what are the cultural entailments of such patterns?  相似文献   
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