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Mindfulness and character strengths significantly contribute to psychological wellbeing in various contexts. Empirical studies further imply that mindfulness-based interventions can cultivate a wide range of strengths, which in turn facilitate the wellbeing of individuals. However, no study has examined this hypothesis. The current study underpins this argument with empirical pieces of evidence from cross-sectional (Study 1) and longitudinal (Study 2) data by investigating the relationship between character strengths, mindfulness, and psychological wellbeing among community (n = 375) and undergraduate populations (n = 229). Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, Brief Strengths Scale, and Flourishing Scale were administrated. As hypothesized, the results of the cross-sectional investigation confirm that mindfulness and character strengths are conceptually related constructs with significant contributions to psychological wellbeing. Temperance Strength and Interpersonal Strength further mediate the relationship between Observing facet of mindfulness and Flourishing. Furthermore, investigating the relationship among mindfulness, strengths, and psychological wellbeing using Longitudinal Mediation Modeling reveals a clear picture. After the baseline of the outcomes is controlled, the 6-month longitudinal study indicates that the past level of Observing facet of mindfulness can predict the present level of Temperance Strength, which in turn predicts future Flourishing. These results highlight the importance of Observing facet in mindfulness and Temperance Strength, which provide another possible explanation on how and why mindfulness can affect psychological wellbeing among general populations. Future Strength-based Mindfulness Intervention Programs can be developed based on these findings. 相似文献
Ying Wang Feng Jin Baofeng Chi Shengyun Duan Qing Zhang Ying Liu 《Psychology, health & medicine》2016,21(8):964-974
There is little epidemiological research on Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in Inner Mongolia, China. Here we investigated the prevalence of IBS and factors associated with IBS in both males and females in Inner Mongolia Medical University by a cross-sectional study. We recruited Inner Mongolia Medical University students residing in campus and asked them to complete a self-administered questionnaire. The prevalence of IBS in each factor we chose in all, male, and female students was determined. We assessed IBS subtypes in male and female students. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to assess the factors associated with IBS in male and female students. The overall prevalence of IBS was 29.5%. The prevalence of IBS in female students was significantly higher than that in male students (31.3% vs. 24.8%, p < .001). Logistic regression results showed that attempting to lose weight and anxiety were both associated with increasing odds of IBS, while exercise was not associated with IBS in either male or female students. In female students, snack consumption and depression were also both associated with increasing odds of IBS. The predominant IBS subtype was the diarrhea-predominant type in both male and female students. Considering the high prevalence of IBS in students and the fact that the factors associated with IBS can be improved by individuals, students should be given adequate education and counseling to improve their mental health and lifestyle, especially female students in higher grades. 相似文献
Johanna E. Nilsson Changming Duan 《Journal of multicultural counseling and development》2007,35(4):219-229
This study explored supervision experiences in 69 U.S. racial/ethnic minority supervisees working with White supervisors. The results demonstrated that perceived prejudice was associated with role ambiguity and role conflict in supervision, suggesting that supervision may not occur in isolation from trainees' lived experience. Implications for training and research are addressed. Este estudio exploró las experiencias durante la supervisión de 69 estadounidenses pertenecientes a minorías raciales/étnicas trabajando con supervisores Blancos. Los resultados demostraron que el perjuicio observado estaba asociado con la ambigüedad del rol y el conflicto del rol en la supervisión, lo que sugiere que no puede darse una supervisión aislada de la experiencia vital del aprendiz. Se abordan las implicaciones para la formación e investigación. 相似文献
汉语常用颜色词的概念结构 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
采用自然分类和多维标度的方法,研究了汉语常用颜色词的概念结构。结果表明,汉语常用颜色词的语义空间具有按原型分布的特点。常用颜色词的概念结构有3个维度:1.彩色/非彩色;2.暖色/冷色;3.颜色的互补和对比。整个研究表明,颜色认知既受光波的物理属性和人眼的生物特性影响,又受语言和社会文化影响。 相似文献
《指空和尚禅要录》亦称《指空直指》,简称《禅要录》,是指空弟子汇编的一部指空著述,包括《佛祖传心西天宗派旨要》、《顿入无生大解脱法门指要》两大部分。本文对其研究证实,指空禅学应该还是中国禅学的翻版,无论是就其思想还是形式而言。由此看出,指空虽是一位来自印度的僧人,当其以“禅师”面目出现时,他即已经是一位很中国化的僧人了。 相似文献
Honghong Bai Haijun Duan Evelyn H. Kroesbergen Paul P. M. Leseman Weiping Hu 《创造性行为杂志》2020,54(3):699-711
This paper presents the Learn to Think preschool (LTT-P) program for promoting creativity in preschoolers and reviews its potential benefits. LTT-P was designed within the framework of the successful LTT creativity program for older students and both were developed to fit the Chinese education system. To assess the potential benefits of LTT-P, a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group study was conducted in a preschool in an urban region in the northwest of China, involving 68 middle level and 87 senior level children. The Lines and Circles subtests of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking were used to examine the development of children's creativity on the dimensions fluency, originality, and elaboration between pretest and posttest. The results suggest that the LTT-P program has the potential to promote young children's creative thinking, especially with regard to the aspects of originality and elaboration. The results for fluency are less clear. To the best of our knowledge, LTT-P is the first program, grounded in a structured learning theory and sound curriculum framework, to support children's creativity development in Chinese early childhood education. 相似文献
Changming Duan Helen Roehlke 《Journal of multicultural counseling and development》2001,29(2):131-146
Results of a survey of cross‐racial supervision dyads at university counseling centers showed (a) supervisees were more sensitive to cultural/racial issues than were supervisors, (b) supervisors reported making more efforts to address cultural issues than supervisees perceived, and (c) satisfaction with supervision was related to supervisees' self‐disclosure and dyad members' perceived positive attitudes toward each other. Resultados de una encuesta sobre duos de supervisión de diferentes razas en centros de consejería universitarios demostró lo siguiente (a) los supervisados fueron mas sensibles sobre temas culturales o raciales que los supervisores, (b) los supervisores reportaron haber hecho mas esfuerzo para tratar temas culturales que lo que fue percevido por los supervisados, y (c) la satisfaction en la supervisión estuvo relacionada con le nivel de auto‐revelación de los supervisados y la percepción de actitudes positivas hacia el otro. 相似文献
巫师巫术,在我国有着悠久的历史,也有着一大批信徒。所以,几千年来,一直流传不衰。即使在文明科学的现代,巫术仍有它的市场。如何看待这种复杂而神奇的现象呢?生活在14世纪的方孝孺,已清楚地认识到巫术妄。并勇敢的揭露了巫术之妄。初三语文课本第 相似文献
20世纪80年代以后,随着苏东社会主义制度的逐渐衰落和最终解体,社会主义的前途命运,特别是在发达资本主义国家的前途命运,开始引起英美马克思主义者的极大重视并迅速成为他们研究的主题。从他们的相关研究成果来看,虽然他们都坚信社会主义比资本主义更优越并最终会取代资本主义,都认为应动员人民积极参加反对资本主义和创建社会主义的斗争,但在对社会主义的认识上却存在明显的分歧,因而形成了两个不同的研究方向。一个方向以分析的马克思主义者G.A·科亨和约翰·罗默为代表,在他们看来,社会主义优于资本主义就在于它更为平等,而这一点在经… 相似文献
This naturalistic study examined the relationship between two types of therapist empathy, intellectual empathy and empathic emotion, and client-perceived working alliance (WA) in China. The study adopted the definitions and assessment methods of empathy recommended by Duan and Hill and used the theory of WA by Bordin and WA Inventory-Short by Tracey and Kokotovic. Eighty-six clients and 43 therapists from a university counselling centre at a comprehensive university in China participated in the study. Therapist intellectual empathy and empathic emotion and client-reported WA measured in six consecutive sessions from the second through the seventh session were assessed for each session. The results of multilevel modelling analyses showed that client-perceived WA increased significantly session after session, and therapist empathic emotion significantly predicted Tasks of WA. Moreover, there was significant therapist effect associated with Bond. In the context of empathy and WA research findings reported in the USA, some of the non-significant results of this study were intriguing. We discuss the study results with particular attention to the Chinese cultural context and present suggestions for future research. 相似文献