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本文以《辩中边论》、《大般若经》第二会卷488和《大智度论》为中心,对瑜伽行派和《般若经》以及中观派所说之十六空的含义进行了具体的比较,并从四个方面对三者阐释的异同做了细致的分析和总结,指出唯识学者对十六空的阐释侧重于有情能所的角度来说,对于空性、真如则侧重于有的角度加以诠释;而《般若经》和中观派则偏重于从一切法平等和空的角度来说。另外,本文还特别指出了龙树在其《大智度论》中也从有情妄执的角度来谈论空,对于第一义空也从肯定和真实有的角度加以阐释。由此可略窥唯识与中观在空义阐释上的会通与歧异之处。  相似文献   
消化性溃疡是消化系统常见多发病,20世纪在此领域有两个重要的发现,即有效的抑酸药质子泵抑制剂和幽门螺杆菌的发现,对其过去几十年的发病率和死亡率产生了巨大影响。尽管有了重大进展,这种疾病仍然是当前一个重要的临床问题,主要是因为越来越多的广泛使用非甾体抗炎药(NSAID)和低剂量阿司匹林药物。本文从流行病学角度来纵观其近年来的发病情况及其特点,以提供给同道参考。  相似文献   
许东 《管子学刊》2010,(2):124-127
自魏晋以来,儒释道三家思想并存发展成为了中国文化的显著特征之一。清末太谷学派作为流传于民间的一个学术派别,其三教观一直存在诸多争议。学派北宗传人张积中在山东肥城黄崖山聚徒讲学近十年,门人弟子遍及山左,现存遗著十九种,为太谷二传弟子中著述最多者。从张积中的三教观来看,他并非倡导三教合一,其三教观的核心是以弘扬儒家文化为基本理念,同时汲取佛道思想来完善其理论体系的太谷圣功之学,当属宋明"新儒家"思想在民间进行儒学传播的新尝试。  相似文献   
"道"是老子哲学体系中的核心。"道"以"虚空"或"无"的形态存在,"虚空"或"无"是物质的潜在状态。"道"是混成之物,所以"道"是具有精妙的内部结构特性的,它是人类尚未完全认识的物质存在的高级形态。宇宙万物是"道"创生与演化的结果,而且在演化的过程中,"道"的作用是"无为而无不为"的。在研究宇宙的本体(或本源)问题上,没有其它的概念可以替代它、超越它。"道"是具有至上性的。  相似文献   
孔孟思想是典型的德性伦理思想,孔孟德性思想是一个以"仁"为核心,主要包括恭、宽、信、敏、惠和仁、义、礼、智、信等德目的思想体系,其内容广泛,涉及人类社会生活的各个领域,对中国几千年的思想文化产生了深远影响。当今社会,在经济飞速发展、社会生活发生巨大变化的背景下,孔孟德性思想是现代社会融洽人际关系、建立良好社会秩序的思想基础,是提升个体生命质量、应对现代社会挑战的自律武器,是增强民族凝聚力、博大民族情怀的心理根基。  相似文献   
The present study examined the framing effect of two modes of idolatry among a sample of 1095 secondary school students in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Two experimental conditions were set up: in the glamour frame condition, subjects were exposed to frames that enhanced perfection and mystification of idols' personal or ideological characteristics; in the achievement frame condition, subjects were exposed to frames that enhanced emulation and identification of idols' pro-social behaviours or desirable dispositional traits. The experiment selected a prominent pop music and movie star well known in Chinese societies, Andy Lau, as the target idol. Subjects showed a consistently and significantly greater desire to glorify, idealize, identify with, emulate, and attach to Andy Lau in the achievement frame condition than in the glamour frame condition. The finding suggests that an achievement frame can heighten young people's adoration of an idol by emphasizing the idol's achievement processes. This suggestion is favourable to the possibility of transforming an idol into a role model for young people to learn to pursue career success.  相似文献   
The present study examined the moderating effect of Zhong Yong on the relationship between perceived creativity and innovation behaviour in Chinese companies. A total of 273 paired questionnaires were collected with employee self-rated creativity and Zhong Yong and supervisor-rated innovation behaviour. The results show that for people higher on Zhong Yong, their creativity was not correlated with innovation behaviour; for people less immersed in Zhong Yong, this correlation is significant. This finding provides a new insight into the effects of Zhong Yong on the creativity-innovation behaviour transformation processes. The implications for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   
Based on an analysis of the origins and characteristics of Intelligent Design (ID), this essay discusses the related issues of probability and irreducible complexity. From the viewpoint of complex systems theory, I suggest that Intelligent Design is not, as certain advocates claim, the only reasonable approach for dealing with the current difficulties of evolutionary biology.  相似文献   
普通高校辅导员的职业认同与工作满意度的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究探讨了普通高校辅导员的工作压力、核心自我评价、职业认同和工作满意度的关系。研究发现:(1)辅导员的工作压力、职业认同和工作满意度与专业教师存在差异;(2)工作压力、核心自我评价、职业认同影响着辅导员的工作满意度;(3)核心自我评价调节着工作压力和职业认同的关系;工作压力经由职业认同影响着工作满意度,且这一中介效应受到核心自我评价的调节作用。  相似文献   
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