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基督教内部的阵营分组,以往主要是以传统宗派来作为自我身份界定与归属的界限,在20世纪则转换为主要以神学立场为依据的跨宗派性的阵营分组模式,并进而演化成自由派与保守派这两大阵营。也就是说当今的基督教世界并非是铁板一块的现实,而是分化成许多新的团体、运动和趋势,它们又进一步分组和集结成两大相互对峙和对立的阵营。本文对基督教内部阵营分化与分组的起因、派系、脉络、分野与冲突做出了梳理、剖析和评判。  相似文献   
本文指出,<道藏>四卷本<唐玄宗御制道德真经疏>以杜光庭<道德真经广圣义>文为主,杂采成玄英<道德经义疏>及唐玄宗<御疏>等,非唐玄宗所撰;认为是五代后蜀乔讽所编<道德经疏义节解>原书.  相似文献   
《管子》是我国齐文化一部重要著述。21世纪是追求“和”之精神的时代,重新审视《管子》乐论,从《地员》、《宙合》、《幼宫》三篇有关乐论的论述中,可以看到“和”之精神的存在。  相似文献   
En Corée, la psychologie du counseling s'est développée régulièrement au cours des six dernières décennies. Au cours de ce développement, divers problèmes sont apparus en provenance aussi bien de l'intérieur que de l'extérieur de la discipline. Dans cet article, nous survolons rapidement l'histoire de la psychologie du counseling coréenne et analysons ses forces et ses faiblesses internes, ainsi que les opportunités et les menaces en provenance de l'environnement. Cette analyse SWOT a été focalisée sur trois thèmes majeurs de la discipline, la recherche, le soutien clinique et l'orientation professionnelle. En conclusion, on esquisse un projet pour la psychologie du counseling en Corée.
Counseling psychology in Korea has been steadily growing in the past six decades. Along with its growth, various issues have emerged from the inside of the field as well as from the outside. In this article, we briefly review the history of Korean counseling psychology and then discuss internal strengths and weaknesses of the field and external opportunities and threats that the field is facing. This SWOT analysis was centered on three major themes of the discipline: i.e. research, clinical training, and job placement. Finally, a vision for counseling psychology in Korea is discussed.  相似文献   
音乐行为作为人类的实践活动之一,与地理环境之间有着比其他文化现象更为密切的联系。齐乐作为齐文化的分支之一,与当时的地理人文环境存在着密不可分的关联,受到诸如地理地貌、民俗民风、农业生产、航运交流等各方面的积极影响。从齐地的音地关系出发,进一步论证齐乐的发展现象是一件很有意义的工作。  相似文献   
董雪  李娜 《管子学刊》2009,(1):55-57
瓦当是我国古代建筑的重要组成部分。临淄齐国故城出土的瓦当不仅数量可观,而且风格鲜明、极其特色,是研究古代瓦当不可多得的艺术珍品。本文主要从艺术角度对齐瓦当装饰艺术进行分析探讨。  相似文献   
This paper offers a critical rejoinder in the discussion concerning the viability of self‐construal scales. It is our contention that the existing data reported in our previous article (Levine et al., 2003) and elsewhere are more than sufficient to justify the conclusion that self‐report scales purporting to measure interdependent and independent self‐construals as 2 orthogonal constructs lack validity. The arguments to the contrary offered by Gudykunst and Lee (2003) and Kim and Raja (2003) are disputed. Additional data (N = 1,013) show that neither age, occupation, sample size, standardization, nor a 2nd‐order structure can account for the problems we documented previously. Although we see potential utility in the self‐construal construct, we believe that the 3 primary scales fail to meet reasonable and accepted social scientific standards. Difficult conceptual problems will need to be solved prior to the development of new and improved measures.  相似文献   
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