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Age-related slowing in recognizing famous names and faces was investigated with event-related brain potentials (ERPs). In a group of young adults, item repetition induced early (220-340 ms) and late (400-700 ms) ERP modulations, apparently signaling the access to, respectively, domain-specific representations of faces and names and domain-general semantic knowledge about the persons. These repetition effects and other ERP components were then used as process-specific time markers in middle-aged and elderly participants. For both faces and names, the elderly participants' responses were slowed, but repetition priming in reaction times was not. The ERP latencies suggested that most of the age-related slowing occurred in the access to domain-specific representations and during response decision, whereas sensory and perceptual processing was largely spared.  相似文献   
The present study examined relationships among prenatal characteristics of 121 adolescent mothers-including cognitive readiness for parenting, intelligence, social support, and personal adjustment-and intellectual-linguistic development, social-emotional functioning, and adaptive behavior in their children at three years of age. Only 28% of the children scored within normal ranges on all three types of outcomes. Intellectual and linguistic delays were predicted best by prenatal measures of maternal Performance IQ and social support from extended family. Socioemotional problems were predicted best by maternal internalizing problems and social support from partner and friends. Adaptive behavior was associated with parenting style. Implications for the early identification of high-risk children--and associated intervention programs--are discussed.  相似文献   
This article examines the relationship between the five-factor model (FFM) and dimensional ICD-10 personality disorders. In a follow-up study of a child and adolescent psychiatric cohort, former patients and controls were assessed with NEO-FFI and the IPDE interview (CD-10 personality disorder). Full data were available for 229 subjects (149 former patients, 80 controls). Multiple regression analysis showed that the five factors of the FFM as independent variables explained between 5% (schizoid personality disorder) and 32% (anxious personality disorder) of the variance of ICD-10 dimensional personality disorder scores. For the two types of emotionally unstable personality disorder dimension (impulsive and borderline), for anxious (avoidant) personality disorder dimension and for the total score of any personality disorder dimension, FFM explained between 17% and 32% of the variance with almost identical results for the former patient group and the control group. High neuroticism was a feature of paranoid, emotionally unstable, histrionic, anankastic, anxious (avoidant), and dependent personality disorder dimensions, whereas low agreeableness was found in dissocial, emotionally unstable and histrionic personality disorder dimensions. Low extraversion was found in schizoid, anxious (avoidant) and dependent personality disorder dimensions, whereas histrionic PD dimension correlated with high extraversion. We find that the FFM is valuable for the further understanding not only of DSM-IV but also of ICD-10 personality disorder dimensions. The differences between ICD-10 and DSM-IV in this respect seem to be small.  相似文献   
There is a high prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents who have acquired brain injury (ABI). We examined the records of 82 students with ABI who were admitted to a community-based school for education and neurorehabilitation over a three-year period to determine how many experienced one or more psychiatric hospitalizations before admission, and whether hospitalization status was related to positive school and community adjustment. Results were that 30.4% of the students had a documented history of one or more psychiatric hospitalizations. Of this group, 60.0% were able to be maintained in the community-based school program and 40.0% were discharged to other settings. When discharged, 70.0% of students entered more restrictive treatment programs (e.g., psychiatric hospital, secure residential facility, residential school). The number of psychiatric hospitalizations did not predict discharge from the community-based school and was unrelated to the type of discharge setting. Clinical and research issues concerning psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents with ABI in relation to post-acute adjustment are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper describes first results of the development of a new test to measure perceptual speed in everyday situations. The new items are best described as images depicting typical situations in everyday life, which have some picture elements in common. The pictures were presented to the subjects for a short time, and their task was to indicate which of 5 goal stimuli were present in the respective pictures seen before. In two studies, the scalability of the new items according to the Rasch model was investigated. In Study 1 data from 316 subjects with heterogeneous educational backgrounds were used in the empirical analysis. The results of Study 1 indicate that Rasch homogeneity and thus positive psychometric properties for the new test could be obtained. This result was further validated using a second sample (N = 198). The validation study replicates the results obtained in Study 1. These results represent a substantial condition sine qua non for following studies on the construct and criterion validity of the new test.  相似文献   
Counterfactual information processing refers to the consideration of events that did not occur in comparison to those actually experienced, in order to determine optimal actions, and can be formulated as computational learning signals, referred to as fictive prediction errors. Decision making and the neural circuitry for counterfactual processing are altered in healthy elderly adults. This experiment investigated age differences in neural systems for decision making with knowledge of counterfactual outcomes. Two groups of healthy adult participants, young (N = 30; ages 19–30 years) and elderly (N = 19; ages 65–80 years), were scanned with fMRI during 240 trials of a strategic sequential investment task in which a particular strategy of differentially weighting counterfactual gains and losses during valuation is associated with more optimal performance. Elderly participants earned significantly less than young adults, differently weighted counterfactual consequences and exploited task knowledge, and exhibited altered activity in a fronto-striatal circuit while making choices, compared to young adults. The degree to which task knowledge was exploited was positively correlated with modulation of neural activity by expected value in the vmPFC for young adults, but not in the elderly. These findings demonstrate that elderly participants’ poor task performance may be related to different counterfactual processing.  相似文献   
This study examined the interactive effects of imagined rejection and narcissism on cardiovascular reactivity (CVR). Participants completed measures of overt narcissism (Narcissistic Personality Inventory, NPI; Raskin & Hall, 1979 ), overt–covert narcissism ( Margolis & Thomas, 1980 ), and trait self‐esteem. They then imagined 2 scenarios culminating in either interpersonal acceptance or rejection. Systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and heart rate (HR) were assessed before, during, and after the imagery. Overt–covert narcissism was positively associated with task increases in SBP and DBP and recovery elevation of HR following rejection, but not acceptance. Similar effects on SBP were found for the Entitlement/Exploitativeness dimension of the NPI. Lower self‐esteem predicted greater task increases in SBP, DBP, and HR across conditions. Implications for health are discussed.  相似文献   
The Ethical Orientation of Russian Entrepreneurs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ethics has been a significant concern in the management literature and recent efforts have investigated ethical orientations across culture. However, little, if any, work has looked at ethical orientations among entrepreneurs and managers in the transforming Russian economy. This study surveyed the ethical orientations of Russian owner-managers ( n =194) involved in entrepreneurial and privatisation activities. A cross-cultural comparison to US normative responses found no difference in Machiavellian orientation in general, though female Russian entrepreneurs perceived themselves as more likely to engage in opportunistic behaviour. Additionally, Russian entrepreneurs in general perceived themselves as more ethically rigid. These respondents also felt Russian organisations fostered more interpersonally collective but structurally opportunistic organisational climates.  相似文献   
Little is known about the relationship of reading speed and early visual processes in normal readers. Here we examined the association of the early P1, N170 and late N1 component in visual event-related potentials (ERPs) with silent reading speed and a number of additional cognitive skills in a sample of 52 adult German readers utilizing a Lexical Decision Task (LDT) and a Face Decision Task (FDT). Amplitudes of the N170 component in the LDT but, interestingly, also in the FDT correlated with behavioral tests measuring silent reading speed. We suggest that reading speed performance can be at least partially accounted for by the extraction of essential structural information from visual stimuli, consisting of a domain-general and a domain-specific expertise-based portion.  相似文献   
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