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王昊  杨志刚 《心理科学进展》2018,26(11):1952-1960
面孔空想性错视, 是指在不存在面孔的物体或抽象图案上看到面孔, 例如在月球表面看到面孔。它受到自下而上信息与自上而下加工的共同影响。近年来, 研究者通过行为实验、事件相关电位技术以及脑成像技术对不同的空想性错视影响因素进行研究。结果发现, 面孔空想性错视的产生取决于刺激是否包含类似面孔结构, 内部面孔模板是否能与当前刺激匹配, 以及有无面孔相关背景。同时也受到个体差异与情绪状态影响。脑成像研究发现, 在发生空想性错视时, 来自额叶区与枕叶视觉区的信息会在FFA进行整合。未来研究可以致力于探索面孔空想性错视中个体差异的行为与神经机制, 以及不同类型的自上而下调节之间的相互影响及其神经机制。  相似文献   
Existing literature on the mini‐ultimatum game indicates that counterfactual comparison between chosen and unchosen alternatives is of great importance for individual's fairness consideration. However, it is still unclear how counterfactual comparison influences the electrophysiological responses to unfair chosen offers. In conjunction with event‐related potentials’ (ERPs) technique, the current study aimed to explore the issue by employing a modified version of the mini‐ultimatum game where a fixed set of two alternatives (unfair offer vs. fair alternative, unfair vs. hyperfair alternative, unfair offer vs. hyperunfair alternative) was presented before the chosen offer. The behavioral results showed that participants were more likely to accept unfair chosen offers when the unchosen alternative was hyperunfair than when the unchosen alternative was fair or hyperfair. The ERPs results showed that the feedback‐related negativity (FRN) elicited by unfair chosen offers was insensitive to the type of unchosen alternative when correcting for possible overlap with other components. In contrast, unfair chosen offers elicited larger P300 amplitudes when the unchosen alternative was hyperunfair than when the unchosen alternative was fair or hyperfair. These findings suggest that counterfactual comparison may take effect at later stages of fairness consideration as reflected by the P300.  相似文献   
松-紧文化是跨文化心理学研究的新维度,它发轫于人类学的文化田野考察,致力于刻画不同文化间社会规范强度和对偏差行为宽容程度的结构性特征.松-紧文化有其较为明确的概念定义和成因,以及在国家、区域和个体层次上的测量方法.松-紧文化已广泛运用于自我、人格、心理健康与幸福感、判断与决策、创新、脑认知神经和基因、恐怖主义与社会和谐等心理学基础和应用研究主题之中.未来研究可进一步甄别细分社会规范中的描述性规范和命令性规范,并综合吸收其它研究视角的长处.  相似文献   
为考察罗夏墨迹测验Exner综合系统常模的客观性和准确性,运用元分析的方法,将来自16个国家的18篇罗夏综合系统正常成人的研究结果,与Exner新版常模进行比较。结果显示,在综合系统的全部113个变量中,有23个变量在联合样本与Exner常模间存在显著差异,包括被试的资源、能力、认知水平和人际关系等方面,且均为Exner常模样本结果更加优秀。结论:新版罗夏综合系统常模具有一定的偏差,存在偏好倾向,使用时应注意避免对被试的低估甚至做出假阳性的诊断。  相似文献   
分配公正、程序公正、互动公正影响效果的差异   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
以大学生奖学金评比为例,探讨了组织公正各维度影响效果的差异。以661名大学生为被试,采用2×2×2的完全随机设计,以情境故事法(scenarios)呈现刺激,研究了奖学金评比中分配公正、程序公正、互动公正对大学生学习投入、班级荣誉感、班级归属感、与辅导员的关系的影响。结果表明,组织公正三个维度与效果变量之间存在清晰的对应影响关系:分配公正主要影响具体、以个人为参照的效果变量;程序公正主要影响与组织有关的效果变量;互动公正主要影响与上司有关的效果变量。  相似文献   
采用经典双任务实验范式,探讨前瞻记忆的情绪一致性效应及其理论模型。情绪电影片段诱发被试高兴或悲伤情绪后,观察被试在高兴、悲伤和自然情绪状态下的前瞻记忆任务和当前任务的成绩。结果发现,情绪一致性前瞻记忆出现反转效应,即在高兴背景下前瞻记忆负性词比正性词成绩好,在悲伤背景下前瞻记忆正性词比负性词成绩好。实验结果支持前瞻记忆的注意—搜索模型,不支持自动激活模型。  相似文献   
涂冬波  蔡艳  戴海琦  丁树良 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1189-1194
IRT中的计量模型较多,不同计量模型适合不同特点的数据资料,实际工作者应根据实际情况选择适当的IRT模型来分析数据。我国是个考试、测评大国,测评的题型丰富多样,在实际应用IRT时,一个模型往往很难反应所有数据资料本身的特点,这时可考虑应用多个IRT模型(即“混合模型”)来分析,以达到对数据的最佳拟合。本文对混合模型的思想方法及原理、参数估计的实现、以及模型性能进行了研究,发现:(1)本文自主开发的混合模型参数估计程序Mix_Tu具有较高的返真性,且与国际知名测量软件Parscale相当。(2)在“项目异常”情况下,Mix_Tu程序对参数b和c的估计受数据异常程度的影响要大于Parscale程序,而对参数a的估计受数据异常程度的影响要小于Parscale程序,而在参数theta上两个程序相当。(3)在“被试异常”情况下,Mix_Tu程序对所有参数的估计受数据异常程度的影响均要小于Parscale程序,Mix_Tu程序表现的更为稳健。  相似文献   
基于需要—满足的理论视角,分析了员工的大五人格特质、工作特征及其交互效应对工作疏离感的影响。以12家企业的442名员工为样本,结果发现:员工的大五人格对工作疏离感有显著影响,其中开放性对工作疏离感有积极影响,尽责性对工作疏离感则有消极影响;工作特征越积极,员工的工作疏离感越低;大五人格中的开放性、神经质与工作特征有显著的交互效应。基于研究结果,提出对工作疏离感的干预应兼顾员工人格特质和工作特征,进行权变管理。  相似文献   
We examined whether the broadened attentional scope would affect people's sad or depressed mood with two experiments, enlightened by the meaning of “seeing the big picture” and the broaden‐and‐build model. Experiment 1 (n = 164) is a laboratory‐based experiment, in which we manipulated the attentional scope by showing participants zoomed‐out or zoomed‐in scenes. In Experiment 2 (n = 44), we studied how depressed mood and positive and negative emotions were affected when participants watched distant versus proximal scenes for eight weeks in real life. Healthy participants in Experiment 1, who were induced to feel sad, could return to the baseline mood after having the broadened attention task but not after having the narrowed attention task, which indicated that immediate attention broadening manipulation could function as antidotes for the lingering effects of induced negative emotions. Participants with depressed mood in Experiment 2 showed reduced depressed mood, increased positive affect, and decreased negative affect after receiving attention broadening training compared to those receiving attention narrowing training. Our findings suggest a robust role of broadened attentional scope in relieving negative emotions and even mildly depressed mood in the long run.  相似文献   
Previous studies have mainly focused on tailoring message content to match individual characteristics and preferences. This study investigates the effect of a website tailored to individual preferences for the mode of information presentation, compared to 4 nontailored websites on younger and older adults' attention and recall of information, employing a 5 (condition: tailored vs. text, text with illustrations, audiovisual, combination) × 2 (age: younger [25–45] vs. older [≥65] adults) design (N = 559). The mode‐tailored condition (relative to nontailored conditions) improved attention to the website and, consequently, recall in older adults, but not in younger adults. Younger adults recalled more from nontailored information such as text only or text with illustrations, relative to tailored information.  相似文献   
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