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It is still unclear how attentional control influences stimulus processing. We investigated this issue in four Stroop task experiments utilizing a pretest–training–posttest design. Subjects were given extensive training on the Stroop task using typical incongruent Stroop trials. The rates of color naming and word reading, which reflect the efficiency of stimulus processing, were assessed in pretest and posttest. The difference in rates between posttests and pretests reflects the influence of attentional control, acquired during the training phase, on stimulus processing. In Experiment 1, members of color category were used in the training phase; in Experiment 2, members of color category were used, but not in the training phase; in Experiment 3, they were neither in the color category nor were they used in the training. The results consistently showed that the suppression of word reading and the enhancement of color naming were developed in the training phases and they were not due to general training of color-naming task without conflict but to color-naming training with Stroop conflict (Experiment 4). More importantly, both suppression and enhancement affected the members of color category regardless of whether they were trained or not. The present findings suggest that the influence of attentional control on stimulus processing is category specific. We discuss the implications of the present results in terms of existing research on the locus of attentional control in Stroop tasks.  相似文献   
该研究探讨了我国7~9岁汉族、基诺族、布朗族儿童的“心理旋转”能力,了解不同民族的文化背景、年龄及性别差异是否对“心理旋转”产生影响。结果表明:汉族儿童的结果与基诺族及布朗族儿童结果存在明显差异,7~9岁儿童的心理旋转能力随着年龄增长而发展。未见男女性别上存在“心理旋转”能力上的差异。  相似文献   
以4-8岁儿童和大学生为被试,用虚拟生物图片为材料,采用2(不提供背景知识和提供背景知识)×6(年龄)的实验设计,考察背景知识对被试分类活动的影响及其年龄特点。结果发现:(1)两种实验条件下均有显著的年龄差异。(2)提供背景知识与否对不同年龄被试分类活动的影响不同,对4-5岁儿童分类活动的影响不显著,对6-8岁儿童及大学生分类活动的影响显著。  相似文献   
党的十六届四中全会《决定》,明确提出了要构建社会主义和谐社会,并将之作为提高党的执政能力建设的一个方面,强调要坚持最广泛、最充分地调动一切积极因素,这是我们党对中国特色社会主义事业认识的新发展,是我们从全面建设小康社会全局出发确定的一项重大战略任务。构建社会主  相似文献   
本研究探讨文章阅读过程中结构因素对文章信息保持的影响作用。包括两个实验。实验 1探讨阅读文章结构是否清晰及主体对文章结构是否有清晰的把握对文章信息保持的影响效果。结果表明 ,阅读的文章结构越清晰 ,主体对文章结构把握能力越强 ,越能促进文章的信息保持。实验 2进一步探讨文章的结构清晰及主体对文章结构的清晰把握促进的是何种信息的保持。结果证明 ,结构清晰与否促进的是文章的主要信息的保持 ,而对文章的细节性信息促进作用不大。本研究结果表明 ,文章的结构因素对阅读保持有促进作用 ,主要是促进文章的主要信息的保持。  相似文献   
美国是个美丽富饶的国家,如今是世界上的第一强国。美国人民有光荣的历史,美国也是西方世界信教人数比率最高的国家。本文赞扬了美国的美丽富饶,也慨叹美国犯罪率太高,而且越来越高,以致于国家无力承担监狱费用,只好求助于私营。不是有些人说。信了宗教道德就会高尚吗?看看这篇文章吧。我们相信,美国监狱里关的决不会都是仅占其人口百分之几的无神论者。问题出在社会和人那里,"上帝"有什么办法!  相似文献   
丁希勤 《社会心理科学》2008,23(1):47-50,108
徽州道教思想以宿世因缘为因,以清静无为为体,以经教符箓为用,以先花后果为实,旨在说明有缘来成仙,仙不度无缘之人;清静乃真常本性,一切得道仙人以此为本;人品对道品之重要性,有道心方成道术;以及道教成仙不离世间觉,红尘即道场等。  相似文献   
该文受Berkson将检验方法用于估计未知参数的启发,根据三个拟合优度统计量导出三种新的求取等值系数的方法,即:平方根等值方法(Square Root criterion,SQRTcrit)、对称相对熵等值方法(Symmetric Relative Entropy criterion,SREcrit)、加权等值方法(Weighted criterion,Wcrit),即Haebara准则的加权式。虽然在被检验的两个分布列很接近时,这三个多项拟合优度检验方法是渐近等价的,然而用它们求取等值系数时,Monte-Carlo模拟结果表明这三种新等值方法的行为表现存在差异。它们之间的差异和随机误差的大小有密切关系,即与项目参数估计的精度有关;还与等值系数A的范围有关。  相似文献   
喻婧  丁洁  王晓燕  周仁来 《心理科学》2006,29(4):845-847,860
本实验采用DRM研究范式,考察经验、材料性质和加工水平三个方面对虚假记忆的影响。实验首次采用句子的方式呈现,给被试提供符合经验和不符合经验的句子进行学习和再认。实验结果显示,三个因素对虚假记忆的影响都是显著的,其中,经验是导致虚假记忆产生的主导因素,加工深度同经验之间以及材料性质同经验之间的交互作用均存在显著的交互作用。  相似文献   
Recently, cross-cultural facial-expression recognition has become a research hotspot, and a standardised facial-expression material system can significantly help researchers compare and demonstrate the results of other studies. We developed a facial-expression database of Chinese Han, Hui and Tibetan ethnicities. In this study, six basic human facial expressions (and one neutral expression) were collected from 200 Han, 220 Hui and 210 Tibetan participants who lived in these regions. Four experts on each ethnicity evaluated the facial-expression images according to the expressions, and only those achieving inter-rater agreement were retained. Subsequently, 240 raters evaluated these images according to the seven emotions and rated the intensity of the expressions. Consequently, 2980 images were included in the database, including 930 images of Han individuals, 962 images of Hui individuals and 1088 images of Tibetan individuals. In conclusion, the facial-expression database of Chinese Han, Hui and Tibetan people was representative and reliable with a recognition rate of over 60%, making it well-suited for cross-cultural research on emotions.  相似文献   
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