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In their book Entailment, Anderson and Belnap investigate the consequences of defining Lp (it is necessary that p) in system E as (pp)p. Since not all theorems are equivalent in E, this raises the question of whether there are reasonable alternative definitions of necessity in E. In this paper, it is shown that a definition of necessity in E satisfies the conditions { E Lpp, EL(pq)(LpLq), E pLp} if and only if its has the form C 1.C2 .... Cnp, where each C iis equivalent in E to either pp or ((pp)p)p.  相似文献   
In a separate-phase runway experiment with rats, four schedules involving partial (P) and consistent (C) reward (CC, CP, PC, and PP) were crossed with three reward magnitude shift conditions (upshift, nonshift, and downshift). The data revealed three major findings: (a) Reward magnitude downshift generally led to rapid extinction; (b) consistent reward prior to partial reward (CP) resulted in slower extinction than the reverse order (PC) under conditions of reward magnitude shift (particularly downshift); and (c) the relative performance of PC and CP under conditions of reward magnitude shift was reversed from postshift to extinction. On the basis of these data it was suggested that processes not presently identified by reinforcement level theory and stimulus analyzer theory influence extinction following separate-phase acquisition. A modification of reward level theory was presented to provide an account of extinction performance following separate-phase reward reduction.  相似文献   
Three severely retarded young adults between the ages of 19 and 21 years participated in a prevocational training program, and worked regularly on six different tasks during the scheduled six-hour day. The study attempted to assess each subject's preferences for the six tasks: collating, stuffing, sorting, pulley assembly, flour-sifter assembly, and circuit-board stuffing. In Phase I, the procedure consisted of randomly pairing each task with all other tasks in a two-choice situation that required the subjects to select one task from each pair combination to work for a seven-minute period. The selection procedure consisted of presenting two representative task objects on a tray and requesting the subject to pick up one object and place it on the work table. The object selected represented the task worked for that period. The 15 possible pair combinations were presented randomly every two days for a period of 34 days to determine the preferences. During the validation phase (Phase II), each subject's least- and most-preferred tasks were paired separately with moderately-preferred tasks. As expected, these manipulations confirmed the baseline data, as choices for the moderately-preferred tasks decreased when consistently paired with the preferred tasks and increased when consistently paired with the least-preferred tasks.  相似文献   
Project ASPIRE, a federally funded program, was designed to increase educators' awareness of sexual prejudice. It consisted of 64 hours of training for 32 educators, parents, and students. The training activities focused on self-awareness, the effects of sex-role stereotyping on students, the development of procedures to assess biases in instructional and counseling practices and materials, and a consideration of methods to reduce sex-role stereotyping within the school setting. A number of positive outcomes are reported. Dennis Sparks is co-director of Alternative Learning Program for the High School Age (ALPHA) for the Livonia Public Schools in Michigan. Barbara Mullally is an associate with Organizational Leadership, Inc., of East Lansing, Michigan.  相似文献   
Observers judged oblique line-to-dot alignments both when the oblique line abutted a vertical Inducing line (Condition E) and in the absence of the vertical line (Condition C). Five groups of 10 subjects each completed these C and E judgments under one condition of inspection. There were three major findings: (1) contrary to expectations arising from results obtained by Novak (1966), there was no difference between the condition in which observers were instructed to fixate the point at which the oblique line abutted the inducing line and the condition in which free inspection was permitted; (2) contrary to a recent report by Greist and Grier (1977), alignment errors were not eliminated in conditions involving fixation directly above or below the point of abuttal; instead, effects sirnilar to those reported by Prytulak (1973) occurred in both Conditions C and E, and these effects consequently were not significant in the corrected (E-C) difference measures; and (3) when alignment errors were converted to angular displacements, mean errors decreased linearly as a function of the distance between the tip of the oblique line and the response dot. This third finding was attributable to nonzero intercepts of error functions, and the result was considered in relation to the tenability of various hypotheses concerning the nature of abutting line effects.  相似文献   
Students are often uncertain and at times misinformed about the careers they are pursuing. Thus, they often make poor career decisions that they ultimately regret. The career wheel exercise is designed to help an individual to be better informed and thus make better career‐related decisions. This article describes the career wheel exercise, which is an active career exploration device. Through this exercise, students validate or invalidate their beliefs and assumptions about the careers they are actively pursuing or contemplating. Thus, they are able to make a more informed career and job choice.  相似文献   
This study investigated coping resources (Coping Resources Inventory for Stress), perceived stress (Perceived Stress Scale), and life satisfaction (Satisfaction with Life Scale) among American and Turkish university students. Results support the use of transactional stress constructs in studying life satisfaction with students in both countries. American and Turkish students did not differ significantly in regard to perceived stress, life satisfaction, or an overall measure of coping resources; however, they did differ significantly regarding specific coping resources. Variables entering regression models for predicting life satisfaction differed for students in the two countries and for the sexes within countries, and these models accounted for between 30% and 62% of variance. Social support and a sense of financial freedom were particularly useful in predicting life satisfaction. Coping resources accounted for 54% of variance in perceived stress. There were significant sex differences for both countries, generally favoring males, in regard to specific coping resources.  相似文献   
The Beliefs About Medication Scale: Development, Reliability, and Validity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The purpose of the study was to develop and evaluate a psychometrically sound health belief measure, the Beliefs About Medication Scale (BAMS) that can be used with adolescent chronic illness populations whose prescribed treatment includes oral medication. One hundred and thirty-three adolescents (age 11–18 years) with asthma (n = 60), HIV (n = 31), or inflammatory bowel disease (n = 42) completed the BAMS and, along with their parent, a self-report medication interview. A confirmatory factor analysis supported the hypothesized subscales of Perceived Threat, Positive Outcome Expectancy, Negative Outcome Expectancy, and Intent to Adhere to treatment. The subscales evidenced good internal consistency and 3-week test-retest reliability. Univariate and multivariate analyses demonstrated that the health belief constructs accounted for 22% of the variance in medication adherence beyond demographic and illness characteristics. The study provides preliminary evidence of the reliability and validity of a theoretically based measure of health beliefs for adolescents. The BAMS may be a useful tool to evaluate the psychological barriers to adherence that place teenagers at risk for nonadherence.  相似文献   
This article describes a novel form of the classic changing criterion design called the range‐bound changing criterion design. The article illustrates the new design by reporting results from the first study to use this simple variation of the changing criterion design. The article also identifies other interventions, target behaviors, and contexts for which the range‐bound changing criterion design is useful, as well as guidelines and rationales for using this new design. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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