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The Paired Associate Learning Task (PAL-T) is a laboratory-based instrument commonly used for assessing psychostimulant response (and specifically cognitive nonresponse or toxicity) in children with Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity (ADDH). The present study examined the PAL-T's sensitivity in detecting overall and between-dose methylphenidate (MPH) effects, its operating characteristics, and its relationship with academic performance in 36 children with ADDH who underwent a placebo controlled trial of MPH at four dose levels. Children's PAL-T performance under active medication resembled but was uncorrelated with direct observations of their academic performance in the classroom. Negative predictive power (NPP) rates indicated that cognitive nonresponse to MPH did not portend a poor response in children's academic efficiency under identical dose conditions in the classroom. Clinical implications are discussed.The authors are grateful to the undergraduate and graduate student members of the Children's Learning Clinic who assisted with the conduct of this study.  相似文献   
Animal Cognition - This study investigated the behavioral and neural indices of detecting facial familiarity and facial emotions in human faces by dogs. Awake canine fMRI was used to evaluate...  相似文献   
Examined a conceptual model in which dual developmental pathways (behavioral and cognitive) are hypothesized to account for the relation among internalizing behavior problems, intelligence, and later scholastic achievement using a cross-sectional sample of 325 children. Classroom behavior and select aspects of cognitive functioning (vigilance, short-term memory) were hypothesized to mediate the relations among internalizing problems, IQ, and long-term scholastic achievement. Hierarchical tests applied to a nested series of models demonstrated that (a) individual differences in measured intelligence among children are associated with variations in classroom performance and cognitive functioning, (b) classroom performance and cognitive functioning make unique contributions to prediction of later achievement over and above the influence of intelligence, (c) anxious/depressive features are correlated but separable constructs, and (d) anxiety/depression and withdrawal contribute to prediction of classroom performance and cognitive functioning over and above the effects of intelligence. Classroom performance and cognitive functioning thus appear to mediate the effects of internalizing behaviors as well as intelligence. Particular attention to the presence and potential impact of social withdrawal on children's functioning, both alone and concomitant with anxiety/depression, appears warranted during the course of clinical evaluations owing to the strong continuity among these variables.  相似文献   
A developmental study of practical problem solving in adults   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Previous research indicates that young and middle-aged adults perform better than other age groups on problems similar to those they might encounter in their everyday lives. However, elderly adults have not performed better than other age groups on problems designed to give them the advantage. In order to ensure that the problems used in the present study were ones that elderly adults might encounter, elderly adults were recruited to help develop the problems. The resulting problems were administered to adults between the ages of 20 and 80. Performance was found to increase from the 20- to 40-year-old age group and decrease thereafter. Thus, when elderly adults devise practical problems that are intended to give elderly adults the advantage, the elderly adults still perform less well than do middle-aged adults.  相似文献   
Children, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 years old, were randomly divided into three training conditions—a strategy modeling condition, a strategy modeling with overt self-verbalization condition, and a control condition. The subjects in the two modeling conditions were given training on four cognitive tasks, a signal task, a match-to-standard task, a paired-associates task, and a twenty-questions task. A 6 (age) × 2 (sex) × 3 (treatment) × 2 (trial) analysis of variance was performed on each of the dependent variables associated with each of the four tasks. The results of these analyses indicate that both modeling conditions facilitated performance on the signal and match-to-standard tasks for all six age groups. However, the two modeling procedures facilitated performance on the paired-associates and twenty-questions tasks only in the three older age groups. Since the two modeling procedures did not differ in effectiveness, it was suggested that strategy modeling without overt self-verbalization is the more practical and efficient procedure for facilitating cognitive performance in normal children.  相似文献   
The use of hypnotic drugs to treat insomnia is criticized because of (a) tolerance effects, (b) carry-over effects, (c) alterations in sleep patterns, (d) rebound effects, and (e) attributional effects. Behavioral treatments represent a more viable alternative and are reviewed under four headings: (a) systematic desensitization: (b) applied relaxation; (c) attribution-based therapies; and (d) classical conditioning therapies. The behavioral therapies are predicated upon three views of insomnia: first, that insomnia results from excessively high levels of arousal prior to and during sleep; second, that insomnia occurs when the sleep environment lacks sufficient stimulus control over sleeping; and finally, that insomnia is often enhanced and maintained by exacerbation cycles in which worries about not falling asleep interfere even further with one's sleep.  相似文献   
Samples of spasmodic, congestive and combined dysmenorrheic women and non-dysmenorrheic women were subjected to an ischemic pain procedure to measure their pain threshold, pain tolerance and self-reported pain. Cognitive and behavioral strategies that subjects had spontaneously used during the pain procedure were later assessed. A classification system was derived for categorizing subjects' responses to the interview and questionnaire used in this assessment. Contrary to previous claims that dysmenorrheic women may be hypersensitive to pain, no differences in pain sensitivity were discovered among the four groups of subjects. A few differences in cognitive and behavioral strategies did emerge, but these were of insufficient magnitude to contend that dysmenorrheic women are disadvantaged in their strategies for coping with pain.  相似文献   
In this study, we examined the role of context in autobiographical memory narratives, specifically as it pertains to gender among emerging adults. Male and female participants reported stressful events in their lives in the presence of an experimenter, and were randomly assigned either to report events verbally or type them, and to report in the presence of a male or female experimenter. Narratives were coded for factual and interpretive content. Results revealed that men verbally reporting to women reported longer narratives than all other groups. Women's narrative length did not vary by medium of report or conversational partner, but women used proportionally fewer internal state phrases when verbally reporting to men than when reporting to women. Women also used proportionally fewer evaluative statements in verbal reports than in typed narratives. Of these important interactions among context, gender, and experimenter gender, some findings, such as men's longer narratives and women's reduced internal states, were counter to expectations. These findings highlight the importance of methodological influences in autobiographical memory studies, in regard to both the context generated by experimental methods, and how gender differences are understood.  相似文献   
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