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Using selection by location, the probe technique was applied to alphabetic and 2-dimensional position information. The purpose was to examine (a) the nature of iconic decay, and (b) whether, or not, both types of information are processed independently, when processed simultaneously. Positioning performance gained more benefit from partial report than identify performance, but decay rates were the same for both types of information. Data indicated the existence of perceptual interaction, but no response interaction, when both types of information were processed jointly. The perceptual interaction was attributed to an inverse relationship between structural stimulus complexity and clarity of iconic storage.  相似文献   
The REMBRANDT system for multicriteria decision analysis consists of both the multiplicative variant of the AHP (which employs a method of pairwise comparative judgements by a decision maker to arrive at final impact scores for the alternatives under consideration) and SMART, the simple multiattribute rating technique (which utilizes direct rating of alternatives to achieve final impact scores). This paper examines the effect of imprecision or uncertainty in the decision maker's pairwise judgements or ratings of alternatives by expressing each pairwise judgement or rating as a probability distribution, and the structure of REMBRANDT's component models is exploited to derive interval judgements or interval ratings of the alternatives’ final impact scores. These interval judgements or interval ratings can be used to determine the probability of rank reversal amongst alternatives, i.e. to assess the stability of the final impact score vector. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Performance Management: A Model and Research Agenda   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Le management est confronté au défi lancé aux organisations quand elles doivent définir, mesurer et stimuler la performance des salariés avec pour objectif ultime d'améliorer la performance organisationnelle. La gestion des performances implique différents niveaux d'analyse et est manifestement reliée à l'évaluation des performances et aux thèmes relevant du management stratégique des ressources humaines (MRH). Cet article présente un modèle convenant à la gestion des performances qui combine des perspectives issues du MRH stratégique et des psychologies organisationelle et du travail. Le modèle intègre des éléments de différents niveaux et enrichit les modèles antérieurs en prenant explicitement en compte la perception des salariés, le rôle des supérieurs directs et une causalité qui peut être inversée. On présente enfin les défis que les futures recherches devront affronter.
Performance management deals with the challenge organisations face in defining, measuring, and stimulating employee performance with the ultimate goal of improving organisational performance. Thus, performance management involves multiple levels of analysis and is clearly linked to the topics studied in strategic human resource management (HRM) as well as performance appraisal. This paper presents a model for performance management combining insights from strategic HRM and work and organisational psychology. The model incorporates multi-level elements, and adds to previous models by explicitly incorporating employee perceptions, the role of direct supervisors, and possible reversed causality. Challenges for future research are also presented.  相似文献   
The multiple-look notion holds that the difference limen (DL) decreases with multiple observations. We investigated this notion for temporal discrimination in isochronous sound sequences. In Experiment 1, we established a multiple-look effect when sequences comprised nine standard time intervals (S) followed by an increasing number of comparison time intervals (C), but no multiple-look effect when one trailing C interval was preceded by an increasing number of S intervals. In Experiment 2, we extended the design. There were four sequential conditions: (a) 9 leading S intervals followed by 1, 2, …, or 9 C-intervals; (b) 9 leading C intervals followed by 1, 2, …, or 9 S intervals; (c) 9 trailing C-intervals preceded by 1, 2, …, or 9 S-intervals; and (d) 9 trailing S-intervals preceded by 1, 2, …, or 9 C-intervals. Both the interval accretions before and after the tempo change caused multiple-look effects, irrespective of the time order of S and C. Complete deconfounding of the number of intervals before and after the tempo change was accomplished in Experiment 3. The multiple-look effect of interval accretion before the tempo change was twice as big as that after the tempo change. The diminishing returns relation between the DL and interval accretion could be described well by a reciprocal function.  相似文献   
This study tests the main and interactive effects of belongingness and perceived charismatic leadership on 2 forms of organizational citizenship behavior (helping and compliance). In line with expectations, a study of 115 manager-subordinate dyads demonstrates that employees show more helping (manager rated) when they have a stronger sense of belongingness at work and more helping as well as compliance when they perceive their leader to be more charismatic (subordinate rated). Belongingness partially mediates the relationship between charisma and helping. Also, as hypothesized, belongingness and charisma have interactive effects on employees' helping and compliance. The impact of perceived charisma on these behaviors is stronger for employees with a low sense of belongingness at work than for individuals with a higher sense of belongingness.  相似文献   
Using the procedure of partial report, or the probe technique, five Ss were required to process the position of items from a matrix containing fewer items than matrix cells. Different sets of stimulus cards containing items of varying structural complexity such as circles, 4-sided and 8-sided shapes were used to test the hypothesis that structural stimulus complexity and clarity of iconic storage are inversely related. Results were in accordance with the hypothesis and implications for the processing of visual information were discussed.  相似文献   
The research reported in this paper was designed to assess the feasibility of using a novel apparatus (a so-called ski-movement simulator) in the study of the acquisition of gross cyclical motor skills and further to develop analytic techniques appropriate to the movements involved. Three such methods are discussed: (1) the mean absolute deviation from the middle position as a measure of the ‘amplitude’ of the movement; (2) an auto-correlation coefficient as a measure of the ‘timing’ of the movement; (3) a cross-correlation coefficient as a measure of the ‘smoothness’ of the movement.Progress in learning - as shown by the measures of amplitude and smoothness- showed the expected trend, in that performance improved throughout the whole of the duration of the experiment (four consecutive days), but the rate of improvement gradually decreased. The largest effects were found for the ‘amplitude’ measure, which had the drawback that the ultimate level of performance was constrained by the body weight of the subject. The ‘smoothness’ measure did not suffer from this disadvantage and its suitability as a measure designed to evaluate gross skill acquisition in a laboratory situation is discussed.The ‘timing’ measure did not follow the same trend and reasons for this finding are proposed. Overall, it would seem that the different measures have varying usefulness in the study of skill acquisition and it is therefore advisable to study them separately.  相似文献   
Small bilateral electrolytic lesions placed just posterior of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus cause a strong increase in offensive behavior. The histology suggests that damage to the ventral premammillary nucleus is responsible for this effect. A summary of the neuroanatomical literature shows that this structure is connected to most other brain structures reported to be involved in offensive behavior.  相似文献   
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