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The present research investigates the relationships between demographic characteristics and employees' perceptions of appropriate pay-differentials (APD's). In order to investigate this relationship, we examined organizations in two different countries with different social philosophies. The dependent variable (APD's) is defined as what is felt and/or perceived by the individual to be the appropriate pay-differentials among positions with different responsibilities and at different organizational levels. Two different subject groups were used: 137 salaried employees from an automotive engineering company in the U.S.A., and 107 salaried employees from an engineering company in Sweden. Questionnaires constructed in English and Swedish included: (1) questions about individual demographics; (2) job factors; and (3) perception of appropriate pay-differentials using eight organizational charts. Results indicated that the influence of social philosophy, as expressed by organizational socialization processes, was limited in scope. Individual differences associated with employees' perceptions of appropriate pay-differentials should be taken into account when determining pay and compensation policies. These considerations may encourage employee participation in decision making and lead to better organizational outcomes.deceased.  相似文献   
In the Critique of Judgement, Kant, despite his strong condemnation of rhetoric, introduces the figure of hypotyposis at the very moment he sets out to tackle the philosophical problem of presentation as such. This study holds that this choice of the rhetorical term is not fortuitous. Its connotations of vivid illustration, synopsis, and moral grandeur serve Kant in arguing that, on a transcendental level, presentation secures the mind's life, unity, and self-affection. Although of rhetorical origin, hypotyposis is thus shown to link up with a specifically philosophical meaning of the term in the writings of Aristotle.  相似文献   
Abstract— In the contingent valuation method for the valuation of public goods, survey respondents are asked to indicate the amount they are willing to pay (WTP) for the provision of a good. We contrast economic and psychological analyses of WTP and describe a study in which respondents indicated their WTP to prevent or to remedy threats to public health or to the environment, attributed either to human or to natural causes. WTP was significantly higher when the cause of a harm was human, though the effect was not large. The means of WTP for 16 issues were highly correlated with the means of other measures of attitude, including a simple rating of the importance of the threat. The responses are better described as expressions of attitudes than as indications of economic value, contrary to the assumptions of the contingent valuation method.  相似文献   
Depression in some patients with spinal cord injuries may be clinically significant and, when present, should be treated to decrease morbidity including decreased physical functioning. Depression associated with spinal cord injury (SCI) may be misevaluated, due to (1) nonspecific multifactorial production of depression symptoms and (2) SCI-specific decrease in somatic sensory central nervous system input. The Somatic Suppression Hypothesis suggests that SCI patients have difficulty experiencing any intense emotion because of suppression of physiological arousal. In addition, cognitive processes that may reduce depression in SCI patients include: (1) attribution of somatic symptoms of depression to medical (biological) causes, (2) realistic, positive expectations for physical improvement, and (3) the perception that the disability of the SCI is only minimally related to the patient’s self-care after complete evaluation. Health personnel should accept lack of depression in SCI, and should encourage positive realistic expectations of recovery.  相似文献   
When an observer views a moving scene binocularly, both motion parallax and binocular disparity provide depth information. In Experiments lA-1C, we measured sensitivity to surface curvature when these depth cues were available either individually or simultaneously. When the depth cues yielded comparable sensitivity to surface curvature, we found that curvature detection was easier with the cues present simultaneously, rather than individually. For 2 of the 6 subjects, this effect was stronger when the component of frontal translation of the surface was vertical, rather than horizontal. No such anisotropy was found for the 4 other subjects. If a moving object is observed binocularly, the patterns of optic flow are different on the left and right retinae. We have suggested elsewhere (Cornilleau-Pérès & Droulez, in press) that this motion disparity might be used as avisual cue for the perception of a 3-D structure. Our model consisted in deriving binocular disparity from the left and right distributions of vertical velocities, rather than from luminous intensities, as has been done in classical studies on stereoscopic vision. The model led to some predictions concerning the detection of surface curvature from motion disparity in the presence or absence of intensity-based disparity (classically termedbinocular disparity). In a second set of experiments, we attempted to test these predictions, and we failed to validate our theoretical scheme from a physiological point of view.  相似文献   
Two visual half-field experiments tested Moscovitch’s (1979) proposition that cerebral asymmetry does not concern the earliest perceptual stages but only later processing. Subjects were briefly shown displays that included one (Experiment 1) or two (Experiment 2) types of forms differing in size and which, according to previous evidence, might lead to opposite laterality effects. Laterality effects were assessed for correct detections and for illusory conjunctions, both in terms of raw detection scores and in terms of perceptual discriminability (dr scores). In Experiment 1, displays included either rectangles or triangles. In the first case, the target was a cross; in the second case, it was a Star of David. A hemifield x size interaction was observed both on correct detections and on associated discriminability. Yet, no such interaction was obtained for illusory conjunctions or for associated d’ scores. In Experiment 2, the two types of forms were presented simultaneously, with the small ones either inside or outside the large ones. No laterality effects were observed. Some implications of these data for both hemispheric asymmetry and feature integration issues are discussed. The results suggest that early preattentive processes of feature extraction are not lateralized, whereas some integrative mechanisms, such as Treisman’s (1988) focal attention, may operate differently in the two hemispheres.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The just noticeable difference (jnd) unit of classical psycho-physics is introduced as a new way to describe accuracy and agreement in observer evaluations of personality. A formula for estimating jnd's from typically available summary statistics is derived from Thurstone's law of comparative judgment. A study examining four traits judged in 10 samples of subjects where the design permitted the calculation of jnd's by the method of paired comparisons indicated that the formula predicted the empirically derived jnd's associated with the mean judge ratings with considerable precision. Jnd's of criterion measures were also predicted, and while fit was somewhat less impressive in this case, there was still appreciable convergence between predicted and empirical values. The implications of jnd measures of agreement and accuracy are discussed. These implications include (a) possibilities for increased understanding of bias in observer judgments, (b) a new recognition that equal correlations to external criteria do not necessarily imply equal accuracy, and (c) alternative ways of describing the magnitude of effect in psychological research.  相似文献   
A criterion of adequacy is proposed for theories of relevant consequence. According to the criterion, scientists whose deductive reasoning is limited to some proposed subset of the standard consequence relation must not thereby suffer a reduction in scientific competence. A simple theory of relevant consequence is introduced and shown to satisfy the criterion with respect to a formally defined paradigm of empirical inquiry.Research support was provided by the Office of Naval Research under contract No. N00014-89-J-1725 to Osherson and Weinstein, Swiss National Science Foundation under contract No. 21-32399.91 and by a Siemens Corporation grant to Osherson.  相似文献   
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