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疼痛恐惧是疼痛基础和临床研究中的一个重要课题。个体对疼痛信息产生过度警觉,诱发不恰当的回避行为,扰乱机体的正常功能,加剧疼痛的现象即为疼痛恐惧。疼痛恐惧可影响个体的疼痛感知以及疼痛相关的注意和回避行为,且在慢性疼痛(如慢性肌骨骼疼痛)的发展、维持个体正常生理功能的丧失中起着重要作用。疼痛恐惧的形成与表达涉及杏仁核、海马、背侧前扣带回皮层、和前额叶皮层等脑区的参与。当前的疼痛恐惧消退的心理-行为干预方法可在疼痛恐惧加工的不同阶段(巩固、再巩固和消退)消退个体的疼痛恐惧。然而,由于恐惧记忆形成过程较为复杂并受多种因素影响,疼痛恐惧记忆消退方法效果较不稳定,其基础研究与临床应用之间仍存在较大的鸿沟。将来研究有必要考虑到疼痛恐惧形成环境的差异以及个体人格特质/心理状态的差异,逐步完善相关消退方法并将其引入临床镇痛,以期帮助患者弱化、擦除甚至改写困扰他们的疼痛恐惧,从而缓解甚至消除病患的疼痛。  相似文献   
本研究中,以76个科学发明问题(36个带有相关的原型,40个不带有相关的原型)为实验材料,使用功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)技术探讨了科学发明情境中的问题提出以及新近获得的语义对有价值的科学问题提出的启发效应的大脑机制。对有原型提出有价值的科学问题与无原型提出一般问题这两种情况下被试反应的数据进行记录和分析。结果表明两种情况下共同激活的脑区(科学发明情境中问题提出的脑区)为左侧梭状回、左侧内侧额叶、左侧豆状核、右小脑和左侧中央前回。这些共同激活的脑区表明:左侧梭状回也许与各个语句的语义表征有关;左侧内侧额叶也许与所有语句的整体语义表征以及提出各个语义之间的―问题‖有关(左侧豆状核和右小脑配合内侧额叶分别负责控制注意、眼动的指向和注意资源的分配);左侧中央前回可能负责用语句表述出所提出的语义之间的―问题‖。对有原型提出有价值的科学问题和无原型提出有价值的科学问题这两种情况下被试反应的数据进行记录和分析。结果表明有原型提出有价值的科学问题比无原型提出有价值的科学问题显著激活的脑区(科学发明情境中新近获得的语义对有价值的科学问题提出的启发效应的脑区)为左侧楔前叶、左侧额下回、左侧颞中回。这些显著激活的脑区表明:楔前叶与情境记忆的贮存和提取有关;额中回与认知控制和注意资源的分配有关;颞中回与新异性原型的成功激活有关。  相似文献   
情绪记忆增强效应在负性情绪记忆研究中被反复证实。尽管厌恶和恐惧同属负性情绪, 提示威胁的存在, 但由于它们的进化意义和生理功能不同, 可能导致它们对记忆的编码、保持、提取三个阶段不同的调节方向或调节强度。本文采用延迟再认任务, 采用事件相关电位考察健康成年被试对唤醒度和效价相当的恐惧和厌恶面孔的记忆编码、保持和提取。结果显示, 1)在记忆编码的早期, 被试主要加强了对恐惧面孔的注意(P1)和结构编码(N170), 而厌恶信息的加工受到了抑制; 2)从记忆编码晚期到记忆保持的整个阶段, 被试对厌恶信息的精细评估(编码阶段P3)和复述保持(保持阶段的负走向慢波)均强于恐惧信息; 3)相比于恐惧面孔, 厌恶面孔可能在工作记忆系统形成了更强的表征, 从而使被试在记忆提取时可回忆起更多的细节, 对记忆提取的信心更足(提取阶段P3)。这后两条发现是导致行为层面上厌恶情绪记忆优于恐惧情绪记忆的原因。本研究为“厌恶比恐惧具有更强的记忆增强效应”提供了高时间分辨率的脑活动层面的证据, 从而进一步揭示了负性情绪增强记忆的认知机制。  相似文献   
小学生阅读迁移机制的初步研究--字词表征还是内容表征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何先友  庞多维 《心理科学》2004,27(1):134-136
探讨文章字词与内容在小学生篇章阅读迁移中的作用。结果发现,阅读水平和阅读条件均对阅读迁移效果有显著主效应。阅读水平低的被试的阅读准确性提高得更大;完全重复条件和词汇重复条件在阅读时间和准确性上都没有显著差异,完全重复条件下的阅读时间和准确性均比意义重复及无相关条件的阅读时间和准确性提高得更多;词汇重复条件下的阅读时间和准确性显著高于意义重复条件下的成绩;词汇相同的阅读准确性也显著高于无相关条件下的阅读准确性。据此,我们可以初步得出小学生的篇章阅读迁移主要依赖词汇表征,即词汇表征是小学生篇章阅读迁移的主要机制。  相似文献   
As we listen to speech, our ability to understand what was said requires us to retrieve and bind together individual word meanings into a coherent discourse representation. This so‐called semantic unification is a fundamental cognitive skill, and its development relies on the integration of neural activity throughout widely distributed functional brain networks. In this proof‐of‐concept study, we examine, for the first time, how these functional brain networks develop in children. Twenty‐six children (ages 4–17) listened to well‐formed sentences and sentences containing a semantic violation, while EEG was recorded. Children with stronger vocabulary showed N400 effects that were more concentrated to centroparietal electrodes and greater EEG phase synchrony (phase lag index; PLI) between right centroparietal and bilateral frontocentral electrodes in the delta frequency band (1–3 Hz) 1.27–1.53 s after listening to well‐formed sentences compared to sentences containing a semantic violation. These effects related specifically to individual differences in receptive vocabulary, perhaps pointing to greater recruitment of functional brain networks important for top‐down semantic unification with development. Less skilled children showed greater delta phase synchrony for violation sentences 3.41–3.64 s after critical word onset. This later effect was partly driven by individual differences in nonverbal reasoning, perhaps pointing to non‐verbal compensatory processing to extract meaning from speech in children with less developed vocabulary. We suggest that functional brain network communication, as measured by momentary changes in the phase synchrony of EEG oscillations, develops throughout the school years to support language comprehension in different ways depending on children's verbal and nonverbal skill levels.  相似文献   
陈娟  何昊  杨丹丹  关青 《心理科学进展》2021,29(11):2002-2012
轻度认知障碍(mild cognitive impairment, MCI)是介于正常认知老化和老年痴呆的中间状态, 目前尚无有效的药物治疗方案。重复经颅磁刺激(repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, rTMS)可通过诱导突触可塑性的改变来改善大脑的认知功能。对rTMS干预MCI认知功能的有效性及神经机制进行分析。未来研究应优化定位手段, 延长对干预效果的随访评估, 考察不同刺激参数和刺激靶区对干预有效性的影响, 以及结合脑成像技术来探索rTMS的干预机制。  相似文献   
The picture story exercise (PSE), in which participants write imaginative stories in response to motivationally-arousing images, is the most commonly-used tool for the assessment of implicit motives. Despite decades of research into the qualities of effective individual picture cues, much less is known about the desirable properties of overall picture sets. The present research highlights a previously undocumented methodological consideration—set ambiguity—which has important implications for the reliability and validity of the PSE. In a four-part study of 74 undergraduates, motive scores derived from an ambiguous picture set comprising cues that vary in motivational focus displayed greater test–retest reliability, convergent validity, and predictive validity than those derived from an unambiguous picture set. Researchers are therefore advised to consider set ambiguity when selecting images for use in PSE research.  相似文献   
准确识别言语中的情绪韵律信息对社会交往非常重要。本研究采用功能近红外成像技术, 探索外显和内隐情绪加工条件下愤怒、恐惧、快乐三种情绪韵律加工过程中的大脑皮层神经活动。结果表明, 对愤怒、恐惧、快乐韵律进行特异性加工的脑区分别为左侧额极/眶额叶、右侧缘上回、左侧额下回, 其中右侧缘上回脑区同时受到情绪和任务的调控。此外, 右侧颞中回、颞下回和颞极在情绪外显任务中的激活明显强于内隐任务。本研究的结果部分支持了情绪韵律的层次模型, 也对该模型的第三层次, 即“额区对语音情绪信息的精细加工需要外显性情绪加工任务参与”提出了质疑。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to review major Chinese policies related to creativity education. We first identify and describe the role of innovation and creativity in economic and social development policies over the past 20 years, then analyze how the call for enhanced Chinese innovation and creativity was actualized in corresponding education policies. The article concludes with an analysis of issues surrounding Chinese education policy toward creativity and several directions for future research in this area.  相似文献   
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