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Event-related potential (ERP) has the potential to reveal the temporal neurophysiological dynamics of risk decision-making, but this potential has not been fully explored in previous studies. When predicting risk decision with ERPs, most studies focus on between-trial analysis that reflects feedback learning, while within-trial analysis that could directly link option assessment with behavioral output has been largely ignored. Suitable task design is crucial for applying within-trial prediction. In this study, we used a modified version of the classic Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART). In each trial of the task, participants made multiple rounds of decisions between a risky option (pump up the balloon) and a safe option (cash out). Behavioral results show that as the level of economic risk increased, participants were less willing to make a risky decision and also needed a longer response time to do so. In general, the ERP results showed distinct characteristics compared with previous findings based on between-trial prediction, particularly about the role of the P1 component. Specifically, both the P1 (amplitude and latency) and P3 (amplitude) components evoked by current outcomes predicted subsequent decisions. We suggest that these findings indicate the importance of selective attention (indexed by the P1) and motivational functions (indexed by the P3), which may help clarify the cognitive mechanism of risk decision-making. The theoretical significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   
Attention plays an important role in the design of human-machine interfaces. However, current knowledge about attention is largely based on data obtained when using devices of moderate display size. With advancement in display technology comes the need for understanding attention behavior over a wider range of viewing sizes. The effect of display size on test participants' visual search performance was studied. The participants (N = 12) performed two types of visual search tasks, that is, parallel and serial search, under three display-size conditions (16 degrees, 32 degrees, and 60 degrees). Serial, but not parallel, search was affected by display size. In the serial task, mean reaction time for detecting a target increased with the display size.  相似文献   
德性伦理学是基于人的实践可能性的对人的善生活的哲学说明。德性的观点表明一种基本的真实:德性地生活对于人始终是一种可能性。德性伦理学比其他实质性的伦理学更明确地诉诸这个可能性前提。对这个基础的说明只有借助对心灵整体及其历史两个相互联系的基本前提要素的理解才有可能。这些相互联系的观点内涵对人的实践性活动的身心一致的解释,构成一种内德性的、内德性伦理学的观点。这种内在观点的缺乏引向强硬分割心灵而在理解实践活动时不能复原其整体性的倾向。整体心灵的历史性也由此丧失。被剥夺掉其实践生命内容的心被抽象为agency,作为功能性对照物的身也成为消极的、不确定的实践心灵的抽象符号。基于这种方法与观点的德性伦理学讨论不是恰当的德性伦理学讨论。它没有抓住真实。  相似文献   
自20世纪80年代以来,我国部分农村地区陆续出现了邪教组织。它们的存在及其活动严重危害了农民群众的生命财产安全,扰乱了农村地区社会治安秩序,阻碍了新农村建设。笔者认为邪教是一种特殊的越轨亚文化。这种文化在农村滋生、蔓延以及进行的种种非法活动,  相似文献   
无意识情绪启动研究新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
廖声立  陶德清 《心理科学》2004,27(3):701-704
本文对目前无意识情绪启动的两种方式、无意识情绪启动在认知领域和人格领域实证研究、无意识情绪启动的神经生理的研究以及无意识情绪启动模型理论研究进行理论的综述;同时对无意识情绪启动研究不足之处以及今后研究方向作了简评。  相似文献   
Book Review     
Liao  Manqian  Jiao  Hong 《Psychometrika》2019,84(1):323-326
鸟类神经系统的长时程增强   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
揭示学习与记忆的神经机制已成为认知科学领域的一个重要研究方向。研究过程中需根据不同实验目的选用不同实验动物。LTP(long-term potentiation)是一种研究学习记忆突触基础的主要模型,其代表突触功能的可塑性。以往对LTP的研究主要集中于哺乳动物,但由于鸟类在生物进化上具有独特的地位及特有的学习记忆能力,因此通过某些鸟类行为模型将有利于对LTP特性及其与学习记忆相关性进行更深入的探索。  相似文献   
对生命价值的充分肯定和对长生成仙的热烈追求是道教最具特色的教义.元代道教戏剧以独特的视角和艺术的手法对道教乐生思想进行了全方位地形象图解.面对成仙诱惑,凡人的怀疑、拒绝与诘问,正是因为对生的热切渴望对生命的价值强烈认同感使然.情欲乃是人之常情,道教贵生,当然包括对生命基本需求的尊重,对世俗情欲的眷恋与渴望是元代道教戏剧对道教乐生思想的又一诠释.元代道教戏剧着力展现体道之人对山水的乐好,而其乐山好水的审美情趣又与澄心遣欲的宗教追求和隐逸归真的宗教旨意一脉相承.本文以全新的角度阐释元代道教戏剧中体现出的道教乐生思想,以期在加深对道教生命意识的认识的同时,彰显元代道教戏剧独特的艺术价值.  相似文献   
抑郁人群不但表现出注意、记忆等个体认知层面的负性偏向,还伴随有明显的社会认知障碍。已有研究在抑郁对社会认知的影响方面还考察得不多。本研究采用囚徒困境范式考察抑郁倾向对社会合作的影响。结果显示,高抑郁倾向组比低抑郁倾向组的合作率更低,双侧背外侧前额叶的激活更弱,抑郁对右侧背外侧前额叶及眶额叶的脑间同步性有调节作用;低抑郁被试与低抑郁被试配对时右侧颞顶联合区脑间同步性强于高抑郁被试与高抑郁被试配对,或者高抑郁被试与低抑郁被试配对时的右侧颞顶联合区脑间同步性,该效应当且仅当双方的选择相同时显著。结果表明,抑郁群体在社会奖赏加工、冲突控制及心理理论脑区均存在功能性缺陷,这些结果为理解抑郁人群合作意愿下降提供了脑成像证据。  相似文献   
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