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The belief that happiness is fragile—that it is fleeting and may easily turn into less favourable states—is common across individuals and cultures. However, not much is known about this belief domain and its structure and correlates. In the present study, we use multigroup confirmatory factor analysis and multilevel modelling to investigate the measurement invariance, cross-level isomorphism, predictive validity, and nomological network of the fragility of happiness scale across 15 nations. The results show that this scale has good statistical properties at both individual and cultural levels, and is associated with relevant psycho-social concepts in expected directions. The importance of the results, limitations, and potential directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
追求幸福是人类社会永恒的主题。价值观对个体的发展起引导作用,与幸福感密切相关。认同自我增强价值观,即关注个人利益,可以让人体验到波动的幸福感,表现为短暂快乐和消极情绪的交替循环;认同自我超越价值观,即切实关心他人利益和福祉,则可以让人拥有持久的幸福感,表现为一种持续的充实、和谐、宁静的状态。就作用机制而言,认同自我超越价值观的个体可能对自我威胁信息有较少的防御性反应,体验到更多的社会关系导向的情绪,激发更多的亲社会行为,从而获得持久的幸福体验。未来的研究可采用多种方法和手段考察自我超越价值观对持久幸福感的作用,系统探讨二者之间的其他潜在机制,并通过开展自我超越价值观教育形成良好的社会心态。  相似文献   
通过对医患合谋诱导医疗消费的道德风险产生的原因进行系统分析,找到规避这种风险的可行办法。医疗保险领域广泛地存在着道德风险,其中以供方诱导需求下的医患合谋表现最为突出,它的存在与目前医疗保险的付费方式、制度本身的漏洞、利益的驱使、医生的自我保护等多方面因素有关,其后果是增加了医疗保险的负担,导致了保险基金的浪费。规避供方诱导需求下的医患合谋需从政策、医方、患方三方入手,并辅以一定的配套措施,才能从源头上杜绝这种道德风险。  相似文献   
Timed picture naming was compared in seven languages that vary along dimensions known to affect lexical access. Analyses over items focused on factors that determine cross-language universals and cross-language disparities. With regard to universals, number of alternative names had large effects on reaction time within and across languages after target-name agreement was controlled, suggesting inhibitory effects from lexical competitors. For all the languages, word frequency and goodness of depiction had large effects, but objective picture complexity did not. Effects of word structure variables (length, syllable structure, compounding, and initial frication) varied markedly over languages. Strong cross-language correlations were found in naming latencies, frequency, and length. Other-language frequency effects were observed (e.g., Chinese frequencies predicting Spanish reaction times) even after within-language effects were controlled (e.g., Spanish frequencies predicting Spanish reaction times). These surprising cross-language correlations challenge widely held assumptions about the lexical locus of length and frequency effects, suggesting instead that they may (at least in part) reflect familiarity and accessibility at a conceptual level that is shared over languages.  相似文献   
Surprisingly, little research has examined how consumer responses to specific flavor characteristics of food are formed or how they may fluctuate situationally. We address this lacuna in the literature on the hedonic appreciation of food by demonstrating that enjoyment along one important gustatory dimension, flavor complexity, varies with the degree to which consumers are mentally depleted. Specifically, showing that gustatory sensations are more cognitively demanding than previously thought, findings from three studies evince that cognitive depletion reduces consumer enjoyment of complex‐flavored (but not simple‐flavored) foods via a reduction in pleasure that otherwise can be derived from complex flavors. We establish this effect across three different food categories and provide preliminary evidence for consumers’ ability to identify flavors as the underlying process. Our findings offer theoretical contributions and avenues for future research.  相似文献   
In this paper, we experimentally examine whether looking at other people's pricing decisions is a type of a decision rule that people over‐apply even when it is not applicable, as in the case of private‐value goods. In Study 1, we find evidence that this is indeed the case—individual valuation of a subjective experience under full information, elicited using incentive compatible mechanism, is highly influenced by values of others. In Study 2, we find that people expect to use this rule to some degree with respect to actual consumption of goods, especially goods with some public value (music), and less so for private‐value goods (noise). However, people expect to use the rule to a very large extent when they are required to express their valuation of a good using a dollar figure (Study 3). These results can shed light on price behavior as rigidities and rents. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
胡塞尔先验哲学的交互主体性转折   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在本世纪,语言哲学对古典心智哲学的批评常常被理解为哲学范式一个不可逆的决定性转向,即从主体哲学转向了交互主体性哲学。这一转向在阿佩尔和哈贝马斯的著作中不断得到认同。因此,阿佩尔鲜明地倡导先验哲学向交互主体性哲学的转折。不是单个的、自我-意识自我,而是语言共同体,即交互主体性,才应被看作为基本的先验框架。阿佩尔和哈贝马斯都认为,哲学范式的这一转变对现象学提出了一个决定性的挑战,并且,从他们的立场出发,讨论的结果经常是否定性的。他们把胡塞尔的现象学看成是古典主体哲学最后一次也许是最有力的尝试,并竭力揭示其唯我论的荒谬和困境,希望借此来显示他们自己的倾向的合理性。简而言之,他们声称,胡塞尔所运用的真理和意义概念无视其内在的交互主体性特征;胡塞尔的理论不能解释那种表征交互主体性的特定的主体-主体的对称性关联,它完全受制于一种唯我论的、定位于主体-客体的意向性概念;并且最后,胡塞尔自主的主体性概念也是不可接受的,因为自我-意识和个体性远非自我一般(sui generis),而只是那个更为基础的社会化过程的产物。  相似文献   
In agreement with two predictions, this somewhat unusual study documented that 70 elementary schools (A-schools) with continued and repeated use of the Olweus Bullying Questionnaire (OBQ) in a four-year follow-up period of 2007–2010, two to eight years after original implementation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP), had a clearly more favorable long-term development in terms of being-bullied problems, as measured with a completely independent data source, the National Pupil Survey than 102 comparable schools (B-schools) that had not conducted any OBQ-surveys in the same period. The odds of being bullied for students in a Norwegian average elementary school were also almost 40% higher than for students who attended a school with continued use of the OBQ, and very likely, other components of the program. Several alternative explanations of the findings were explored and found wanting. Results suggested that A-schools with continued use had changed their “school culture” for the better with regard to awareness, preparedness and competence in handling and preventing bullying. This form of ‘organizational learning’ has major consequences in that new groups of students will benefit from such a school environment. It was generally concluded – in spite of a highly stable average of the level of bullying problems in Norway – that it is fully possible to substantially reduce such problems not only in one-year evaluations, as has been amply documented before, but also in the long term, up to eight years after original implementation, with a program such as the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program.  相似文献   
The articles included within this special issue of the Journal of Personality all conceptualize psychopathology as the result of problems in human selfhood. As such, they implicate a wide assortment of self-related constructs, from self-objectification to self-esteem, in the etiology and maintenance of psychopathology, and they point to interventions designed to alter these self-processes in order to alleviate suffering. In this commentary, I reinterpret and reorganize many of the ideas presented in the articles from the standpoint of a tripartite perspective on the reflexive human self. The self is first and foremost an inherent duality of I and Me. Psychologically speaking, the I/Me dynamic plays out in three different guises—the self as (1) social actor, (2) motivated agent, and (3) autobiographical author. Problems in human selfhood as they pertain to psychopathology may be profitably reconceived in terms of the corresponding performative styles expressed by social actors, the motivational agendas of values and goals that energize human striving and determine self-esteem, and the internalized life stories that human beings, as authors of the self, fashion and narrate to make sense of the reconstructed past and imagined future.  相似文献   
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