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李雄  李祚山  向滨洋  孟景 《心理学报》2020,52(3):294-306
自闭特质个体在日常生活中表现出共情缺损, 但其程度较自闭症谱系障碍个体低, 并且注意线索和特异性的面孔加工可能会影响他们的共情加工进程。因此, 本研究采用事件相关电位(ERP)技术, 以疼痛面孔图片作为刺激材料, 让自闭特质组和控制组分别完成疼痛判断任务(该任务中被试的注意指向疼痛线索)和吸引力判断任务(该任务中被试的注意不指向疼痛线索)。结果发现, 相比控制组, 自闭特质组在吸引力判断任务中疼痛面孔图片诱发的P3波幅更大, 而在疼痛判断任务中两组没有显著差异。这表明注意线索会影响自闭特质个体对他人疼痛面孔的共情反应, 当自闭特质个体不注意他人面孔的疼痛线索时, 其疼痛共情能力会减弱。  相似文献   
以往个体和团队冲突研究主要考察了个人特征或团队特征对冲突结果的影响, 而尚未充分关注冲突管理过程中个体特征与团队特征间的交互效应。基于个人-团队匹配理论, 本研究探讨了个体层面宜人性与团队层面宜人性异质性对团队中个体冲突(关系冲突、任务冲突)和工作绩效间关系的影响。基于来自64个银行服务团队(包含339名下属和64名主管)的多来源、多时点纵向数据, 本研究所得结果显示:(1)关系冲突显著负向影响工作绩效, 任务冲突对工作绩效的影响不显著。(2)个体宜人性能够显著减弱关系冲突对工作绩效的负面影响, 而增强任务冲突对工作绩效的正向影响。(3)关系/任务冲突、个体宜人性和团队宜人性异质性间存在着三重交互效应, 共同影响工作绩效。具体而言, 当团队宜人性异质性水平较低时, 个体宜人性对关系/任务冲突与工作绩效间关系的调节作用更加显著。  相似文献   
本研究基于简单阅读观理论,以两个样本共计666名大班至四年级的汉语儿童为研究对象,探索了识字量和词汇知识在儿童阅读能力发展中的作用及相对重要性的变化。结果显示,在阅读学习早期,识字量对阅读理解的重要性高于词汇知识。随着年级的升高,识字量的重要性降低,而词汇知识的重要性增加。这一发现证实简单阅读观理论也适用于解释汉语阅读能力的发展,并对今后的语文教学具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
以往对咸卦的解读多不能切近其本义。事实上,咸卦的主题是讲交往处事的道理或原则。关于卦辞,传统解读多基于男女相感来理解,其实卦辞着重强调的是屈身虚己、礼贤下士。关于初爻,诸家均未着眼于足拇趾与其他足趾的不同去体会“拇”的本质特征。依此角度理解,初爻讲的是要重视与外界的交往。解卦九四亦取“拇”象,且与“朋”象相合,比喻能力再强者遇到险难时往往也需要他人的配合支持。关于二爻,诸家多以腓体躁动取象,认为二爻“感物以躁”乃“凶之道”,实则二爻取象腿肚抽筋,喻勿与坏人、恶人相交。艮卦六二亦与腿肚抽筋有关,喻本当止而不得止之,是以有憾。关于三爻,诸家多以股随足或随身而动,不能自处,喻人无主见而听任摆布,基本得其正解。艮卦九三不取股象而取腰限之象,体现了取象的唯变所适之理,喻本不当止而强止之,将会导致严重后果。关于四爻,诸家皆以九四为有心之感而未及无心之感,其实四爻讲的是交往处事要心思端正、以心交心。关于五爻,诸家皆未抓住脢的本质特征。该爻实则是讲交往处事要有奉献精神,甘于做配角。关于上爻,诸家解读大致能得其正解,讲的是交往处事不能夸夸其谈,务必言实相符。  相似文献   
为探讨语境线索在留学生伴随性词汇学习中的作用,本研究选择不同汉语水平的外国留学生作为被试,操纵了语境线索的强弱,使用眼动仪记录被试的词汇学习过程。结果发现:被试在强语境线索下的词汇学习效果显著高于弱语境线索;随着学习次数的增加,强语境线索下目标词注视时间的下降幅度显著大于弱语境线索,高汉语水平被试目标词注视时间的下降幅度显著大于低汉语水平被试。结果表明:无论留学生汉语水平如何,语境线索促进了他们阅读时的伴随性词汇学习,且学习次数越多,语境线索的促进作用越大。  相似文献   
Reduced autobiographical memory specificity (AMS) to emotional and neutral cue words appears to be a stable cognitive marker of clinical depression. For example, reduced AMS is present in remitted/recovered depressed patients and shows no reliable relationship with current levels of depressed mood in correlational studies. The present study examined whether reduced AMS could be induced in healthy volunteers with no history of depression, using a negative mood manipulation and whether levels of AMS and induced mood were positively correlated. Results showed a reduction in AMS following negative mood induction, compared to a neutral induction, whereas positive mood induction had no effects on AMS. Furthermore, lower happiness following the induction phase correlated positively with reduced AMS, and the extent of happiness reduction from pre- to post-induction correlated positively with reduction in AMS. These results suggest that AMS is, at least in part, a function of current emotion state. The implications for the literature on AMS as a stable marker of clinical depression are discussed.  相似文献   
Autobiographical memory retrieval is fundamental to the developing self-concept in adolescence, to emotion regulation, and to social problem solving and has been shown to be compromised in adolescents diagnosed with depression (R. J. Park, I. M. Goodyer, & J. D. Teasdale, 2002). The authors of the present study assessed autobiographical memory overgenerality in a sample of depressed adolescent participants with, versus without, a reported history of trauma and never-depressed control participants by using an emotion word-cueing paradigm. The authors' analyses showed for the first time that adolescents with major depression and with no reported history of trauma exhibited an overgeneral memory bias. They also revealed that depressed adolescents who reported a history of trauma retrieved fewer overgeneral memories than did depressed adolescents who reported no history of trauma. Among depressed adolescents who reported a history of trauma, more severe posttraumatic stress symptoms were associated with less overgenerality. Possible accounts of these findings are suggested.  相似文献   
Depressed individuals endeavor to suppress intrusive thoughts and memories as a form of mood control. Two predictions from this literature were examined. The 1st was that attempts to suppress a preselected negative memory during a stream-of-consciousness (SOC) task in dysphoric individuals, relative to a no-suppress condition, would lead to relatively speeded access to other negative but not positive memories on a subsequent cue-word recall task. No such effects were predicted for nondysphoric controls. The 2nd prediction was that, across all participants who were asked to suppress memories, higher levels of depressed mood would be associated with more intrusions of the to-be-suppressed memory during the SOC and that this association would be stronger than the comparable relation in participants who were not asked to suppress memories. Results support both predictions.  相似文献   
活体肝移植的伦理学问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,肝移植已成为治疗终末期肝病的有效手段,活体肝移植术部分解决了供肝短缺的问题,10多年来其发展迅速,并取得了良好的疗效,由于活体肝移植需从活的供体身上切取部分肝脏,且供体多为患者家属,故存在着供体的选择,供体的贡献与代价,患者的家庭,心理,社会等伦理等问题。因此在提高活体肝移植技术水平的同时,必须充分考虑活体肝移植的伦理学问题,遵守伦理原则,使活体肝移植不但能从技术上达到,在伦理学方面也是可行的。  相似文献   
理解评估与成绩预测:两种不同的元理解监测形式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈启山  李利 《心理学报》2008,40(9):961-968
探讨理解评估与成绩预测与各种强化元理解监测线索的认知任务的关系。结果发现,理解评估与成绩预测的判断值偏离标准测验成绩的程度受监测线索强化方式的调节;主动强化监测线索比被动强化更能提高理解评估和成绩预测的精确性;精确的理解评估或成绩预测所需的线索不同,利用同一线索评估理解或预测成绩,其精确性也不同。这一结果挑战了元理解监测的一维观,表明理解评估与成绩预测涵盖了元理解监测不同方面的心理特征  相似文献   
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