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李丹  徐晓滢  李正云 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1360-1366
在生命教育的社会背景下,以上海四所高校的一年级和三年级的812名在校本科生为研究对象,运用造句和模拟遗书等投射方式,并结合小组访谈等形式,旨在测查大学生对生命过程与死亡现象的认知特征,及对生命意义的价值取向,以此探究当代大学生的生命认知和生命价值取向的发展特点。结果发现:(1)当代大学生对生命的认知以表达态度为主,具有积极向上、珍爱生命的特点;而在对死亡的认知上,则主要采用本质认知的方式进行表述,以中性、概括、简洁为主要特点;(2)总体来看,女生比男生对生命过程和死亡现象的认知更为积极,体悟更深;(3)在生命价值取向方面,当大学生更多地表现出关顾他人的价值取向,并伴有强烈的家庭责任意识。  相似文献   
情绪在我们的生活中扮演着十分重要的角色,各种认知活动都或多或少的受其影响。有关情绪与工作记忆相互作用的研究中,很多的证据表明,情绪对认知表现的影响可能是通过工作记忆完成的。本文对情绪分类,情绪影响工作记忆的相关理论及以往的相关研究进行了介绍,同时提出存在的问题并进行展望。  相似文献   
Although vocational interests have a long history in vocational psychology, they have received extremely limited attention within the recent personnel selection literature. We reconsider some widely held beliefs concerning the (low) validity of interests for predicting criteria important to selection researchers, and we review theory and empirical evidence that challenge such beliefs. We then describe the development and validation of an interests-based selection measure. Results of a large validation study (N = 418) reveal that interests predicted a diverse set of criteria—including measures of job knowledge, job performance, and continuance intentions—with corrected, cross-validated Rs that ranged from .25 to .46 across the criteria (mean R = .31). Interests also provided incremental validity beyond measures of general cognitive aptitude and facets of the Big Five personality dimensions in relation to each criterion. Furthermore, with a couple exceptions, the interest scales were associated with small to medium subgroup differences, which in most cases favored women and racial minorities. Taken as a whole, these results appear to call into question the prevailing thought that vocational interests have limited usefulness for selection.  相似文献   
Accurate assessment of ethnic minority clients is often hindered by clinician bias and lack of culturally sensitive instruments. Multicultural guidelines can enhance clinician awareness and sensitivity in conducting assessments with diverse populations. These guidelines are illustrated using an Asian Indian American character from Lahiri's (2008) novel Unaccustomed Earth. La evaluación precisa de clientes pertenecientes a minorías étnicas se ve con frecuencia dificultada por el sesgo de los especialistas clínicos y la falta de instrumentos culturalmente sensibles. Las directrices multiculturales pueden ampliar la conciencia de los especialistas y su sensibilidad al llevar a cabo evaluaciones con poblaciones diversas. Estas directrices se ilustran usando un personaje indoasiáticoamericano extraído de la novela Unaccustomed Earth de Lahiri (2008).  相似文献   
为了在门诊落实"一切以病人为中心"的服务理念,通过调查、了解病人的需求,改变传统的就医模式,将多学科整合,推出创新的"一站式"多学科综合门诊。改善了就诊流程,简化了就诊手续,对疑难杂症提供全方位、多学科综合诊疗,同时缩短患者就诊等候时间和多次往返各门诊的不便,减少就诊环节,实现医学整合,满足患者需求。  相似文献   
从医疗卫生资源微观配置视角分析,处方权是一种资源配置权力,属于公权力.主要分析了医生处方权的权力来源、医生处方权的职权性质和医生处方权的源权力属性.鉴于此,建立处方权独立行使的保障制度与处方权规范行使的程序控制制度可以有效规范医生处方权的行使.  相似文献   
本文通过时<病历书写基本规范>中有关患者同意权内容的研究,重点探讨了患者同意权的应用范围、发展变化以及尚需进一步解答的具体问题.为在实践中充分领会"<规范>"内容,不断深化患者权益保障,促进医院管理水平稳步提高作出了笔者力所能及的贡献.  相似文献   
进展性脑梗死是临床上常见的一种缺血性脑卒中,其发病率高,致残率高,预后较差,严重危害患者的生命和健康,成为临床卒中治疗的一大难题.本文结合近年来的有关研究文献,就进展性脑梗死的临床分型、形成机制、可能的危险因素及其防治策略等方面的研究进展作一综合性介绍.  相似文献   
对429名被调查者的研究发现,最为公众赞同的公正观依次为:(1)公正体现在法律面前人人平等;(2)公正体现为人们在求学、就业、投资、参政等方面的机会平等;(3)公正体现在程序公平合理。因素分析表明,国民的公正观是多元的,可分为6个维度,分别为权利、衡平、救济、报应、平等、平均。聚类分析的结果表明,公正内隐观的6个维度最终可聚为"均等"和"对等"2类。  相似文献   
Because campus officials are relying on personal communication technologies to communicate with students, a question arises about access and usage. Although communication technologies are popular among college students, some evidence suggests that differences exist in ownership and use. We examined patterns of student ownership and use of cell phones and use of instant messaging, focusing on three predictors of digital inequality: gender, ethnicity, and income. Logistic and hierarchical linear regression analyses were used to analyze results from 4,491 students. The odds that female and white students owned cell phones were more than twice as high as for men and African-American students. Students in the $100,000-$149,000 per year income bracket were more than three times as likely to own a cell phone than those from the median bracket. However, being female, African-American, and/or from the highest income brackets was positively predictive of the number of text messages sent and the amount of time spent talking on a cell phone per week. We found no differences between students on the use of instant messaging. Implications of these results, as well as areas for further research, are provided.  相似文献   
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