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2004年12月6日,中国科学院院士、著名外科学家、华中科技大学教授、博士生导师、中共党员、同济医学院创始人裘法祖被授予“人民医学家”荣誉称号,这是湖北省人民政府在裘教授迎来九十华诞暨从医65周年之际送给他的一份精美礼物。这位医术精湛、医德高尚、为我国医学事业做出了杰出贡献的著名医学家,受到了人民群众的高度评价和尊重,也为广大的科技工作者,尤其是医学教育和医疗卫生工作者,树立了光辉的榜样。裘教授从医60多年来,不仅以其精湛的医术点燃了无数人的生命之灯而享誉海内外,他的高尚医德同样也赢得了社会的普遍赞誉而成为世之楷模。  相似文献   
胰岛移植是一种有望治愈糖尿病的方法,但胰岛进入体内后,由于排斥反应和其他刺激因素而使大量胰岛遭破坏,因此,减少胰岛破坏对保证移植成功非常重要。作为细胞移植物的胰岛非常适合在体外进行基因修饰,移植前对胰岛进行基因治疗以减轻局部免疫反应或增强胰岛细胞抗凋亡能力是一种极具吸引力的方法。基因转移载体及靶基因的选择是基因治疗中的关键策略。  相似文献   
To explore whether the facilitation effects of an explicit instruction to “be creative” vary across cultures and types of tasks, 248 U.S. and 278 Chinese college students were administered a battery of tests of verbal, artistic, and mathematical creativity. Half of the participants were tested under the standard condition, and the other half under the explicit instruction condition. Results showed that the facilitation effects of the explicit instruction varied by domains of the creativity tasks (greater for artistic and mathematical creativity than for verbal creativity), but not across cultural and ethnic groups. The explicit instruction had a small “detrimental” effect on the clarity and grammar of story writing, but not on any other aspects of the technical quality of creative products. Methodological and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
心理信息学:网络信息时代下的心理学新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在见证了社会计算与计算社会科学的勃兴之后,心理学和信息科学在网络信息时代相遇,催生出心理信息学这门新兴交叉学科。该学科旨在利用计算机与信息科学技术,通过开展网络调查和实验、开发和利用移动设备、建立数据库和分类体系、使用开源软件和数据挖掘技术等,获取、整理和分析心理学研究资料。其对大规模复杂数据的掌控能力,使心理学家可以从新的高度和视野,针对现实和虚拟网络中的个体与群体心理现象展开研究,重新检视已有理论假设并探索新发现。但是,心理信息学在展现巨大潜力的同时,也在技术和研究设计、伦理和研究规范、研究重心与人才培养等诸多方面面临挑战。  相似文献   
师生关系在青少年发展中的作用全国大城市抽样调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1640中国青少年(平均年龄14.5岁)以及他们的父母和老师参加了一次全国城市青少年抽样调查.该调查的目的是为了研究师生和亲子关系对青少年发展的影响(如学生成绩,心理健康,利他行为和问题行为).结果发现师生关系与青少年发展有很高的相关,甚至超过亲子关系与青少年发展的相关.另外,师生关系等与青少年发展的相关程度不受性别及年龄的影响,此研究的发现指出教师在中国青少年发展中的重要作用,进一步加强了一个正在起步的研究领域--非父母成人(包括教师)在青少年发展中的作用.  相似文献   
This paper argues that design fixation, in part, entails fixation at the level of meta‐representation, the representation of the relation between a representation and its reference. In this paper, we present a mathematical model that mimics the idea of how fixation can occur at the meta‐representation level. In this model, new abstract concepts derived from the meta‐representation are not simple combinations of the design ideas expressed in the primary representation. Instead, the process of meta‐representation corresponds to the abstraction of new features at a higher, hierarchically separated level of representation from an existing one. We show a computational process of pattern extraction from existing design representations that results in the crystallization of design ideas or ‘chunks’ at an abstract level. The relation between the representation and its referent is explicitly described in these ‘chunks’, yet the ‘chunks’ have different properties from the properties of the original representation.  相似文献   
Separate studies of Chinese and Western individuals have suggested that there are cultural differences in perceptions of creativity, particularly in an emphasis on meritorious salience versus aesthetic salience as bases for creativity, but cross‐cultural studies are needed to substantiate that difference. In this study, undergraduates from Giessen in Germany and Hong Kong and Nanjing in China provided data on the recognition of famous creative persons. Chinese undergraduates in Hong Kong and Nanjing mostly nominated politicians, scientists or inventors, but rarely nominated artists, musicians. German undergraduates mostly nominated philosophers, artists, and writers but rarely nominated politicians. This supports our assumption that the Chinese evaluation of creators emphasizes the meritorious salience of creativity whereas the German evaluation of creators emphasizes the aesthetic salience of creativity. Implications and limitations of this study are discussed at the end of the paper.  相似文献   
吸烟可引起椎基底动脉供血不足(VBI)患者血液流变学的异常,本文在吸烟与非吸烟两组VBI患者间进行各项血液流变学指标的比较,发现吸烟组各项指标均高于非吸烟组。证实吸烟可使VBI患者血液流变学异常更为明显,加重动脉硬化,增加脑梗塞的危险性,戒烟是椎基底动脉供血不足的重要预防措施。  相似文献   
基于辩证观,论述了医学技术具有相对安全与绝对风险、广泛社会性与利害同一性、伦理规范与探索创新、高度机械化与人力主体化、公共服务与逐利行为等特点.依据医学技术特点的分析,提出医院管理应重视风险管理、实施人本管理、获取社会支持、坚持以人为本以及明确发展战略,以促进医学技术优势发挥,推动医院持续发展.  相似文献   
董蕊  彭凯平  喻丰  郑若乔 《心理科学进展》2012,20(11):1869-1878
自由意志是哲学史上最古老、最持久和最艰难的问题之一,并且一直是哲学,包括实证主义哲学和人文主义哲学关注的问题.近年来,心理学家开始尝试用实证科学的方法探索自由意志的心理机制、影响及表达.研究发现虽然自由意志是一种错觉,但人们仍然相信它的存在,并受到它的影响.自由意志与道德责任、道德行为、创造力、自尊和幸福等概念有密切关系.未来研究应在自由意志的概念界定、产生机制、作用功能等方面进行更深入的探索,并从实证、理论和常识三种水平上综合考察、理解自由意志问题.  相似文献   
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