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The nonspecificity of the ethical guidelines forces counselors to develop personal philosophies in regard to serving culturally unique clients. The resulting variability in the quality and availability of services threatens the growth and dilutes the integrity of the counseling profession. The worldview of the counselor is discussed as it affects client welfare, self-determination, and cultural autonomy in the counseling alliance. Ethical issues surrounding the development and implementation of cross-cultural training programs are reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   
In 1977 sex-trait stereotypes in Norway were measured at the young adult level and at the level of five-year-olds. At the young adult level the Adjective Check List was used, and the results were analysed according to an affective meaning scoring system, and a scoring system based on Transactional Analysis. The instrument used for children was a picture-story technique (Sex Stereotype Measure II). Persistence and change in sex-trait stereotypes were examined by replicating the study in 1987. Quantitatively, young adults' sex-trait stereotypes seemed to have changed little during the last decade, but qualitative analyses indicated that stereotypes have changed in the direction of greater favourability, activity and strength towards women and in the reverse direction towards men. The children in the 1987 sample expressed less stereotype knowledge than children in the 1977 sample concerning traits which traditionally have been ascribed to men.  相似文献   
Due to the death of a severely disabled infant from Bloomington, Indiana, a series of events set in motion by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has resulted in cautions to health care providers. The resulting policies and procedures warn hospital personnel against withholding nutritional sustenance or medical treatment from severely disabled infants. This article presents dimensions that might serve as a background for counselors to assist families in considering options related to disabled infants. These dimensions include the meaning of life, cost to benefit ratio, medical options, legal precedent, and a theological perspective. This issue is related to counseling practice through counselor ethics, values, and the need for information that counselors can provide to parents during the decision process.  相似文献   
Eight hundred randomly selected members of the Smaller Business Association of New England were mailed the Jenkins Activity Survey (JAS) and a biodata questionnaire. A total of 368 chief executive officers completed both instruments, representing a response rate of 46***.0 per cent. Based on the JAS, 82 per cent of the respondents were characterized by the Type A or coronary-prone behaviour pattern. Corporate performance was plotted against Type A and B scores. Firms run by Type As showed a higher return on investment and greater five-year growth in sales revenue than firms run by Type Bs, but this pattern was found only for the Job Involvement subscale.  相似文献   
This study developed and assessed a set of psychometric tests to aid selection of candidate simultaneous and consecutive interpreter trainees. Three kinds of test were used based either on text materials, linguistic subskills or speed stress Twelve tests in all were administered to 29 trainees beginning an intensive course. The test scores were correlated with judges' ratings in the final interpreting examination. Students who passed the examination had higher mean scores on all tests than those who failed (significant for seven tests). Test scores were positively inter-correlated. Of the two factors characterizing the pattern of correlations, the first loaded highly on completion/detection tests and simultaneous examination ratings; the second loaded highly on recall tests and consecutive examination ratings. Text-based tests were more predictive than subskills or speed stress tests. It is concluded that tests would aid candidate selection, and estimates of improved selection are given. The relationship between test type and interpreting is discussed together with possible reasons underlying differential performance on tests of the same kind.  相似文献   
This study indicates that sales volume, stage in the product life cycle, profitability and turnover are all important predictors of the method and magnitude of financial rewards provided by high tech firms to R and D employees. The most favorable situational factors for R and D incentive compensation are a low sales volume high tech company, operating in the growth stage of the product life cycle, with high turnover rates, and capable of linking profitability to incentive rewards such as bonuses.  相似文献   
Based on a general systems analysis model, the holistic approach to counseling spans every level and interaction effect from the gene to the interpersonal to the community and beyond. One of the major functions of the counselor in this approach is opening and maintaining communications among groups in the various school and community subsystems. The author of this article, a psychiatrist, stresses the use of the holistic approach in (a) the training and role of the psychiatrist, (b) the school and its subsystems, (c) the role of the guidance counselor, and (d) the interaction between the guidance counselor and the psychiatrist.  相似文献   
The following symposium discusses the place of technology in guidance and some of the concerns involved. Tiedeman, a leading authority on technological applications in guidance, takes the position that guidance technology is an important new development. Schmidt, who has written widely in the areas of psychology and counseling, questions the place of technology in guidance and society and underlines some of the concerns related to the adoption of technology. The authors' discussions of “one-way” versus “two-way” thinking and the problem of control over the technology should be of interest to readers concerned with applying technology in guidance.  相似文献   
Counseling practice has not reflected current thinking about career development and career process. Four types of career counseling are described: Type 1, a traditional vocational counseling approach which helps the client with a specific decision; Type 2, which is concerned with teaching decision-making skills; Type 3, which views career development as a process rather than an end-point toward which all decisions lead; and Type 4, which focuses on creating in the individual the ability to utilize his own strengths to achieve self-determined objectives and to influence the nature of future opportunities.  相似文献   
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